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UsernameWithA9 last won the day on June 25

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  1. Yeah, I don't know. I was just throwing that label out there because that's how it appears to me. But you definitely have a love/hate relationship going with gaming. And there are more rewarding hobbies than stamp collecting. How droll. That's almost as useless as collecting cars. But painting comes to mind... or gardening. I'm not saying you should pursue those but just as examples to demonstrate that you have to expand your mind. Or were you just being sarcastic when you suggested stamp collecting? Good luck regardless.
  2. You know, I've read about you hating this game or that one. RNG games are too easy or I hate Skyrim, let me count the ways. Have you ever stopped to consider that you've outgrown gaming? I mean, why are you even here? If anything, you're an anti-gamer. And that right there is you just setting yourself up for failure. Don't do that. And don't allow this post to put you in a bad mood either, although I suspect it most likely will. Think of it as constructive criticism and please, I've said this before, do a little personal inventory.
  3. True, the moderation thread is mostly amusing. But at times there are some intriguing ones as well, like this next one. It begs the question: Did this account holder download any of my mods? And if it did... I say, keep it up! Because I'm creeping up on 1000 unique downloads and I need all the help I can get.
  4. You should give the sequel Shadow of War a playthrough. I was playing, leveled up to 25 and actually stopped playing because I got pissed about this one orc that kept stalking Talion. It would follow and ambush Talion from one region to the next. Needless to say, it was hard to kill and I was trying to avoid it. The Nemesis AI system that Monolith built into the game is something else. I started playing on the normal difficulty setting but had to dial it down to easy and it was still challenging as hell. I may go back and pick up where I left off simply because those orcs were so damned entertaining. Not just entertaining to kill but their lines are really well written and voiced. One of my favorite lines is whenever Talion performs an execution move, effectively decapitating an orc. You'll sometimes hear, "STAY AWAY! He's lopping off heads!" I didn't play Shadow of Mordor so I have no comparison but if you liked the combat system in Mordor, you'll enjoy Shadow of War's too. It is phenomenal. Shadow Striking multiple targets from a distance, grabbing orcs and shanking them in the back or throwing them into a fire, aerial stealth kills. And the Bird of Prey skill is highly recommended. It slows time and allows Talion to perform a ranged kill while hovering. And the terrorist tactics are interesting and just plain fun. Some orcs are terrified of Morgai flies. Activate one and most of the nearby orcs will run around with arms flailing making them easy sword fodder. Grog barrel poisoning is another. So when I first started, I would poison the barrel then sit close by and wait. The orcs would approach the barrel, get their grog and sometimes start singing, sometimes asking about what to do after being shot with an arrow, "Should I pull it out?". But only for a few moments. Because that's all it took for the poison to take effect. They would turn green, start choking then fall down dead. Actually when I write it out it seems a bit anti-climatic, doesn't it? Well, you had to be there. Speaking of grog, the songs the orcs sing when they're drunk on grog are nothing short of hilarious.
  5. A: Really? That never happens to me. Maybe you also bumped your head during your fall and don't remember. The next time that happens, I suggest you go get checked for a concussion. Q: What would happen if cockroaches and termites cross-bred?
  6. That's been a delicate point ever since the Cold War, hasn't it? One nuke flies thus setting off a chain reaction. Everyone knows the outcome. Result: oblivion. Or at the very least, global destruction and radiation poisoning for those that survive the blasts. That's like you and me have a fist fight and I pull out a fragmentation grenade, pull the pin and drop it beside us. I don't really see that happening. There's no endgame, no benefit because nobody wins. Unless you count which nation is the least mucked up after the radiation dust settles. I suppose the global leaders could conduct that survey from whatever space station they flew off to before the missiles started flying. Because you know they're not sticking around. By the way, I don't follow any sort of news source as it drives me insane but... Is Russia threatening to nuke Ukraine?
  7. Your poem's neither great nor wise. And quite frankly, makes little sense. Giving you benefit of the doubt, I'll assume there's more to write. But you posted before you finished.
  8. This thread's title was actually an afterthought. I just stuck that on there at the end. Personally, I think the whole idea of world peace is the child of naive idealism and political rhetoric, or BS, and anyone who buys into it isn't seeing the big picture. The simple fact is that as long as humans have something to fight over, whether it be resources or a parking spot, there will be no peace. It's in our nature to fight and we'll do it with or without weapons. With that being said, I agree you. Not about global warming and furthermore global extinction necessarily, but that it would take something of that extreme to manifest what those foolish idealists have been hoping and striving for for so long. That was kind of my whole point with the first post. You know what else fixes everything? Fire, the ultimate cleanser. I hear that our Sun is dying, becoming hotter and expanding as it approaches it's ultimate end. It could be tomorrow or a million years from now. But if we are still here, our end as well. Have you ever heard the cliche/axiom, 'Be careful of what you wish for, you just might get it.'? There's wisdom in that. Something I would tell my children, if I had any. Because I'm a staunch believer that whatever you put out there into the Universe will come back to you, in spades, whether you like it or not. So, when you say you want world peace, you should really be mindful of what you're saying because the Universe is listening and will deliver/is delivering it's version of your request on it's own timeline. Peace is coming folks but you gotta wait for it. In the interim, sit back and enjoy what George Carlin calls 'The Freakshow'. I know I will.
  9. Hah! It sure is and I was going to tell you as much earlier but you had closed the thread. Right on, though. Thanks for the update.
  10. A: The term square was coined during America's hippie movement back in the '60s. Since the hippies were more in tune with the Earth and more specifically, the Circle of Life, they considered anyone that didn't align with their beliefs close-minded and incapable of thinking outside of their box or square. As such, it wasn't uncommon to find a copious amount of squares at a Flat Earther convention either. Idiots. Oh! I almost forgot. John Lennon told me all of this in a dream, by the way. Q: How was temperature measured before the invention of thermometers?
  11. @HeyYou Did you miss this part? The whole thing's a joke.
  12. Where did that s come from?
  13. Pictures can convey so many things. Each person interprets a unique perspective. With an increased population since coining And so many variations of interpretation, It begs to ask the question. Is one thousand words really enough? That cliche really needs some updating. Perhaps give it an inflation rate, Similar to the almighty American dollar. Now, pictures are worth much more. But no worries, rich or poor. All who view can still afford. Because everyone is rich in uniqueness.
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