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Everything posted by themasta09

  1. WORKING TRAINS & ROLLERCOASTERS - Thats what id love. Surely others must want this...? :wallbash:
  2. Hey guys, loving FNV..... Im very early into it and so far the thing what has made me say MOD ME MOD ME MOD ME, Is the wooden rollercoaster in Primm. I would love a made to get that going so we can take a ride and also look around whilst riding it??? So MOdders - can it be done???
  3. yep all 3 r there. i myself look 4ward to a country music style music mod being made.
  4. Hey guys, loving FNV..... Im very early into it and so far the thing what has made me say MOD ME MOD ME MOD ME, Is the wooden rollercoaster in Primm. I would love a made to get that going so we can take a ride and also look around whilst riding it??? So MOdders - can it be done???
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