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Everything posted by Justy311

  1. The settlement data bug is frequent and random. It seems to affect everything from settler amounts to actual happiness. Visiting will set it to the right amounts, but as soon as you go farther away it bugs out again. Once bugged, I havn't been able to figure out a way to make the settlement not bugged. Yeah. I read that and as such I've been sitting in Sanctuary for a while. It hits 88 and then starts to decline again even while I'm standing there in the town. I just don't get it... It's such a pain. Maybe I'll try to focus on The Castle or something to get the achievement.
  2. From what I've heard having at least one level 3 store helps increase happiness. So you could try that and see if it'll help get your happiness up higher. As for me... I'm level 50 and my Charisma is at 10, I haven't found the bobble head yet. (which will set it to 11) Maybe I need to just put the other 5 there? People have stopped coming to the beacon... but I have other settlements where I can send people there. I've also made sure to pull all my companions out of Sanctuary just to be sure. Mama Murphy is still there too, not sure if she's causing issues or not. As for Elliot, It's a known issue that if you don't return to the settlement regularly that the game gets confused. Sometimes it'll say you have 0 settlers, sometimes the beds will not register, etc. Just go to your settlement regularly (Like every 2 or 3 days in game if you can) so it doesn't mess up and it should help you increase your happiness. I'm not sure how you have 31 settlers... unless your companions are there also. As they have no effect on the happiness/cap (I think), even though they can help do work. 11 the cap for 'base charisma' and of course you can increase it a bit with gear... but 31 does seem a little high. XD
  3. I'm not sure what's going on here or if there is some kind of bug or something... But I have 15 settlers in Sanctuary right now. I have 6 level 3 stores, one of each type. Located in an enclosed building to protect them from rain etc. (Not that I think that really matters but I did it just in case.) I have 30 food, Mutfruit mostly but also some corn and melons. I have 66 water, mostly in the form of purifiers out in the nearby water but a few water pumps near each house too. I have 28 beds, a few in custom created buildings so I know the have a floor and a roof while the rest are in the original buildings (which should be fine.) I have 110 defense, quite a few non-powered turrets and a few missile launching turrets. I have 1 supply line running out of Sanctuary and 3 running into Sanctuary. I have 50 power, though power is said to have no effect on happiness. My happiness reaches 88, and then declines back down to 78. Over and over in a loop and I have no idea why. By everything I've seen in the game and even some things I've read here and there while experiencing this problem... I should have no problem getting to 100 happiness. Everything is in over abundance. These bastards want for nothing... so does anyone have any idea why it's stuck in this loop or anything I should do to break it?
  4. Yeah. I know there are a lot of things to factor in and I some how doubt I'll be getting something top of the line. I'm going to ask for the GTX 970 and hope for the best, but I've also given her the two recommended cards from the Fallout 4 requirements and the older GTX 660 that was mentioned here too. It should be enough options that she can find something... or at least enough options that someone at the store can help her find something. We'll see. I appreciate all the help.
  5. http://support.hp.com/us-en/document/c04079597 This would be my current PC. Which might not be the best out there, but considering most things I get are gifts... I can't complain about it. The video card came with it in a bundle deal if I remember correctly, but either way there are the specs I currently have. It all comes down to the simple fact I'm asking for a present and a new computer again this year might be a bit much. Which is why I'm asking for a graphics card instead. 300 is actually a high estimate but I'm hoping that some of those in that price range hit a sale on Black Friday or close too it. I'll definitely keep the GTX 970 on the list. It's a bit more than I want to ask for, but not enough it should break the bank. Who knows, maybe my mother in law will be nice and chip in for once... doubt it... but a guy can hope!
  6. I agree that unbreakable would probably be a bit much, but people can play their own way. I wouldn't mind seeing a 'slower degradation' mod though, similar to the Fusion Core drain mod. One that lets people customize how quickly their armor gets damaged... could even do something like changing the 'armor health' mod into something with various levels of strength so it also requires the mod slot for some balance.
  7. I'm not sure if it works or not, but there is a 'bDisableAllGore=0" in the .ini. Maybe just try setting that to 1? It's worth a shot. There is also 'bBloodSplatterEnabled=1', which I assume can be turned off by setting it to 0 and that should keep the blood off your camera.
