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Everything posted by sedeslav

  1. Elves was in European mithology far before christianity and in that times they was higher and noble race of kings. My shameful knowlage of english lenguage don't permit me to explain properly. Christianity put an significant eforts to make them daemons and little creatures with long nails and teeths, because popes wants to estabished their favorites for kings. and about this theme here Elfs in Skyrim game are uterly ugly and disfigured. Elves are far better then humans in any sence.
  2. Maybe you can use some of this: http://www.filterforge.com/filters/5703.html
  3. It will be easy to arange that you can just click "Hunger/sleep" as an option Enable/disable if you dont want realistic mod. Realistic mod however, can be expand to "freezing to death, no fast traveling, cooking better meals, wearing cloth"....
  4. Maybe you can make Skyrim chickens ridable! Lol! ...seriously: Open console command and point with mouse on chicken. write: setscale 2.3 and you will get chicken aproximatly the chocobo size. Then you will can make it mountable but not before CK. :) hahaha that will be most closely to your request! :)
  5. ...and, don't forget...Altmer ploting down in Tamriel for Thalmor side....possibilities are endless: Cheydinhal Dunmers rebbeling against Imperia to reinstall slavery and Old Morrowindian lore and famous houses ...
  6. I get Altmer blood from a necromancer on the road and Orcimer blood from bandit he was killed a second ago! :) two bloods with easy! :)
  7. That sound like magic of wood elves. they can controling animals. maybe some mage was around from that race? anyway sound strange!
  8. Can anyone make this? It will be nice add to a range section. This is my original design and I think that will be great for a long distances, higher damage but slower then other bows. (Kill the bear with one shot! :)
  9. Can anyone explain me how to make font of a texts in game biger? I need that for a two major reasons. My eyes are not well and I must play on lowest configuration (low low 640-480) because , unfortunately my crapy machine can run the game just on that. oK...I can play, at least! :) but on that resolution tinny font become unreadable. What shell I do? Thanks in advance!
  10. No problem at all! You will help some other guy if he need to. I'm glad that I can help, because many people here on this forum helped me a hunderd times before! :)
  11. I remember people saying that exact thing about Oblivion though, and then we got the Shivering Isles. That was pretty awesome. Yes. Shivering Isles! That was a pleasant surprise for me too.
  12. That is real RPG thinking. I will try. (...I wasn't before...)
  13. "The Witcher" btw have 32 different way endings dipending of your choice who will live or who will die in game. ....just for the record...
  14. Pretty much all you said above + I hate that stupid stormcloack helmet with no face. all of them look like a robots + nobody in game haven't got a simple FACE EXPRESSION! So I asked myself : Is that so hard to make? or is it just plane human laziness?
  15. Dungeons are not a METRO! lol. haha crowd underground!
  16. And now...your (absolutely resonable questions...) leading to one obvious truth: Bethesda don't have a good story writers.
  17. Try this... http://www.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=4139
  18. From my point of view Imperia is pure Yugoslavia! Skyrim representing one of the rebeled republics. Yugoslavia was quite like this Imperia. In the state of decomposition.
  19. I get Fraps from here: http://www.fraps.com/download.php and instalation ask do I want to install directly in game. Can I do it with outany harm to game?
  20. awww...that will be nice...
  21. It will be very easy in new Construction set! Come near cow and press E to "milked a cow" then you get white bottle! Simple is that (few commands here and there...few new texture and VOILA! :D
  22. Interesting idea! :) we will can make "Cabage Football" championship of Skyrim! (heads and troll skuls can be useful too! :D)
  23. You have to know that EVERYTHING made in Capitalsm is uterly crap!(Cars, Comps, Consoles...get a picture) Why? Because you will must buy another new thing soon! :) and make profit for "Bigbutts"...everytime again. Their interest is to make machine going...and going... So you can play for a wile and then buy another NEW SHINY PRODUCT for another 60 $ with 50% of a Moders ideas in it. Astutely isn't it? :)
  24. Haelga in Riften is my favorite. :) btw I like that new hairs for girls.
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