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Everything posted by RassoP

  1. yeah, Crazy ghoul vault scientist... called Dr, Splocket lol, jks jks. but yeah, maby completly disabled would be a bad idea since the Pipboy is the biggest tool you'll use. limited fast travel and Hotkeys would work. oh and if realism mods arn't your thing, don't download them. its your choice. :biggrin: i dont like them much, but i prefer it over being stronger than an entire Enclave army as one unit, that just isnt fun, and fun is what a game is about.
  2. i was thinking it wouldnt be totaly disabled. you could fast-travel to major citys only (Megaton, Tennpenny, Vaults..... ect.) and changing weapons would be limited to Hotkeys. (if you havent assigned any it would be wise to do so) putting the player in a situation of last resort. fallout, for me, is getting annoying. im lvl 16 and NOTHING can stop me. (i dont use God Mods) i have a arsnal of high-tech weaponary to disintergrate any resistence in my line of fire. with this mod it could bring back some of the thrill of an ambush back. right now if im ambushed ill pull out a tesla cannon and *POW* nothing but limbs, id like it be more <Ambush> oh no! pipboy shot! <pull out my old Asault Rifle> this it?! fine... -.- <ABSALUTE FIREFIGHT!>
  3. true. my point still stands. nothing is indestructable
  4. yay, im the first to post.... wait this is my page...
  5. yeah, stanley does say you could drop a bomb on it, but the Vault-tec vaults (most of em) didnt do so well on the surviving side. 98 or whatever was over-run by radroaches.... besides, he didnt say it would be bullet-proof.
  6. yo, ill help. i can plan stuff pritty well so ill get some drawings and stuff coming in =3 im not so good with the whole scripting, GECK or building stuff tho...
  7. cool, i would do it myself but im still learning 3D Rendering and im not even gonna atemt scripting...
  8. -.- scanner broke... just my luck, ill get a new one asahp
  9. ill draw some crude ideas and scan 'em in, just to get you in direction i was thinking :biggrin:
  10. ever noticed you can be blown limb from limb yet your pipboy is crystal clean? i had an idea that NPCs can disable your pipboy by shooting, exploding or hitting it. once hit there could be exposed wires, sparks, cracked screen and it becomes nothing but a clamp on your arm. it could be fixed at a crazy scientist NPC who worked for Vault-Tec, he could repair it for you at a cost of 2 Scrap metal and 100 caps or 50 Pre-War Money(hes crazy, remember) after reapir it could be re-textured automaticly so there is patches of metal welded on and rusty metal keeping it together. hell, just an idea. please give feedback and expand the idea if you wish.
  11. awsome pic =3
  12. i completly agree with Gaikotsu, kudos for you my friend
  13. if you think about it, theres no down side to furry. apart from masses of strange porn... which btw make me vomit. not all furrys are crazy...
  14. hahaha well i dont like to show my hammer and sickle ^^ проклятье, они узнавали Код!
  15. so, anyone care to help expand on the storyline? PS. also can anyone post some links to quest-building tuts ^^
  16. thers nothing wrong with being a furry. if anything its a social improvement.
  17. GECk is simple to grasp... well the basics are i still dont understand all this Navmesh and Cell Blockade bull*ban me*
  18. nice, na its ok bout no GECK exp. ill set up new group Omega Modders on Xfire. tell me your name and ill invite you
  19. i have this problem with putting textures on weapons, i can change them in GECK but when i play the game there not there... but i can put textures on apparel and it works fine.... plz HELP
  20. for name i have 'Quarantine Modders' just a idea we will be set-up on Xfire --- http://www.xfire.com/
  21. fain enuf, well thats how the Crimelord started then ^^
  22. what about the Enclave, they seem like the most govermental organizstion on fallout, anywho D.C has to rebuild its self.
  23. ADDON--- 50 Caps then asks you to steal back his 'Mutalated Leg' from Nathan & Manya in Megaton, Nathan & Manya are deadly Super-Assasins hired by the BoS to help stop Crime. you can either stay with 50 Caps or join the BoSCPA (ohh fireworks outside... anywho back on topic) The Brotherhood of Steel Crime Prevention Agency led by famous Von Kriplespac and his army of Badass Crime-Busting Power-armoured Idiots, AKA: BCBPAI
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