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Posts posted by whiteaden

  1. Dance of Death might be the one frustrating you, or it is one of the combat enhancing mods, I haven't used many combat altering mods, I only use T3Nd0's Skyrim Redone which alters perks and combat.
    I am not sure what the run sprint jump mod does, if it speeds up animations it's possible that that also speeds up fighting animations unintentionally?

    I think some of your perk enhancing mods might conflict with eachother as well as SkyRE... but I haven't checked their compatibility lists. it could be a combination of any of the above mentioned things... I'd check the mod pages of the combat related mods, to see if there are any incompatibilities found there as a starting point.

  2. Hearthfire.


    A lot of people dislike the "DLC" Hearthfire, I personally LOVED the idea (have multiple playerhomes installed but missed the let's build & decorate it ourselves aspect of many of them,) but I was sad when I utterly disliked the look of the manors we get to build in the DLC. they don't look very good, as a Dragonborn I was hoping we had more class.


    I was wondering if anyone had dug into the Hearthfire DLC core to see if the mechanics of construction could be broken out of it and used to create a Hearthfire Overhaul that would allow us to build some more interesting looking manors. include some form of Protection (we're the dragonborn, there's a civil war, I believe building a fence around my house during war is NOT a stupid idea)


    this is just a question for feasability, I'd look into this myself but my laptop would hate me if I tried to run the SDK again.

  3. those trinkets (rings, belt, necklace) would barely ever be used on said character, unless they're all "soulbound" to said creature... (by either making it a separate class or just bind it to her 'name'


    if I would be making this (which I ain't due to lack of PC-power) I would make her a separate class, which would not be available as a starting position... all the armor she could wear would be class specific, and by doing so it should work =P

  4. Why would your dorm block the connection? I'm going to presume that you have downloaded Dragon Age illegally.


    not necessarily true... my dorm has blocked off all ports (including the ones needed to log into both Dragon Age and the Cerberus network for ME2) to 'prevent illegal downloading' the only way around this is by paying 20$ a month to get your own private connection... I worked around it by going to someone with a private connection, and just activating the DLC's there =P

  5. there's a mode out there somewhere (I'm sorry I don't have a link right now), which gives you toggle-able quickbars, where you can toggle to I think up to 4 different quickbars.. =)
  6. i agree with you, someone did it for oblivion, you would this it could be done it this game.

    this game is NOT oblivion... -____-


    Oblivion has had YEARS of modding and trial/error, while Dragon Age Origins is still rather young in the modding department...

    it might be developed later on, but the modding tool is yet to be fully analyzed and 'fixed' (it's not bug-free and is known to crash randomly)

  7. Well I was kind of disappointed to see only pictures with the text telling me the effects of my actions. I was wondering if someone wanted to animate the endings (Like SPOILER

    I.E. Morrigan showing some emotion and or holding a child. During the description of her feeling sorrow.

    If not what would it take to do so, I would be more than willing to try if no one else would... otherwise thank you.


    your request makes sense, yet at the same time, by leaving them as pictures rather than animated stuff, there's more of an open ending feel to it... if you'd see where Morrigan actually went, it leaves less up to the imagination ;)

  8. Who here would go after Morrigan after the Blight ends? I'd devote my 30 years to that


    yes, and no...

    Yes, cause I love her sense of sarcastic humor, she's an amazing mage, and she's carrying my baby!


    No, because I think I'd have better things to go than trying to get back to her & getting into some *banned* up trouble or just a pile of ashes from her wrath, cause she said I should not follow her... lol

  9. bloodthirst & mind control are a lot a like...?


    also I think Mind Control should be sustained... =) by making it a sustained thing the caster can play 'safe' and release the controlled creature just before it dies, giving him the ability to save on recharge time (that is if the caster is paying attention to what he's doing... =)

  10. I'd keep Shale, but I'd ride into battle on her shoulders lol


    I was hoping to use Shale to beat Caridin, for I failed at that when I tried before, so I had to side with him to continue... lol


    but I'd really want to side with Branka for my next playthrough...!

