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Posts posted by JDGameArt

  1. I believe that the only people in America who aren't "illegals" are the native Americans that managed not to be slaughtered by us in the 400 years since Europeans "settled" in the US. Our founding fathers were illegal immigrants, or the great-great-anchor-babies there-of. Therefore, by today's standards, they had no rights in this country, let alone the power to set up a valid form of government with laws that determine who can and cannot live here. The only people in America who can determine what is and is not illegal immigration are the Native Americans and their descendants, who have the only rightful deed to this land. This would have to of course extend to Native Americans in Mexico as well, since our borders are only an arbitrary line drawn by an invalid government...

    If there were ever an example of comparing apples to oranges...



    But hell, maybe your right. Lets just disband this complete failure of a corrupt country and all drown our selfs in the ocean.


    Or oh wait... Maybe we have something a little special here, just maybe. After all "immigrants" flock here from allover the world, and other countries model themselves after the U.S. because?



  2. I was messing around with the new site and noticed all the content is pressed together in the center column, with the margins on the side very wide, and unused. In comparison, the current site uses the whole page for content.


    Is it going to remain this way, or is their any way the user can change these settings?






  3. Ok fine... I'm going to make a new body mesh, and armor set to help balance things out. I'm thinking something on the lines of a 350-450 +++ lb female, and Moo-Moo armor set. Would anyone like to join in on this colossal (no pun intended) project? :D


    Heres some concept art.






    Here can be the male version.



  4. I'm a very patriotic kind of guy, I liked the Bush era(s), and I was for the war in both Afghanistan, and Iraq. During those times it felt like we were doing the right thing and actually making a difference in the world. Even though events progressed slow over the last 10 years it seemed like the mission was getting done.


    During the first push into Afghanistan, and Iraq I can remember watching live on FOX News, and CNN when our troops enter Iraq for the second time. It was nothing short of the most deadly and powerful force the world has seen to date. Cobra gunships, and A-10's over head followed up with M1's and Bradley's on the ground. Anything that moved, died. Our forces (and Allys) were moving quickly with focus, and determination... Now lets fast forward to 2011 (today)...


    30 Navy Seals Dead, 8 more troops yesterday, day after day its the same old bull... Has this just become a "Mirror of Vietnam"? What the hell happened from 2001 mentality to this nonsense? If you ever do any research on how the Vietnam was was fought you probably wouldn't know weather to laugh or cry. It was nothing short of an absolute joke, and it almost seems like were reliving those days over again.


    How do you fight an enemy that has sanctions with a county that suppose to be OUR ally? (Pakistan) I mean these "insurgents" come flowing in from neighboring countries that claim friendly to us, then float right across the boarder and we cant do a damn thing about it. How do you win a war when the leadership of the country your in is so corrupt their almost as bad as the enemy in the field? What the hell are we doing?


    I'm in it for the long haul, but dammit we'd better have a mission plan. If we don't have a viable plan then its time to get one or just leave, because this is getting old. You cant win a war with one hand tied behind your back, and your leg chained to the flag-pole.

  5. I'm not sure what "paint" software you use, but this is how you can do it yourself.


    First open up the current body texture's normal map, then go it it's alpha channel.


    Up by the neck area we need to pull what ever gray-scale shade is in that area to match up with the lower part of the head mesh. Photoshop has the eye-dropper tool hopefully you have that or something similar.


    Once we know what shade it is, now open up the head textures normal map then go to it's alpha channel.


    Starting from the bottom of the texture you can hand paint, or use what ever tool seems to work and make a gradient from the bottom of the neck area up to the mid neck area or where ever you want to stop. (white is max shiny, black is no shine) Just make sure the transition is smooth.


    Save the file in DXT5 format.


    If you want to go nuts you can also change the .nif's "gloss" level in NifScope. This is under NiMaterialProperty. Most skin is 5-15, you can try 30-60. If nothing else its a good idea to make sure the material properties from body to head are the same anyway.






