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Everything posted by Swedzin

  1. I installed bevilex modlist again and I'm still looking for some gameplay mods to make the game more enjoyable. I always hated what is generally called efficient leveling in vanilla Oblivion. I've searched and found many mods that are related to fixing the issues I've in mind but I'm having hard time deciding which ones to install. For leveling I'd like to have something like this: - Absolutely no leveling up certain skills to get +5 attributes at level up! - Not being punished from not leveling certain skills/attributes early - Basically being able to level without the fear of ending up with weak character - this also relates to enemy scaling - The original way of leveling my character by increasing skills might be what I'd prefer - this might be up to debate though For quest rewards and such: - Not being punished from completing quests early! - Always getting the best version of the item - or have the item automatically increase stats when I level up - This would have to be automatic. I know there are some mods which include spells to level up previously picked items. This is not the way I'd like it to work. Scaling (enemies, drops etc) - this is a bit hard to describe but I give it a shot: - Not finding only high level monsters when I'm at high levels myself - Bandits not spawning with high-end gear and all that ridiculous stuff - Actually feeling the progress when you level up I'd summarize that the changes I'm looking for are in the end quite minor which would however make the game much more enjoyable. I'm not really looking to change Oblivion to whole different game when it comes to gameplay. Problem I have with many mods out there is that they seem to change the game too much. I hope asking these questions doesn't make me sound like lazy person. Believe me, I've looked into many options but I'm having hard time deciding. What mods do you think would suit my needs best? I'm also interested in hearing you own views especially about the monster scaling since I'm sure there are still options that I have not even considered.
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