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About BobbyBrowne

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  1. just imagine being able to jump one location to another with one press of a button (and without the pip boy map screen) what i'm talking about is a location selection based method of jumping like the one in the new AVP game, only without restrictions and NO fall damage. This is accomplished with the V.A.T.S (vault automated targeting system) you select the space in which you want to jump and "BAM" you are flying across the map to your new-found location. This is, of course just a fun idea and in no way for use in any kind of serious situation. Be cool also to get some sort of slow/blur motion whilst jumping and the initial 3 seconds using the V.A.T.S. cam. Definitely hoping for a response cause iv'e been thinking for this one for about a year now.
  2. I'd like to play fallout 3 in third person but the the fact that multdirectional movement animation wasn't added into the game is incredible stupid on bethseda's part. :wallbash: that's why it would be cool for someone to do a mod that adds animation for all 4 diagonal movements (right diagonal fwd and backwd and left diagonal fwd and backwd) :thanks: thank you
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