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    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. vvk78


      Of course, said gunphaser, would probably be the size of the Large Hadron Collider, but wooo, would it make a bang!


      A BIG BANG!


      Hold on, wasn't that how this universe was begun?!




      Our whole universe is a bloody cosmos-sized bullet!!!


      Hmmm, that makes me wonder what that cosmos-gun's barrel looks like.


      And even bigger hmmm.. who's holding the cosmos-gun ?!

    3. Deleted54170User


      I have Tesla Cannon's and if you purchase a crate I will throw in a focusing tip which acts also acts as a Light sabre for those close encounters. Plus I have an upgrade that will make your shots pop like a blackpowder blunder bust. But its most exqiusit feature is that when you hit the target the target explodes into array of exciting colors like a 4 of July sky star explosion. It is Great Fun at night. :- )
    4. brokenergy
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