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Everything posted by Beefyh

  1. I can't take screenies, my screenshots are twisted and grayscale and would be on low graphics anyways. So if you could do that, that would be great. frostcraig might take some, but it is his gift thingy. Thanks for all the support guys!
  2. lol, this has got to be the most original mod I've seen. Looks great too. Btw, Lhammonds YOU'RE OVER NINE THOUSAND!!!! EDIT by LHammonds: Yep, even though I edit a lot of peoples posts. hehehe
  3. http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=1888 KCAS, There are optional esps for slower leveling, and as for the minor skills type in: player.setav speechcraft 1 player.setav alteration 1 etc..
  4. I'm not sure exactly what steam ruins, but it doesn't work well with some mods. This is my personal favorite leveling mod. KCAS You set everything when you install it, and once when it runs. (Though the only thing I set when it runs is maximum level, the rest is not needed.) I believe the nature ones are compatible. I don't understand the limitless gold. Custom race mods are mainly for beauty. There are a couple unique races, but overall they're mainly aesthetic. Vanilla means unmodded. And your character sounds good ^^
  5. So this is basically going to be clothing? Sounds fun. I always wondered why there was no cool black clothing besides the black robes.
  6. It's just not the same. :sweat: That's a tear for my purposes :) Anyways, Lightsabers weren't what he was into if i recall. If anyone made a blaster that would be kickawesome
  7. You are currently viewing your own profile? :P Whats up?
  8. What were you thinking of helping with?
  9. Never mind, I guess we are using Freewebs now. I also see HellsMaster wants to help. Frostcraig, you might have to edit out some parts of the website after I get done. There will be profanity :) Edit: http://lordfrostcraig.webs.com/ There ya go
  10. Look into Wrye Bash bashed patch tweak settings. setactorzoom or some such.
  11. I second this. I loved killing Bendak over and over. I made a save just to pwn him. I am thinking if this is made the armor should be one piece instead of gloves boots etc. Is tidier in inventory and it's not like you'll only wear the boots.
  12. 0.o That Khajiit has daddy issues. In any case, I've reinstalled lots of times and it does this every time. I'll have to look into this.
  13. Yes. And did you say mod? idk what the dogs name is, but I assumed it was ushnar.
  14. Meh. This would be possible I suppose. It just seems kind of user unfriendly to force someone to use unlimited rings. Is there any other way to do this?
  15. lmao, whatever moves the donkey.

    Speaking of which... some of these people... :P Penny for their thoughts and you know what you get? Change.

  16. I don't know if someone answered this, and if they did I am sorry. Ushnar's dog. I think 5 aggression is still too much. I didn't realize why until I read this, but whenever I started a Shivering Isles game the townspeople would just MURDER that thing. I think it chases the Khajiits around and always get killed somehow. This is unmodded Oblivion btw. Just thought I'd throw it out there :)
  17. I agree, if this is done, it might be better to just leave swordplay and bows in. 200 of living underground doesn't do much for technology.
  18. @Devjiro You're welcome feel free to ask anything, and somebody will most likely help you. @SaintAnon I have TweakOblivion. It works pretty good, but I have seen no options for cores, only ram. I might be a complete noob and not know if these are intersecting in the ini or not.
  19. Lol, like they have to try to make it replayable. 600+ hours, hows that for $20 at Wally World?
  20. Is publicly announcing that you will endorse all of someone's mods accepted? :P Seems kind of like cheating but oh well.
  21. Well, it makes sense it a sort of twisted way. If you steal something, that item is considered "hot" property and people probably will report you if they see it. This would only make sense for recognizable weapons, armors, etc.. However how would they know that your fork is stolen?
  22. I don't understand... Anyways, I'll be using Wix instead, as suggested by Today.
  23. I think it does this automatically. Correct me if I am wrong. ... Now that I think about it, there is no performance hit when I take one of my cores offline for Oblivion. Maybe it doesn't?
  24. The keychain one :) Other "easy ones" are basically anything you can get your hands on that aren't deadly reflex or something in the top 20 files maybe? Sometimes the higher up they are the more user friendly they are. No it does not change them all. Only your unique ID.
  25. I don't know if you could put your files there... I haven't checked webs in a while and I don't know how much space it has available. I am thinking it will. If not, maybe mediafire?
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