  11. Oh, speaking of Orzammar...I think I'd help Bhelin, but give the crown to Harrowmont, then annoy the crap outta Bhelin and yell at him for sending me into the Deep Roads


    hahaha hell yeah! =P


    also: who are you going to side with? Branka or the Golem? I know that if you side with Branka Shale will turn on you... (that sure as HELL HURT)

  12. thanks! =) they might come in handy later on ;) the main characters are almost done, some names are yet to be determined ;)


    these are better then what I've found so far =P


    I found the "Slack'n'Hash"- Gnome Name generator using Norwegian male as options gives good Dragon Age names =D

  13. Would absolutely love something like this ...




    I'd love to see more "traditional elvish" gear... the current Dalish gear looks rather generic =(




    SECONDED... I'd love to see some "darker" armor, by which I mean more evil... everything's so "good" in Dragon Age...





    that looks a little too much like Indy Jones to me... ;) but I agree it could look good...


    in my opinion it would go well with some Steam Punk weaponry =D (Leather + goggles + steampunk = WIN)

  14. For new weapons, I would love to see some polearms added, the Halberd is my personal favourite, a 2handed double bladed battle axe would rock as well, the current axes seem to be only 1 handers. I would like it if someone could figure out how to set 1 handed weapons on the belt, and a quiver that rides on your thigh (my cousin had one there when he was in archery competitions).

    there are 2handed double edged battle axes in the game already...


    I think there's a mod out there which changes your (1 handed) weapons to hang from the waist down... a quiver would not feel right in my opinion... also, if you weapons are hanging from your waist, your bow & arrows could be on your back, which makes you look more badass =P


    I looked into modding, and I found I am horrible at it, mostly because I don't have the patience to learn from scratch, but I am a fairly good artist, so I could draw some things for people if they wanted me to. Just leave me a post or something and we can work something out. As for abilities on these weapons, I would leave that blank, just getting them into the game would mean that I could drop them into the winter forge to put my own abilities on... I think.


    patience is very important indeed ;) do you have Adobe Photoshop (or GIMP)? if you do, you could get yourself into retexturing things :)

  15. I would have pushed the dwarves to inventing NEW, Darkspawn killin' weaponry... they say they know them the best... WHY haven't they spent time inventing new types of weaponry, armor and what-not to kill the Darkspawn more effectively... what about hiring some mages to help creating better armor & weaponry... develop Cyanide pills so that the Darkspawn captives have something to prevent themselves from becoming broodmothers...
  16. The ending did made me think about all the choices I'd made during the game (and some weren't good I tell you). At least in the expansion your choices are from DA: O and your personal relationship (depending on what you did with them) your companions are shown during your adventures.


    And the name of the expansion is Dragon Age: Awakening not Sacred Ashes :biggrin:


    my first play through was a f*ckin' mess I tell you... I killed Wynn (cause she didn't let me pass through the damn barrier soon enough) so I had to respec Morrigan because I did not have a healer... I played a Rogue, had Alistair in my party to 'tank' until I got Shale... (I did not install the DLC right away) then after I got Shale it was just Me, Morrigan, Shale & Leliana or whoever I needed for the plot (usually Alistair)...


    if I am going to import a new game it'll be my Dwarven Warrior.. I'm so letting Alistair DIE when fighting the Arch Demon... I absolutely hate him... I'm romancing (if it's possible as non-Human) Leliana and will keep Morrigan there just for the damage she does with her Elemental spells (oh those burns still hurt, I have invested in Fire Resistance to prevent myself from getting fried when she roasts my enemies... lol)


    I think it would be sweet to be able to pursue whatever you pledged to do in the epilogue in either one of the (later) expansions or DA2... I think that if DA2 will take too long it won't be fun to actually pursue your goals, because you've (I know I will) lost interest after a certain amount of expansions/DLC or you've completely lost interest in the franchise due to either LIFE getting in the way, or some other game pushing Dragon Age into the background...

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