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Everything posted by watson1996

  1. Correct, some mod pages have a ton of replies/comments. Clarification, perhaps not a button to display all 30k+ comments all at once but a 'show more' where the next set of 10-20 posts are shown w/o having to click to the next page. Or perhaps a search field function to check the entire section for the desired search term/phrase. If you search a post for a specific word, it shows you ALL comments that contain that word, and it has the page numbers on the bottom so you can go through all the pages. What are you doing? Searching for a word, then looking at ONE page of a multipage post, then searching for the word AGAIN? Yes, many of the popular mods have many pages of comments in the comment section "posts" tab. With no 'search' field to look for a specific term/phrase or the ability to load all comments on a single page, I have to use my browser's 'find on page' function to look for the term/phrase on every single page and pray I find what I'm looking for before I hit page 291 of 300
  2. I'd like to see an option on a mods 'posts' tab, to be able to display ALL comments on a single page. So if I'm searching through the comments for a specific word/phrase/question, I don't have to repeat the search 3000 times for every page of comments. Oh, and same thing for the 'bugs' tab. have the option of displaying ALL bug posts. for the same reason as above. Now that I think about it, please just have an option to 'display all' for every tab. Please and Thanks.
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