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Everything posted by ShadauxCat

  1. Super late, but since someone mentioned this having been requested before, I decided to look for the threads that requested it... What you want is now available here: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/52648/? :)
  2. Super late, but since someone mentioned this having been requested before, I decided to look for the threads that requested it... What you want is now available here: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/52648/? :)
  3. What mod does this esp come from? I don't recognize it, but I don't want to disable it until I know what it is. >.<
  4. Hello, Nexus forumgoers. I'm ShadauxCat, creator of the soon-to-be-released Tactical Ammunition mod, which adds tracer, incendiary, explosive, high explosive incendiary (HEI), and poison-coated ammunition to Fallout 3 for all bullet-using vanilla guns. Because I have a strong sense of quality and don't want to release a product that hasn't been adequately tested yet, I'm seeking beta testers to help me find and weed out any bugs that the mod may have, which I may not have already caught myself. I've got no requirements except that you be willing to communicate with me regularly (preferably on instant messenger if available, though private messages on the forums are acceptable if not) about your experiences with the mod. This mod has been a very large project for me, which I've been working on for a year or longer, and I'm very happy to be nearing the first public release of the mod. If you're interested in testing, please send me a private message, including instant messenger information (if available) so I can keep in touch with you throughout the testing process, and I'll send you a link to the file on my server so you can test it. This will be a short open beta as I've done a lot of internal testing on my own and I'm eager to get the file out to the public. Assuming I have at least 3-4 active testers, I expect the beta will end in about a week if no major issues are found, at which point I will officially release the mod to the public.
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