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  1. So i was just up north in Mor Khazgur having a little chat with the Orc Chief Larak and when i asked for work he challenged me to a fistfight .... with a 100gold bet attached to it. that's soo lame. really wished you could fight for honor, maybe even get a fancy title like "Friend of the Tribe" or something like that in case you best the best of the best and maybe, just maybe as a friend of the tribe you would even be allowed to use their forge and stuff and get a cozy straw mat in on of the huts to use free of charge (obviously you would have to be prohibited from all that in the first place). no monetary gain, no discounts on their wares, just his tribe's respect and the beginning of a long-lasting friendship with the chief (or not that long-lasting if his son decides to step up to claim leadership). i think there could be a whole lot cool stuff with the orcs. as it is in vanilla, well ...it's a shame really totally undercooked (i know, i know it's TESV: Skyrim, not TES5: Orsinium, still....)
  2. oh, haha, should have checked the pinned post first. thanks for the help.
  3. hi, when i try to get the 1 month membership, the loading circle spins but then it just directs me to the forum with the error message displayed below. 1 month membership is automatically selected, but i also tried selecting another option and then re-selecting the 1 month plan. i am using "content block helper" as an adblocker, but i whitelisted nexus and nexus forums. (also tried deactivating it completely temporarily just now, no difference). ps: i also thought i had already bought a lifetime plan at some point, but i really can't tell anymore.
  4. so the rumours about the mole rat people were true all along^^ anyways, are you using vortex as mod manager? If so, check the folder structures and files of the mods you suspected to be the problem and then check your data folder if vortex really removed them, because if you happened to have any tool open (loot, wrye bash, xEdit,...) while doing stuff in vortex, it might only appear as if vortex removed the mods.
  5. Did you try disabling vsync in the ini settings (easiest way to do it is via BethINI, look for it here on nexus mods, it's a tool which lets you make easy changes to your ini files). I had the problem with very low fps barely getting over 40, but often would dip down to 20 or worse, after disabling vsync, my fps were in the 2000s in main menu and between up to 140 (at which i had capped it earlier ingame, depending on where i am (boston area is very demanding, so sometimes i barely get there 60 at which i have capped it now), it also sometimes dips when i'm at the armor or weapons workbench for some reason. oh, i also disabled vsync in nvidia control panel, but that might not be necessary Edit: don'*t know if the amd equivalent to the nvidia control panel has that feature, but in ncp you can cap your fps at a custom value. Many people are saying you shouldn't run fallout at more than 60fps due to running it at higher fps gives papyrus scripts less time to work their magic, possibly messing up your saves. in any case, i wouldn't recommend running it at more than 140fps, when i didn't had it capped initially beyond 140fps the game started to act weird.
  6. hi, this one, please. especially with slow-firing weapons like the scatter blaster it's ridiculous, i'm in the middle of engagements and just holster my weapon, because i didn't use it for a second?! ugh. best thing would be if we could disable the auto-holster altogether, but if that's not possible, i'd also settle with an increase of the time it takes until you auto-holster by 5 seconds or so. i really don't understand why hello games made the timer for this so short, while also implementing a way to holster your multitool manually (hold "reload" key), which is totally useless, since you holster it in no time anyways.
  7. i got some mods for which you can set hotkeys, including SkyUI, but i don't see how that could cause problems. as for overlay stuff, i changed quickload to F10, so that i didn't have to remap geforce experience's recording feature. anyways, it happens only occasionally, i guess i just ignore it.
  8. hi, please watch the linked video to listen to the sound. https://youtu.be/TIbIcRqeKnc i don't really know when it started, but this sound effect is following me when i'm in solitude and only exterior, not in the houses, but it's also not everywhere, if i fast travel from blue palace to the main gate, the sound effect needs some time (half a minute aprox.) to "reach" me (can't outrun it though). I know that its sound category is AudioCategorySFX, since i can mute it with the slider for that category, but i can't really tell what it is exactly. it sounds to me somewhat like if someone is turning a page of a book or so, but that sounds different (at least when i'm turning pages of books in my inventory). Has anyone an idea, what this sound is (and how i might get rid of it)? sexchange, suicide, saving/reloading, qtd didn't work i also removed everything from my inventory except for a few quest items, which are all probably not the cause for this, also it's only in solitude as far as i can tell and it's definitely not present in skyrim/tamriel world space, since it isn't there if i just exit normally through the solitude front gate. Edit: as far as i can tell it's not a "turning of a page" sound effect, it neither sounds like that when i do it in the inventory nor does it sound like an npc turning a page in a book.