  8. I'm kind of tired of only getting 15-30 frames per second on medium settings. I've tried a few of the 'performance boost' tweaks but none of them really fit for me, so I'm asking for a new video card for Christmas. Right now I have an AMD Radeon HD 8670D, which obviously came with the computer. I'm looking for something that can run Fallout 4, doesn't have to be on Ultra or anything, just something that can handle it smoothly and be able to run some future games as well. Preferably something under 300 dollars, or something that'll be on sale on Black Friday. I've looked around here and there myself, but I seem to have expensive taste and the ones I like are all 500+ dollars. So, I'm looking for a few options. Hints I can drop my wife that wont break the Christmas budget... since we have more people to buy for than just me!
  9. There have been a number of black retextures, but no one has seemed to touch the metal armor. If at all possible, I'd love to see a black retexture with less or no rust for all types (normal, sturdy, heavy) and all mods.
  10. 1. Scrap All of selected item, or at the very least scrap more than one of any kind of armor or weapon. If I have 10 raider right arms, I shouldn't have to sit there and scrap them all 1 by 1. Another thing that should of been default but, Bethesda can be lazy. 2. All workbenches/crafting stations connected/share resources.... or at the very least all settlement ones once they are opened. I thought it was supposed to work this way, but for some reason mine is tied to the settlement only... so if I want to work on another settlement, I have to loot all my junk and haul it somewhere else.
  11. Yeah. I doubt we'll see this until people can play with meshes, skeletons, etc. I -think- the reason it was left out of the default game is because of the new way Power Armor works. It's easier to just make them disappear than to try and alter the positioning depending on if you're in power armor or not and if you are what type of armor and what type of modifications you have on it, etc. It was lazy... but I can understand it a little bit.
  12. I think people forget that New Vegas was actually created by Obsidian. Bethesda has never included a 'hardcore' or 'realistic needs' option to their game. I wasn't really expecting them to do so this time around. I highly doubt they wanted to appear to be copying Obsidian's designs either, but knew that there needed to be something extra, hence survival mode. That being said, I agree that this is a mod that needs to happen. I doubt it will until the GECK is released sometime next year though. I am curious as how to work a realistic needs with the survival mode. It should be pretty intense given the slow healing time in survival and damage buffs that the enemies get.
  13. Yeah, so... I was messing around in Sanctuary today when I noticed something that seems... I don't know. Sloppy is too nice a word. Most of the borders in Sanctuary are okay. A mild annoyance in some areas, but this one area in particular is just horrible. I'm not sure if the borders can be altered without the GECK, sadly probably not, but if anyone could work magic with it I'd love you guys. http://i68.tinypic.com/i2lx0w.jpg as you can see in the screen shot, for some reason these sections of fence are outside the border when they shouldn't be. They are obviously part of the Sanctuary settlement. It's bad enough that I have this one piece that's floating and refuses to delete. I've even tried selecting the pieces and using 'disable' or even 'mark for delete' codes, but when clicking on one of the objects in the console you get the error 'you selected an item without a ref ID' or something along those lines. So you can't even fix it that way. But hell, if anyone knows a work around or something I'm not thinking of. Please.. anything that can help. XD Floating fence pieces are not fun.
  14. Yeah. I'm not sure either, unless you add them via magazines instead of actual perk trees. It's the only way I can think of doing it as a 'work around'. But that alone raises the question of where to hide the magazines, or triggers to add the perk to the player.
  15. Ahhhh, yeah. No. That thread as a massive list of console commands, which is great and all... but I'm looking for the actual game settings for the setgs console command. Like Setgs fpickpocketmaxchance 100 sets the maximum chance to pick pocket an item to 100% instead of 90% setgs fpickpocketminchance 100 sets the minimum chance to pick pocket an item to 100% instead of 1% (or whatever the real base value is.) setgs ihackingmaxwords 1 sets the maximum words displayed while hacking a terminal to 1 (so auto complete) setgs ihackingmaxwords 30 sets the maximum words displayed while hacking a terminal to 30 (makes it much harder to find the correct word) etc. Some are in the game's directory but don't seem to function correctly or at all... such as setgs fplayerdetectionsneakmult which should make it easier/harder for you to be detected while sneaking setgs fvatschance which should allow you to change the maximum hit chance in vats (which is normally capped at 95) setgs fvatshitchancemult the multiplier to your chance to hit in vats. setgs factionpointsrestorerate should change the rate your AP regens but yeah, I was looking for a list of those commands and maybe a list of working/nonworking ones as it seems some of them have been changed in some way, similar to the 'showracemenu' no longer functioning. Instead it's a 'showlookmenu' or something like that.
