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About achillesdave

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  1. There's no rush, it will be at least a couple of months before the mod is finished
  2. I'm making a new mod that has a quest that revolves around precious gems. I have some basic models provided by a resource but they look all the same, except for color. My request is for models and textures of these rare precious stones. Red Ruby, The Muang Lin Ruby http://i66.photobuck...zpsdc95f414.jpg Blue Saphire, the Midnight Star http://i66.photobuck...zps114f8575.jpg The Gachala Emerald http://i66.photobuck...zpsd38dda4c.jpg The Pumpkin diamond http://i66.photobuck...zps57cbc6d8.jpg The Oppenheimer Diamond http://i66.photobuck...zps100c45a4.jpg Credit will be given to the modeler
  3. I'm making a new mod that has a quest that revolves around precious gems. I have some basic models provided by a resource but they look all the same, except for color. My request is for models and textures of these rare precious stones. Red Ruby, The Muang Lin Ruby http://i66.photobuck...zpsdc95f414.jpg Blue Saphire, the Midnight Star http://i66.photobuck...zps114f8575.jpg The Gachala Emerald http://i66.photobuck...zpsd38dda4c.jpg The Pumpkin diamond http://i66.photobuck...zps57cbc6d8.jpg The Oppenheimer Diamond http://i66.photobuck...zps100c45a4.jpg Credit will be given to the modeler
  4. I'll throw you a couple of bones. Darns ui NV Project Nevada was made by the same team that produced FWE
  5. Heres a link to a 3 part video series on youtube that will help
  6. You will need to convert your esp. into an esm for your new head gear to be worn properly. This can easily be done in FNVedit. Load your esp. and click on File Header. The box to the right of Record Flags will be blank. Right click the blank section and a box will appear, click the ESM box and select ok and your done.
  7. This can be done by attatching a script to the object or to a trigger box around it. First make your message then make your script. The example script is for the message appearing when added to the players inventory. Scn nameofScript begin onAdd player Short DoOnce if ( DoOnce == 0 ) showmessage nameofyourmessage endif set DoOnce to 1 endif endif end If you want to use a trigger box, then use: begin on TriggerEnter player
  8. This page had the answers I needed, maybe it can do the same for you. http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/Fallout_New_Vegas_Music
  9. I just started using this poster mod thats pretty good. Yams Pin up parade. http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=43341
  10. What I've been trying to do is use the ms10jar01 nif to make metal storage cans. I can make it look like I want in nifskope by removing line 10 NiAlphaProperty and this removes the glossy transparent jar look. I made a new texture set for it and renamed the model, but when I try to add it to the GECK it still has the glossy jar look. Looks fine in nifskope but not the GECK. Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong?
  11. Heres a link to some German and Russian unifroms, http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=3445
  12. I have made a test script for a magazine sorter for my mod that will place the issue on the shelf when activated. Ive got it to work by making one issue a reference and initially disabled but it only works one time. The next time I try to put the same issue in again it does not show up on the shelf. What I want to do is make the reference repeatable. Could you look at my script and offer some advice? scn AFMDisplayScript begin OnActivate if IsActionRef player == 1 if (player.GetItemCount actionformen245 == 1) AFM245.Enable Player.RemoveItem actionformen245 1 endif else ShowMessage NoMagazines endif endif end
  13. I added a new vault suit to the Geck but when I put the item into the cell I get this error," MODELS: Root 3D for reference 'Vault66suit' (item number) is not a Fade Node. This reference can not be picked" I can drag it into the cell but its stiff as a statue, What is the fix for this in nifskope or what am I missing from it? EDIT: Problem solved
  14. I like the Dragonskin tactical outfits and the variety Steiner offers. Steiner Combat Gear Advanced Recon has some really cool gear. Stealth Armor, 5 level Night vision :thumbsup: A respirator mask that cuts rads and poison by 25% and lets you breath underwater, and a Target Acquisition Computer. Advanced Recon gear I like to have the Dragonskin tactical outfit with Tailor made attachments and Adv. Recon mask , night vision, and sometimes the TAC. It adds up to some good protection and the night vision is the best ive used.
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