  9. hi, every once in a while after alt-tabbing, my controls reset to the default controls. sometimes i'm able to get them back by alt-tabbing some more, but problem is, when it happens, it then happens even when not alt-tabbing, but after any actions ingame, like casting a spell -> reset, loading a new cell -> reset, and so on. edit: actually it's not to default, just thought it were, since if it happens i can only sprint with alt, which is the default, but my sneak key is still "c", as i set it, whereas default is ctrl. so, no idea, it doesn't reset to default, but to whatever. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ edit 2: noticed, that alt isn't the sprint key when the controls bug out, but just the walk fast key and oh yeah, the default speed changes to a crawl (slow walk) then. also, they aren't reset in the control settings, but the controls behave like they were. i don't know if this is caused by a mod/tool or if it's a vanilla problem. sometimes i can play for hours without any problems, but then suddenly, it happens again. os: windows 10 cpu: amd ryzen 7 2700x input scheme: english (UK), german layout. i got two other schemes installed, but in general i'm using the one mentioned keyboard: logitech g910 mechanical & logitech gaming software, but no profile set for skyrim se installation folder: not in system folder skyrim se, skse, papyrus newest versions loadorder: might look weird to some, but all necessary patches are included, just merged some of them. as for skse, engine fixes and so on, i installed them in a way, to make sure they are deployed to the correct folders. i also forwarded a lot of stuff into later plugins, in case you wonder about the last plugins in the list and their order. mod list
  10. Hi, Wrye Bash detected some UDR, which weren't picked up by XEdit (or XEdit, just didn't bother to clean them, idk), now I have no idea what i'm about these. I can type in the form ID in XEdit, but that doesn't really tell me, what to do about the UDR or which entry is the one causing problems. Hopefully someone here can help me with this. UDR in question: Example of what one of the entries looks like in XEdit (used the second from above):
  11. quick update: i tweaked my loadorder a bit (not much), rearanged my bashed patch and did some manual editing of the bashed patch in xedit, though only leveled lists, so i didn't expect it to help against the ctds. anyways, i tried again how the game works outisde riverwood and it worked flawlessly, 4 hours no ctd, but when i got back to riverwood, ctd after 5 minutes, so it's definitely something which is present in riverwood or the problem gets amplified there. going to deactivate riverwood specific stuff now, like player homes, trying to delay uninstalling etac as much as possible.
  12. All the mods i activated are also shown as activated in the game, I also got rid of everything i was carrying, but still no change, though not really surprising, since my other speeds were unaffected, it's only that the walk speed is super slow (but i'm pretty sure it's the regular walk speed for people playing with keyboard). anyways, the mod just plain out refuses to work for me and i still have not the slightest idea why.
  13. As it is shown in the loadorder I posted above, the mod is activated or do you mean that the engine might not load it, despite being activated?
  14. Hi, right now i'm trying to get more familiar with the modding tools at my disposal, making more manual edits, since I hit a wall with automated processes on my extensive load order. There is a lot I want to know, but right now I only got 2 questions: 1. Isn't it generally better to not include Skyrim.esm leveled lists into the bashed patch? I mean if you trust that the mod creators of mods you use which contain changes to skyrim.esm's leveled lists knew what they were doing? 2. (actually some more, but all surrounding this one issue) Can someone help me understand what exactly I am seeing here: Does this just mean the info from plugin 1 isn't present in plugin 2 and the bashed patch (plugin 3) incorporating the entry from plugin 1 is just unnecessary, because it would have loaded anyways or did plugin 2 change the entry to remove the leveled list entry, so that it isn't loaded by the game engine, but the bashed patch reversed that change? Thanks for any insight you can give me on this.
  15. I'm not above my carrying limit aka not overburdened. I use the wrye bash tweak "Actor: Strength Encumbrance Multiplier: 8" (default is 5), but i don't think that should matter?! ATM i'm at something around 260/325 I'll try again later with empty inventory, but as said earlier, i'm not overburdened. as for slow walk, slow walk is the default walk for players who play with mouse/keyboard. if you play with a gamepad you can actually walk faster plus run and sprint, at least that's what i've heard. keyboard: slow walk -> run -> sprint gamepad: slow walk steplessly variable to walk via analog stick -> run -> sprint
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