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About pinzig

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  1. That could work. Also, perhaps, concrete bunker with air filtration system (would require science perk to build, and power from generator I think) I see no reason we can't build more than shack foundations in concrete. Perhaps use lead in the construction to lead line walls?
  2. Taking, as a given, that "Father" is in fact the sole survivor's son plus 60 years. The intitute has, on a personal level: Brutally murdered the survivor's spouse (not to mention all the other frozen people in 111) Stolen their son. Stolen 60 years of upbringing and life experience of said son. The man that confronts the survivor in the intitute is son by biology only, any chance of teaching... learning.. passing on, by nurture, those things that a parent does for a child.. gone. Stolen, destroyed in cryostasis. That son has been, after 60 years, completely brainwashed and turned morally bankrupt. Justifying things like: Roaming synth bands. Kill and replace humans with synth infiltratiors: Art, McDonough, Warwick, etc. This is not stuff that happened decades ago under the bad old Institute chief, these are things that are occurring RIGHT NOW. There are other things, but the bottom line is that even if "Father" IS Shaun, he is a product of the Institute, raised and taught and practicing evil for 60 years, who flipped the switch on thawing his bio-parent as a golden years hobby. Not much good there, not at all.
  3. Oil powered doesn't quite cut it. There is still friend or foe identification, fire control, etc. that involves circuits, sensors, and programming. I don't think we need to put in place a power requirement, but being able to connect a wire and have the turret speak with the terminal would be stellar. Nice comprehensive posts you've linked there. (:
  4. Not sure if this has been listed elsewhere, but why can't we have a structure in our settlement that serves as a bunker/shelter from rad storms? It would provide a place for you or your settlers to seek shelter from those devastating storms... It is very frustrating to have built a whole wasteland fortress but a storm blows through and nothing you built makes a lick of difference.
  5. Two things, I would like to see, for defenses. 1) Wired, connnected, terminal managed machine gun turrets. Every, single, other machine gun turret placed in the game gets wired to a terminal for control and direction - but player made MGTs are plop and forget. The powered turrets, (spotlight, laser, heavy laser, shotgun, rocket) all have this functionality; surely it would be easy to include the MGTs in the networking? I don't think we need to remove the plop and forget, but it would be nice to be able to swing a wire to one so that I could have all my settlement turrets networked to a console from which I could check on their repair status, and any other things that come to mind. 2)Fixed turrets on guard stations. How cool would it be to put a minigun on a mount, like we see on the vertibird, but on the front of a guard station. So when settlers go man that station they get a souped up gun to go with it. I know, you can give settlers weapons and they have functionally infinite ammo, but this would just be a very cool thing IMO.
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