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Everything posted by Hoekzema

  1. I have been playing skyrim for a while now duel wielding one handed swords and it bothered me that I stand around proudly wearing 2 swords. but when I sheath my swords I only have THE ONE IN MY RIGHT HAND hanging on my hip!!! The one in the left hand just sort of disappears. I know it would be hard to mod this. especially since there is no animation for grabbing your left hand sword, but I just thought it would be more realistic if it was hanging on your right hip. even if it means that it should just appear and disappear when grasped.
  2. I'm going to bump this so it doesn't drown in less significant threads ;)
  3. Btw guys, NEVERWINTER NIGHTS 2 SPOILER!!!!!!! for the ones who can't wait to own their own castle and bring profit to their lands. In the game Neverwinter nights 2 there is this awesome option where you get to lead 'crossroads keep' basicly a castle you get after doing some quests. Possible modder should check it out for some sweet idea's perhaps. MOAR SPOILERS! You can: - collect resources for your town's smith's who will in return upgrade your castle guards armor. - build a wizards tower. - build a guards tower. - monestary/ church. But the best of this game is that your preparing your castle for a huge attack. and the better you do the higher the chances are that your castle will still be standing at the end. SPOILER ENDS HERE! Someone please do this!!!! :D:D:D:D:D!! I've been looking for another castle manager game for ages. for all I know Baldur's gate 2 and Neverwinter Nights 2 are the only games that have this.
  4. Pff you have your wife to look after your kids right? Or your housecarl. and if they don't want to you'll just scream: GET BACK IN THE KITCHEN!!
  5. I agree that the whole marriage thing is way too short in this game. I already posted a addition I would enjoy: Family mod This Mod would add having the option to have children in the game. A bit like Fable, but less sucky :)
  6. Then you wouldn't be the dragonborn anymore.... well unless if you marry a dragon...... ew
  7. Hey guys, since you have the option of marriage in skyrim I thought it would be cool to have a mod that will allow you to have a baby with your spouse (Or adopt one if er.. making one isn't possible) So that you can have a child growing up which you can train into a follower. What are you're Idea's, opinions on this?
  8. I was recently told that apparently making custom armors (not just re texturing) is nearly impossible in Dragon age origins. Looks really cool though. Is Gothic 2 an RPG game? never heard of it
  9. Thank you for clearing that up! I'll try to be patient
  10. Hm well I'm not sure I follow why creating mods for oblivion would be more easy then creating clothes for dragon age. After all we did get a dragon age toolset right? Yeah link should be a little bit less cartoony in Dragon age. or you could go berserk and make toonlink :P http://i234.photobucket.com/albums/ee313/Wolf_Fang999/SSBB%20Sprites/toonlink.gif
  11. yeah but that's all for Oblivion. I've post this in the dragon age forum right? I need link for Dragon age :D
  12. http://media.insidegamer.nl/dump/1258622703.jpg
  13. C'mon give this guy a break! http://media.insidegamer.nl/dump/1271063600.jpg
  14. I'm getting this feeling that these requests are being ignored :(
  15. Friendly greetings guys, This has probably been requested a million times by now, but I noticed someone made a cool hair mod for this guy :D Link hair - Raughnut I know the hat will probably be near impossible to do, but I was hoping someone could make the Master Sword, Hylian shield and perhaps the green tunic? It's been done though for oblivion: Legend of Zelda HoT Vol 5 - theRoadstroker perhaps someone could transfer that? :D anyhow heres a picture if you don't know who link is (if you don't you've missed the biggest game EVER) http://webpages.csus.edu/~mh497/the-legend-of-zelda-twilight-princess-20061110104846743.jpg
  16. I can't believe nobody made this yet. Could someone create a helmet or hairstyle to match Link's coup? :D or you could create his entire equipment? :o :thumbsup: I'd do it myself, but I can't get the toolset installed :whistling: http://revolutionmedia.ign.com/revolution/image/article/707/707560/super-smash-bros-brawl-20060510074454171.jpg
  17. I'd like to see the weapons of my favorite game character, Link :D http://www.themarriedgamers.net/wp/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/link-zelda-tp.jpg I'd would be awesome if someone could make a his hair + hat.
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