  6. Yes as soon as its possible Id like to help out. I have 2012 64 bit installed now, but can get 32 bit if needed.





    Side note: Currently for modding I'm using Max 2011 - 64bit and the (.nif) import / export works perfectly. If I remember right the .exe installer ends at 2009, but you can download the the x64 2011 files by itself. The problem is it only contains the .dll, and .dlu files. I ended up having to pull the .cfg file from the 2009 install, and then used the .dll, and .dlu from the 2011 install to get everything to work. I'm not sure if something on the same lines could be done to at lease get the 2012 version (sort of working)...



  7. I tested that script, and it compiles for me.


    EDIT: Ah, so it doesn't work ingame... Is the weapon already a one handed weapon? If that's the case then it will use all of them, as this just toggles them to be used (IE a two handed weapon would use one of these animations if I'm not mistaken on how this works)


    Yes. This script is for a wrist blade type weapon. In game its set up like a dagger. Right now in v 3.8 everything works well, but when the player draws, or puts away the wrist blade it plays the 1 had away / draw animation. What I'm trying to do is when the player equips the weapon, then the game starts calling for a replacement array of animations. (id probably like to use 4-6 new ones) loaded from the specialanims folder.



    So far, even though CS will compile I cant get anything to work in game. For testing I've even gotten rid of the animations and just tried to call for a [message " "] but still no luck. I also picked apart Deadly Reflex 6 to find similar scrips but not much luck there either.


    I found you can call from OBSE using _Game mode instead of GameMode. I tried this, and also replaced Player. with Actor. and put ref Actor at the top, but sill no luck. I also replaced the old "GetEquipped" with OBSE "IsEquipped" but nothing. Ive never in my life seen a script that will compile but does absolutely nothing when run. At this point I'd jump out of my seat with joy if the game would even CTD when the script is run so I know at least something is happening. lol




  8. I tried it the "English" way and the script wouldn't compile. I switched a few lines around and it does compile but nothing works in game. I tried blocking out the if statements just to see if the new animations would load but they don't. Heres what I ended up with.


    Scn FBDC2AniTest
    ref weapon
    Begin Function {weapon}
    ;If Player.GetEquipped  FBDarkCrusader2SDWristBlade == 1
    	Player.ToggleSpecialAnim "onehandequip.kf" 1
    	Player.ToggleSpecialAnim "onehandidle.kf" 1
    ;elseif Player.GetEquipped FBDarkCrusader2SDWristBlade == 0
    	;Player.ToggleSpecialAnim "onehandequip.kf" 0
    	;Player.ToggleSpecialAnim "onehandidle.kf" 0


    Maybe I'm not calling for the script / function correctly?

  9. I'm looking for a decent tutorial on on the OBSE scripting syntax. Like how OBSE scripts start, make arguments-stuff like that. Any recommendations?


    To be more specific i need some code that swap 3rd person .kf animation files when a player equips a weapon.


    I ran across this, but it seems to be more for a pose mod, or something on those lines.


    ToggleSpecialAnim - adds or removes an animation from the base actor's animation list. For creatures, the animations must appear in the creature's model folder; for NPCs they must be located in the Special Anims folder. Changes made using this command have no effect on the animations of reference's to the base actor which are currently in middle-high or high process.


    (bSucceeded:bool) reference.ToggleSpecialAnim animFileName:string toggleOn:bool actorBase:ref





    Any help is appreciated.









  10. Are you entering this information in the area I showed in the SS with the red arrow?


    I'll break this down into bite size chunks...


    Step 1: Open you're .nif file in NifScope.


    Step 2: You will see the file information stack compressed down into 1 line it might look like. "0 NiNode Scene Root" Off to the far left will be a small triangle arrow. Click that arrow...


    Step 3: Now we see a big list of information you might see NITriStrips or NiNode? Look for the name of your mesh. What ever you called it, or was called apon exporting from your modeling program. Mine is called BagBelt1.


    Step 4: Once you find your mesh click the triangle arrow off to the left of its data block. In those blocks of data, you should now see NiTexturingProperty. Once you find that click on its arrow.


