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Everything posted by Daermonster
[SSE] Overlord 2 mod for Skyrim SE /AE
Daermonster replied to Drakehus's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
User picture checks out... I've been playing o2 lately maybe I'll give it a crack! -
all dogs go to sovngarde v3
all dogs go to sovngarde has what you need
honorhaul overhaul extreme does pretty much exactly that. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/46426
Someone bought me Premium membership before and now I would like to repay the favor but I can't figure out how and google search came up empty... How do I give Nexus monies!!!!??? :) Again to clarify, I want to buy it for someone else not myself.
Hello, Daermonster here. As some of you already know and have been following I've been developing a mortal kombat mod. Soon the new MK movie will be released, April 16th to be precise. I would like this mod to be pretty polished up before I release it but I would also like to release it on the same day as the movie. The mod is currently very close to being finished, probably about a month given my rate of work. So I'm here to try and recruit 2-3 fellow mod makers to join a "friendly alliance" with me... (get it like the game deadly alliance?) I've got basic things left to accomplish nothing with crazy enai level skills is needed to apply. Character placement, combat perks traits spells. Weapon damage armor rating tweaks. Most of the navmesh is completed but there's still some to do. Adding the music to outworld, I already added it to an interior as that's easier than an exterior space. Lot's of tidying things up character appearance tweaks testing etc. I am hoping to get 2-3 serious people on board with me so we can whip this out by april 16th, I would upload it but everyone would be an equal partner on EVERYthing. If this is something you are interested in, again basic modding skills are needed nothing super advanced. If you too would like to see this released by the same day as the movie and want to help message me and we can talk more.
So in the last couple months I have had to add my first favorited site, I mostly use nexus and don't have any favorite sites until recently. But in the last few months nexus has been down or offline so much I have to use the site "isitdown.com" to check and see when nexus will be back up and online. So now I have a total of 2 favorites, nexus mods, and isitdown (for nexus mods) Why does nexus crash more than any website I've ever seen in my 33 years alive? I've never had to use a website checker so often that I had to make it a favorite page. What is happening behind the scenes at nexus to cause such worrisome unstable issues?
Many times I've released some terriffic work only to have it get swallowed up by the plethora of sloot/texture/follower/house mods that inundate this site. Getting proper visibility is a huge part of releasing a mod. Having an extra 5 slots could mean an extra 1-12 hours of frontpage visibility which can make or break a mods success. There are 25 spaces on the frontpage for people to post pictures. I've seen xxx sites hijack the picture section and start posting porn a couple times now. That means we have 25 slots for a possible porn hijackings and 20 slots for actual playable material. PLEASE make the front page show the last 25 mods to be uploaded, sincerely me and the hundreds of quality modders whom have had their work forgotten about because we needed that 347th cabbage texture on the front page instead.
All dogs go to sovngarde has what you're looking for, short quest and all, pets are nameable many different breeds.
SSE Dovahkiin - Collector of Books porting
Daermonster replied to Anvillior's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
took a look, the permissions are locked looks like a no go. -
DMT's Blades patrols and Dragon pyres https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/38758 DMT's Skyhaven Extreme Restoration https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/39028 Both add blades patrols, kinda gotta say that this post sparked me making both mods. Gotta pick 1 or the other I just merged the Blades Patrol mod into the Skyhaven mod. I just reread the post and I will be making the blades patrol to dragon mounds because thats dope!
SSE Mod request to honor my dachshund's passing
Daermonster replied to jenperc's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
author of all dogs go to sovengarde here, try that mod i just kentioned, in the meantime ill try and get the dauschund model working. -
7 months ago @ register is not a year... Thanks for the advice though, I hope your this helpful in real life. Golly it's not everyday you get to meet Capt. Obvious, I'm awe-struck :)
@Dark0ne... I'm sorry for how many molehills are being turned into mountains in your life because of the Nexus. I am utterly thankful to you for putting up with all the stress this job has brought unto you. I would like to apply to become a community manager for Nexus. I hope my humble services and vast knowledge of skyrim and modding can be of use to Nexus... What can I do to help?
LE Agent of Kyne (Kynareth) Kyne's Sacred Trials Mod
Daermonster replied to masterofreason's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
Great idea I'm on it... This is why people need to post on the forums because us mod authors cant think of everything -
LE Better Spouse AI (i.e. leave the house)
Daermonster replied to evan12's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
Very doable in theory, my hangup is scripting the new ai package to only start once you are married... Let me look at the packages I think I just figured it out I'll update ya. -
LE HUGE SPOILER ( i need a mod for this )
Daermonster replied to bloodoftheancients's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
This has been an idea floating around for literally over a decade... Ive seen ppl post this that long ago... In thr words of Maury, you are, not that seed's father. -
AS A MODDER, I have no freaking idea how to update my mod to work with the newest skse version... I have searched and searched and now I'm at the point where I feel I must give up. The only topics I can find misunderstand my question entirely. I don't care how to install or update skse itself, how do I turn my once compliant with skse mod creation into being compliant with the newest version of skse...
Oh boy I am definitly gonna make this a reality, best idea i've seen in months! keep your eyes peeled
I have a mod in developtment that is adding true blood characters ( among many other shows which I won't list because I don't want copy cats) they will be followers. Any character in particular you wish to see? If you say suki just go away I hate her dumbass lol
https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/3176 Dopest little riverwood home period.
Nobody knows about my mod :sad: Check out All Dogs Go To Sovngard ADGTS This does exactly that. I've even got more dog types than dogs of skyrim. Please endorse so others can find thier perfect pooch as well. read the description.
Most already know about the Ck fixes mod... Then there's obvious ones like BAE, SSEDIT, NifOptimizer... But somebody just clued me in to using Additem menu to check out armor my mods add and make sure textures etc are loaded properly. This will save me heaps of time in the future. It also got me thinking about other mods that ya'll might use that help you make a mod better and faster. Maybe a savegame start file you'd recommend? I dunno, I'm just curious as to what else I could be missing that can make my life and workload easier... So what if anything do you use that may seem like "duh" to you but might be overlooked by greenhorns like me. (I'm not really a greenhorn btw, it just seems less embarrassing if I say I am lol.)
Pirates is my favorite mod for skyrim, and it's the motivation behind the mod I'm making called Knights Of Talos so It's very appropriate to have the BIZ comment. Pirates is not out for SSE (just you wait BIZ as soon as you are 2 years inactive I WILL FINALLY HAVE PERMISSION TO PORT MUAHAHAHAHA!!!! Unless I can have permission to port sooner?) Until then I gotta make my own "pirates" mod which is how this topic got started in the first place. Hindsight I think I posted this topic in the oldrim boards... northern enc is an oldrim mod...