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    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. vvk78


      Black Mesa has been in the making for ages. Glad to see it's been finally released.


      Ah, I miss the good old days of the LAN parties with hours of Half-Life, Quake and Unreal fraggin' fun.


      Anyhoo, I'm all excited for Borderlands2, since BL1 was the best a great co-op game.


      "We need guns... lots of guns!"

    3. Deleted54170User


      Guns! *Snaps fingers. Men and women pulling rolling plat trailers loaded with crates come into the room and surround us.* Gun's! What did you have in mind?
    4. vvk78


      An MP5 would do well for starters.


      Wait, hold on. Why settle for less?


      Does a phaser (think, Star Trek) count as a gun?

      I mean, can I call it a gun when there's no freakin' bullet in it?


      I think, if I could build a phaser that uses optics and kinetic energy to spit out a bullet at the speed of light, then that would count as a gun.



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