    Step 5: Now you will see an NiSourceTexture, and off to the right a purple icon with a directory path. It might look like.. C:\Beth\Obliv\Data\Textures\someFolder\someFolder\myImage.dds or it may just be Textures\someFolder\someFolder\myImage.dds. which ever it is, this is the file path the texture should be pointing to. If you need to change the file path, click the purple flower icon, and a window should pop up.


    Hope that helps.



  11. Yep pretty much what Drake said.


    I export .nif from 3ds Max. When they come from the modeling program it shows up in NifScope as the complete file path. If I have the complete file path, the textures show up in NifScope which I keep just for quick reference while making stuff.


    Before releasing I'll delete the first section of the file path so it might look something like textures\myFolder\myFolder\myTexture.dds...


    Hope that helps.


    Edit: Heres a SS.






  12. We live in a day and age; if you ask people to be accountable for their actions, (your the bad guy). In many ways we mirror Rome a few hundred years before it fell. 270-470 A.D. As things were falling down around them one of the Emperors was quoted for saying "Give them cakes and circuses". As in feed the people so they don't complain about hunger, and entertain them so their heads are turned away from the truth. (them being society or the population) Look at us today... Americans thrive on being entertained. Its completely interwoven, and welded into the very fabric of who we've become. Were pompous, greedy, self centered, arrogant, and worship the dollar. The secular world would say "well yeah, thats how you get ahead in life". But I say "look what it produces in the end". "Complete and udder chaos."


    I'm 31 now so I'm not that old, but even back in the 1990's when I was growing up the entire world was a different place. In absolutely every aspect one could discuss things have gotten worse. I'm a Christian, and believe the Bible. But no matter if you believe it or not, read the Book of Revelation. Its almost a word-for-word blueprint of what we see today; not just here in America but everywhere.


    As far as our country being "saved", "changed", or "improved". I have no idea... Ok, so we raise the debt ceiling to 15 trillion, or how about 30 trillion, whats the difference. I think the root of our problem goes much further than the things on the surface our leaders argue about day in, and day out.



  13. The first time I finished the main quest line, (the cut scene was pretty epic) but I like how even though the main story ended, the game had only begun. The first time around I played the game pretty balanced and didn't rush to the end. Overall it made for a pretty memorable experience.
  14. I like the idea of getting up in the morning at 6 A.M. and going off to work so that a part of my earnings can go to pay for perfectly healthy human beings that simply refuse to work. I like the idea of large government telling me "this is how it is", "this is the correct way to handle the poor", "and you better like it". I like the idea of a system that so corrupt; generation after generation of people teach their young how to "work the system". I like the idea of one political party using tax dollars to support a select group of people just to ensure their vote come election time.


    No matter if you agree with our current system or not, never in the history of mankind has it been ok, acceptable, and shoved down our throat, for some to sit around on their dead backside and collect earnings.


    In short...


    I want want you have,


    and I want it now.


    No I'm not willing to work for it,


    I said I wanted it now.


    Not only I want it now,


    but I completely ignore the sacrifice you,


    and you're forefathers made to get here.


    So my entitlement better be in the mail soon.




    Society 2011

  15. In Photoshop... When you go to save.


    File> Save As> .dds (make sure its flattened)> Then a window will pop up. This is where all the settings for the .dds file are set. It will have the Nvidia logo etc...


    Once you have this window open set the dop drop down to DXT5. Under Image options make sure its color map or normal map: Tangent space. The compression is important and should be set to highest 400 RMS. MIP Map generation is in a seprate box and should be set to Generate MIP maps.


    None of this matters though if the software isnt working correctly. Try and make an exact duplicate of a known working texture map. Open it, dont change a thing, save it... It should be the exact same size as it was, and of course work.


    The alpha channel stuff I was talking about in this case was mainly for the texture map / color map. In Photoshop go to channels > and you will see RGB / red / green / blue / alpha If the .nif file isnt set to use the alpha channel for the color map it doesnt make any difference any way. If it is, then white area will be 100% solid, black area's will be 100 % transparent, gray will be semi-transparent. The normal maps ( _n.dds ) alpha channel is always used.












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