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About tommygun999

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  1. Great idea, and I also would suggest going via the mini-game route with data updates straight from it, for the sake of making implementation of this mod at least a bit easier for modders; I think this is the way to make it as one big project, so I voted for the second option.
  2. That's some great news! Sorry I'm answering only now, but I came back recently to F4 to check out some new mods and started searching for mods about sending settlers on a mission... and found only this topic, which was actually created by me. But to the point: I'm no modder, so I'm afraid I won't be of any help (but I surely could donate to a WIP mod on Nexus!), but there's this man who managed to create something very similar by nature: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/18757/? ; if you're still going to create such mod, maybe you could talk with author of this mod and ask for his help?
  3. Cool, we now have lots of ideas, I'll try to find some experienced modders to show them this topic, and who knows, maybe this mod will become a reality then :) We just need to bring more people interested in this mod into this thread.
  4. That's a nice addition actually! Well, it's possibly a hard-to-code one, but if this mod will see the light someday, it could evolve into something like this for certain. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!
  5. Thanks! Well, for this settler scavenging thing I already use mod «Northland Diggers», but I still would like to see some interface like this buildable ham radio I described earlier, since it gives you, the player, a position of being a quest-giver of some sorts.
  6. Almost :smile: I'd like to have a combination of both RPG and RTS in F4. Because when a game says that I'm a general or leader of a faction, it just bothers me so much that I still have to do almost everything in the game without using this leadership power! I'd like to still be able to complete some radiant quests with my fellow men (I'm using the mod Minutemen Overhaul 2.0 now for this purpose) of course, but only the ones I find interesting enough, and I'd like some radiant quests be done by my people without me actually running along with them.
  7. Well, looks like I'll have to learn modding and make it for myself...
  8. I'd like to propose the following idea: a buildable ham radio, which serves as means of communication with your faction. This ham radio is basically a menu with several options: send settlers on mission, try a trade with other faction, diplomatic options. Missions could be scavenging runs, recon missions, or even those radiant quests given by Preston. To make things easier on modding side, I suggest there's no real settlers involved in these mission runs, this all happens «virtually», but the missions are timed, and there's a chance of failure (which could get some of your settlers killed in action). But if somebody can actually make it so that you can assign people in teams to perform such missions, and see them running from your base to certain locations, it would be just great. • Scavenge runs are easiest missions, which can't be really harmful, and they can bring random amount of junk items to your workshop. • Recon missions: a random location close to your position is discovered in couple of game hours, and it can become available for fast/vertibird travel afterwards. There's a very low chance of failure, and in that case a settler can be killed, and location will not be discovered that way. There should be a message about death of your recon team member then. • Complete radiant quests missions: these are the missions longest to complete, and most dangerous ones. In case of success you get your radiant quest resolved (but you don't get XP, or get only small part of it), in case of failure some of your settlers die. It should be something like 50/50 or even 70/30 in terms of failure/success ratio, I think To get things more immersive, it might be a good idea to give this ham radio an option to communicate with your team while they perform their «mission», where you can get a message with information about how long it would take them to come back to you (roughly), or something like this. Also, there should be a holotape with some mission report available afterwards. Trade with other faction should be an option which opens a list of factions which can be opened via diplomatic options, and if you are not fighting with a side, you can trade for faction specific materials and apparel via this «ham radio». So it's basically something like a distant trader. Diplomacy doesn't need to be really complicated, you can have some basic options like negotiate for peace, trade treaties (which give you discount while trading with a faction), and factions can become hostile if you kill their people in actual gameplay. But actually this is not a main thing about this mod. If this works well, updated version of this mod could consider virtual options to claim some buildings on the map, like Corvega Factory or something like that, to generate you resources, and other factions sometimes can claim these buildings too. Whether it should be fully virtual thing, or «visualised» (like, getting to this location and seeing your faction troops in case you are the "owner" of the place), is up to modder, since I guess making this fully «visible» can be really tough to make. What do you guys think? Is it possible to do with CK? I don't have any experience in modding, unfortunately, but maybe there's an interest for this thing among other players who can be modders as well : )
  9. That's a great idea, I'd also like to see such changes. Current settlement system is too bland.
  10. Too bad it's only two users who like this idea. But what if there was an option to at least ask settlers via radio to automatically sweep area for junk when you clear some area, with probabilty to fail/lose scavenger if it is too far from settlement?
  11. I wanted to suggest such mod, but luckily I found your thread. I sure would like to see such mod as well! >hire' a npc which you can 'assign' to a crafting bench And that would be just perfect!
  12. Is it possible to make something similar to Skyrim's «Alternate Actors» mod? I'd like to have multiple characters in one game with an ability to switch between them (each with his own perk tree, so that each has his own specialization, while you can take other characters as followers), combined with a mod similar to «Alternate start», with option to completely disable main quest. This would be an ultimate survival game, especially after Bethesda updates its survival mode.
  13. I'd like to have multiple characters in one game with an ability to switch between them (each with his own perk tree), and an alternate start which completely disables main quest. This would be an ultimate survival game, especially after Bethesda updates its survival mode.
  14. Probably won't be easy to make without CK, but I support this idea. It's some kind of a Journal mod. And if we could store recordings on holotapes, it would be even cooler.
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