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Status Updates posted by hollowman125

  1. why do people keep adding him and tell him to configure the "about me" page? hes just a bot hes not a living human being or anything
  2. thanks for making that blue :D
  3. can you make a christmas sheep?
  4. no not really. oh well thanks for trying though :)
  5. hey hows the zombie sheep coming along?
  6. hey if its not to much trouble, can you make a zombie sheep for me?
  7. hey what happened to your other sheep?
  8. may i ask what the whole disgusting pic of spiders etc. is about?
  9. hope so, if not i will remove it in a heart beat
  10. from pagan's sig (god i hope i don't get banned for my avatar) XD
  11. wait how did you go from having a pirate sheep to being the sheep commander i thought HM was lol
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