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ℹ️ Intermittent Download History issues ×


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Posts posted by Niborino9409

  1. Hello I have checked this video this is pretty useful. I have a question: How can I change weapons from 2hand to 1 hand like this video, but only for some of races? Like orcs and highelf hold greatswords in 1hand but other races hold it in 2hand? Is it possible? Changing weapons only for a selected race? not for all race.

    Hi, was a while since I dabbled innthe Creation Kit but I think there is a checkbox in the race tab or if it was in the weapon. But knowing how tedious the Creation Kit is I doubt it's possible without loads of tinkering. Pretty sure I've seen an SKSE mod that enables you to change grip on the fly though


    Found it:



    What they're doing isn't going to get people to pay for premium though, or at least, not enough to matter in the long run. Sure, they might get a single month long premium subscription from some newcomer who doesn't know the site, but. Long time users of Nexus know that premium exists, and those who are willing to spend money to help support the site don't need to be reminded of it every single time they download any file ever in order to do so. Rather, forcibly reminding us in this type of way is far more likely to drive away long time users, the very people who do contribute when they can. For example, I love Nexus, which is why I'm a supporter and not a free member, but the way they've gone about this hit me straight in my (admittedly big) FITE ME button. It makes me want to NOT pay for premium out of spite, because this is just so poorly and tastelessly done.


    I wasn't even going to participate but this is exactly how I feel too. It wasn't helped that I saw this either when I went to download a file:





    :confused:(haven't followed this thread all that close so it's possible I missed some info :yes: )

  3. I know the updates are frustrating, but there is a very simple remedy: SkyrimSE.exe Auto-Backup. Just install it like any other mod. Next time Bethesda updates Skyrim, just fish out the previous executable stored in the folder created by the mod and replace the new executable with it. Now you can go right on playing. Remember to first move the new executable to a convenient folder for when SKSE and your relevant mods update. Then you can just paste it back in.


    Thanks, that's good to have! ;D

  4. Hi, I have several times tried to link a youtube video in a comment on the main site but to no avail. I have seen it done before and asked the user in question about it. It still did not help. No idea what I am doing wrong. :confused:

    I was directed to this https://wiki.nexusmods.com/index.php/Formating_and_BBCode_in_Descriptions by the user and was directed to 1.17: Embed Youtube videos.





    While it looks fine from there, when I actually try and click it I get an error. This works fine in the Forum Side but not on the main site for some reason. :sad: I am using Brave browser if it matters. :smile:


    GIF showing what happens with the setup above:





    Edit: I solved it right after posting this. :sweat: I had to write:

    [youtube]gpT1_qzuUn4[/youtube] NOT [youtube]www.youtube.com/watch?v=gpT1_qzuUn4[/youtube] 
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