  16. Which one? I did a few searches for Setgs and Game Settings and came up empty. If you have a link, I'll love ya!
  17. I'm not 100% on this, haven't tested it... but I think the perks are actually separate IDs. Which means you can use the console to add them. I am going to be interested in seeing how people mod the perk tree, given the new 'chart' instead of just a simple dot like Skyrim.
  18. I think the marriage is just an easy way to do the char gen. I personally like it a lot better than the 'here is a digital mirror, tell me what you look like' thing. There is the underlying point that not only are you doing char gen for your own character, but a combination of the two will be used to auto gen Shaun. Or, at least that's what was said. So, swapping it to a same sex with an adoption could be a potentially heavy scripted mod. Because not only are you changing one sex to another and all those markers, but also altering what your 'adopted' child is going to look like. So, I don't think it really has to deal with anti-gay marriage. Beth has pretty much always been open to that, at least in the games I've played. It's just the fact that they are giving you a char gen, but also using that char gen to create a unique NPC based on both the mother and father.
  19. Has anyone managed to compose a list of working setgs console commands yet? I've been playing around with it here and there and I've found some that work, but others that seem like the should work.. don't.
  20. So, Prior to the NMM my mods were working well enough and things were smooth. I use CBBE Curvy, with the included face texture for women and Better Males Favored Soul Flaccid with the Younger Faces for men. I didn't have any issues with hands/feet seams, but the update seemingly broke a lot of things, even though I didn't appear to have the forever time, or any errors. Since then I've uninstalled (through the right click) and reinstalled all my mods AND started a new game... but for some reason Males and Females alike both have a really noticeable wrist and ankle seam. Which is just odd, seeing as I'm not mix-matching things and I'm not sure what to do about it. My neck seams is hardly noticeable.. it's just the wrist and ankles. Any thoughts? Oh and I tried to use the CBBE texture blender for the women. No luck there, same seam.
  21. ( http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/15467/? ) Perhaps this is what you're looking for? It doesn't say in the description that it requires SKSE and it doesn't mention it when you click to download it like most do. That could just be an oversight of the mod creator though. It's the closest thing I could find.
  22. I can't think of anything that makes them last forever, but I do know that if you use SkyTweak ( http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/33395/? ), you are able to alter the duration of Conjuration spells in the 'Magic' Menu and also there is another area you can buff in the 'Actor Value' menu. While it may not be forever, you can set it to a pretty high point and they should (in theory. I don't use that many conjuration summons) practically last until they die. Just be warned that anything outside of the 'Actor Value' edits (I believe) everything. So you'd be making NPCs have long summons too. Alternatively, if you know your way around the CK... I think you can alter the perk that doubles your summon time to multiply the value by like 1000 or something to get a similar effect. I'm not sure on that one though, as it's not something I use.
  23. Yeah. I usually play an Imperial... and wanted a change. I generally mess around with the player.setscale instead of using the height thing and wanted to be sure I didn't need to up the height just to make it 'base'. ESO kind of freaked me out a bit on the heights of things, so I didn't want to be an insanely short High Elf or something.
  24. With Race Menu there is a 'height' option that allows you to adjust your characters height and some other various things. This does not seem to be tied to the 'scale' option. (IE: If you set your height to 1.2 in race menu and create the character and do a player.getscale it doesn't show you as being set to 1.2 but to '1 (with base of X.X).) Some races are taller or shorter than others. Such as Wood Elves have a base scale of .98 at scale 1 and High Elves have a base scale of 1.08 at scale 1. My question is this... If I make a high elf character, do I need to set the height option to 1.08 for it to be it's 'base scale' or do I leave it at 1 in the character creation. I haven't really run into this problem because I usually play characters that are "scale 1 (with base scale 1)", but I'm wanting to try something different and go with a High Elf, but I don't want him to be strangely short or overly tall for his race. Just the same basic height as other High Elves (which is already taller than everyone else IIRC).
  25. Immersive Speechcraft gives you this option along with several others. Though it is tied to your Speech skill, so if you have a low skill you're less likely to succeed. With it you can make anyone follow you (with high enough skill), get help in a fight if you run up and ask for help, trick people, trade with anyone (equipped items and keys don't seem to be in the barter menu), mug people (or get beat up trying), etc. I think if you have 'Vampire Seduction' you should also be able to pull off the 'come with me/kill' type situations.
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