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About Lugh1000

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  1. I know that saves are transferred via steam, but what about changes to the common/skyrim folder? Particularly data files. I have a computer back in another city where I had all my mods running fine. I came back after Thanksgiving to where I live currently and my different computer, where I messed up something today. Do I have to worry about the messed up data folder messing with my computer back home, or does that not get transferred via Steam? I'm hoping it doesn't, I can just copy and paste the whole thing to this computer from my old one next time I'm back, but I'd have to wait three weeks.
  2. Supposedly one of the official patches added these, but the probabilities must be all messed up because as far as I can tell only suplex works still. Anyway, is there a mod that just fixes these probabilities? I never went through the trouble of getting SKSE so is there something that simply does this or is there a simple tweak I can do myself? Or am I going to end up having to go the next level here?
  3. Don't know why my google search didn't come up with that... but thanks!
  4. I searched that in the mod search, and I found nothing, but I know I got it from here. I'm trying to determine exactly what this mod does to see if I can disable it safely. I downloaded it about two years ago near to when the game first came out. Unfortunately, the mod is not descriptively named. EDIT: The topic got cut short, but if it isn't obvious the file is .esp
  5. I didn't want to replace the original, I figured duplicating it first was the way to go. What's the way to see what leveled list a book is on and then put it in that? Actually I figured it out by clicking on users and then editing the merchant chest from there. But thanks for the help everyone.
  6. I'll give that a try in the future. For now I'm just curious how this isn't working. Clearly the book I duplicated is at the merchant, the duplicate should have all the same features as the original including who sells it. Yet, the original is still being sold by the merchant specified in the mod and yet my duplicate book is not.
  7. I tried that and I'm not sure what I did wrong. To give full background, I was making a new spell based on the spell created by a spell mod (so I can piggyback on the scripting for the animation) and I did as you said, I made it active and loaded it, found the spell created by the mod, duplicated it and edited it. I then did the same for the spell tome, duplicated the mod spell tome and edited it so it would have a new name and my created spell. I went to the merchant who sells these items in the mod, and he did not have my newly created books. Where did I go wrong?
  8. Let's say I like somebody's mod, but what to tweak a few, say, spell values. How do I go about editing the mod in the creation kit? Thanks.
  9. You don't have to create a new merchant. You just need to create a new merchant -container- (which the tutorials on how to create new merchants will cover), and assign it to the merchant you want to sell your custom item(s). To add these items through a leveled list is overkill, unless you want these items to spawn in multiple places. Let me explain: Leveled lists used by one vendor container is typically not exclusive to the merchant linked to the container. So editing a leveled lists used by a vendor container just to add your custom items might mean your custom items will show up on all merchants whose vendor containers use the leveled list you edited. Worse still, leveled lists used by vendor containers are not exclusive to vendor containers, but sometimes shared with other containers--for example, a dungeon chest. Editing the leveled list might mean your item will spawn in some dungeon chests, some Jarl's strongbox, or a cave barrel. Now, if the item you are adding is some custom arrows that you do want to spawn in many places, merchant inventories, bandit inventories, dungeon chests, and so on, then yes, you should look into the mechanics of using leveled lists (and you can create and assign new leveled lists, rather than edit default game ones, because the latter will conflict with other mods that edits those leveled lists, but can be reconciled through a Bashed Patch, and is done only when it is unavoidable). Otherwise, use the custom vendor container method (and never edit the default game vendor containers. That's just....'unprofessional'). Ah, well I basically was doing that. Instead of adding to the list I just added single items to their container. Like I said, all I need are ways to get the items I make, I'm not doing anything particularly involved.
  10. Given I only want to make different spell tomes at the moment it's a problem it seems I can deal with later. After I learn a spell and remod the vendor it won't matter if they stop selling a spell I already learned. I imagine.
  11. Why isn't it advisable to just add new items to their lists? Seems by far easiest, I don't have to worry about creating a whole new merchant.
  12. I don't see "use info" anywhere when I double click the tome I made.
  13. Do you use the creation kit or is it located somewhere else? If so how?
  14. I cannot get the CC to work. I run it, it can't find like three meshes I say yes to that to continue, then it just never stops loading the black sphere stays up and also there's a window wherein I imagine the magic happens and it has at the bottom "initializing windows..." but if I try to load or anything Windows basically tells me it's not responding. I've waiting a very long time and it's not working, so I figure there must be some issue that I have to fix, but I have no idea what to look for or how to get it to work.
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