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ℹ️ Intermittent Download History issues ×


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Everything posted by Niborino9409

  1. So, you've never noticed the "Endorsement Reminder" Pop-Up when browsing then nexus then? That can be turned off. :smile: And I do that too like jcdenton2012. I endorse if it really strikes home and if I remember to do so(mainly if I remember to do it). But for the most part I simply forget to go back to the mod and I'm also too lazy to go through my tracking list. So those two in combination... :wacko: o_O
  2. That file does look odd, but good that you found the button now :D
  3. It's under "About this mod" as soon as you click that link. Unless that's just an example mod, that mod has all that you said, description, file, bugs, comment section etc
  4. True, but neither can you. I'm hoping for the best :yes: That's why I put a line through it since I saw it above.
  5. Regarding point # 2, you forget that that not all authors will mod for points. There's a demographic that mod for their own sake too. Like I'm not going to start churning out big boob followers just because that would yield more points. I'd rather do mods that I like to do regardless of the points. And I'm hoping more authors think that way too, we all started and stayed cause it was fun and we enjoy it. And I second that, what's "Hot files abuse"? :huh:
  6. That's not what the system is for, Dark0ne stated so in the post:
  7. When I read entitled mod users I think of those that whine and complain but they don't have a single mod to their name. That doesn't mean they don't know how to mod of course, but feels like the two go somewhat hand in hand.
  8. I have a follower that dual wields, he only uses one sword apart from when in combat. When we enter combat he uses both swords but he seems to prefer only holding one at times, like when strolling around town or so. I copied the forsworn berserker stuff for him and it works fine for me :) To clarify; he dual wields but doesn't walk around holding two swords at all times.
  9. You taught me how to port and it can be easy and it can be hard. I've had it super easy with some files and troubles with others(looking at you Geralt), but you solved that the other day. I didn't even have to ask for it. So we can all agree that you(and all the other porters) deserve recognition for your efforts. :smile: It's not worth getting worked up over whether porting is difficult or not in my opinion. The way I see it the main problem is whether you can actually claim points for them since many mods are made up from different authors which would only leave breadcrumbs of points left for each or so. And what to do about that, or if it's just a matter of reaching out to all the different authors. But if 1/3 doesn't want their assets used in the points thingy then that mod would get a no to enter as I see it. Apologies if this has been brought up already, haven't followed all that closely.
  10. I for one is going to try and not bother myself with accumulating points. Still gonna keep at it for fun. I don't get many downloads on my mods so when I get enough points(probably when I'm 70 or 80 :dance:) I can trade them in then.
  11. Lol good. Won't have to feel bad for retreating in that case :laugh: :sweat:
  12. How did you download it? I don't have Oblivion with me at the moment so can't try the NMM version, but if you open the zip you have 4 folders. I am not sure what kind of patches the 3rd one is but you need the core version. So I suppose the other 2 folders(01 glue and 02 glue + grinder) are to be used separately. The description feels like one that is clear for the mod author but not for users, or I might be too tired :sweat: Edit: Only use either 01 or 02. They replace each other. Edit 2: The patches seems to be for the mod Alchemy Advanced, possibly. I find the description to be quite vague. :sad:
  13. How about the mod description? Or is there some other steps needed?
  14. What game? This is the off-topic area. Nobody can help you unless you mention what game you're having troubles with. And post in the correct section. I find it to be easiest to go from the Nexus main page, f ex Skyrim > Forums > Skyrim Mod troubleshooting
  15. Cover of Tori Amos "Winter"(not mine :P)
  16. It's possible that it isn't your mods at all. There is a no eyebrow style you can choose. :)
  17. Yeah, that one looks like something out of Star Citizen or something. Where'd you find it? A friend of mine would probably like it. :)
  18. I generally keep using the same one until I take another screenshot that I deem worthy to replace the one I use. :)
  19. It's silly to leave due to a site update in my opinion, but do as you wish. Nobody's stopping you. :thumbsup:
  20. In response to post #56082096. #56082186, #56082681, #56083906, #56085616 are all replies on the same post. That's true :)
  21. I think these guys might be more geared towards Skyrim but they have Fallout 4 mods too. https://www.youtube.com/user/Brodual/featured They don't offend anyone :P
  22. In response to post #56082096. #56082186, #56082681 are all replies on the same post. That does make me wonder a bit, the overall vision may be mine, but what about the assets I used to make it a reality. But read that you can opt out some files from this. :happy:
  23. At first I was a bit against this system but after reading it all my fears have subsided. I only mod for fun so I have no wish to get paid for it, that would ruin it for me. That's why I like how it's set-up. Micro rewards sounds very good and since my mods are small scale it will still be for fun.
  24. In response to post #56081706. That's my biggest worry too.
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