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Everything posted by Beefyh

  1. I found competition for your setter. http://quizilla.teennick.com/user_images/E/EX/EXT/extraspecialnothing/1133242343_Beast_Wolf.jpg Try that 1 :)
  2. 3 HAHAHAHA. You missed the joke :) Wolf got it though http://y2u.co.uk/Knowledge_Information/I_zq5/RN_Animal_Gray_Wolf_8.jpg
  3. Gosh that thing is ornery. Wolf wasn't staring though. Wolf was laughing and probably forgot what happened 2 seconds ago. He's a 'special' wolf :) 1
  4. 1 Im outta wolfie pics. :( I'll find more :)
  5. Silly wolf laughs at you Aurielius. http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/244/f/4/one_silly_wolf_again_by_woxys-d2xsd9i.jpg -© Woxys
  6. That would be a two. 3 Wolf is amused at your feeble attempts granny. http://ksax.com/ksaxImages/gray%20wolf.jpg ha. ha. ha.
  7. :( Im gonna get to 20. INTENT STARE ACTIVATE http://i167.photobucket.com/albums/u134/walkswithwolfphoto/wolf-4.jpg I have alllllll night :)
  8. 1 TRANSFORM BACK http://www.stephenblack.org/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/wolf_in__sheepsclothing_gs_1.jpg
  9. 1 TRANSFORM http://snoringwalrus.com/creations/photoshop/morphing/swong3c.jpeg
  10. 3 ... Wolf is not amused. Sit down now. http://www.whitewolfgallery.net/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/WolfPawBL.JPG 1
  11. Grrr. http://cache.desktopnexus.com/wallpapers/51638-bigthumbnail.jpg 1
  12. As I recall: I'm not leaving :) 1 I will always be waiting. :ninja:
  13. Mmmk. :) Sorry I'm just out of it. http://th01.deviantart.com/fs20/300W/i/2007/309/1/1/Black_Wolf_by_SolStock.jpg http://donnaleasimpson.files.wordpress.com/2009/06/black-wolf.jpeg
  14. Uh oh aurielius is watching 0.o Edit: same minute. darn. omgosh... 3 way tie. 'cept I lost :( 1
  15. 3 The tinkerbell one? She is not the nicest person ya know... :pirate:
  16. 1 Well, gosh. Tell us next time you are getting chewed out so we can prepare :)
  17. No... but, he talked about how the community has changed for the worse. That, in my opinion, is one way it has changed. There haven't been a lot of good mods being featured lately besides the Golden Crest, Alluring potions, etc... I am glad that the hot files only have 1 'adult' mod as of now, but just weeks ago at least 3/4 of them were adult. Most everybody wants clicks, and the best way to do that is make BBB stuff. I have been 'lurking' around for a year now (mostly because I never realized there was a forum attached to the almighty Tesnexus :P) and it is mostly headed in this direction. It doesn't matter. I'm getting off - topic. Glad to see that you're back Imperial. :laugh:
  18. 1 And August is in the lead. Mostly because spring can't score anything but a 0.. :(
  19. I don't understand... The first one was just for fun. Disregard it. The second is what I think the head should be shaped like, and the third is what I think the body should be shaped like. Anyways, if you're doing this, Arladris probably has his own ideas. Wait until he comes back on. Edit: Is a side picture some kind of term? Sorry if I'm a noob :D
  20. Sounds good. Keep it up. :)
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