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About SpartanChronic202

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  1. Recently, I had to reinstall my OS, which is Windows XP Pro. Before I reinstalled it, I could run Fallout 3 perfectly fine. I had no problems with crashing, or anything. After I reinstalled the OS, I installed Fallout 3, but when I click "Play" on the Fallout 3 Launcher, An error message pops up saying, "failed to initialize renderer." I have no idea what to do. I have googled it, and I'm guessing it has to do with plugins, or drivers that I need to install, but I'm not sure on what to download. This is what I'm using: AMD Athlon 64 Processor 4000+ 2.41GHz, 2.00GB of RAM NVIDIA Geforce 8500 NOTE: I know for a fact I can run it, I'm just missing plugins or a patch or something.
  2. I have GECK, and I love messing around in it, and doing random stuff, so after I make my mod, I load it as a plugin file when launching FO3. I have seen alot of other mods out there, For Example. Buying Tenpenny Suite for 5k, killing kids, extra quests in megaton, ect. Are all of these other mods plugins, like the mods I make in GECK?
  3. Before the bombs fell, The U.S was using today's currency, The Dollar. But what I don't seem to get is. Why did the currency change after the bombs fell? and Why did we start to use Bottle Caps for our Currency?
  4. I'm wanting to mess around with the Tenth birthday party scene in GECK, but I'm having a hard time finding what the cell is called in the GECK program. So can someone please tell me what the cell is called?
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