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Everything posted by colonel4
Hi Nexus people, i was wondering about an alternative for a sneak indicator when sneaking. Having the idea of a subtle blue hue at the corners of the screen to grow towards the center (not by much) as the character is fully undetected while having the blue hue to widen up towards the corners of the screen the more you are in the process of being detected, until eventually completely disappear once you are detected (as if you are not in sneaking mode even though you are in the position of). Had this idea for a long time now, a few years since a game "Penumbra black plague" came out and I liked the whole Sanity system with the sneaking experience. I will upload a picture for a reference of what I have in mind: Maybe also adding the ability to select how dense the blue hue is by levels. I'm assuming that it can be done by using the blur effect and replicate it into the sneak eye indicator, but please don't make it blurry... Already using mods to have the sneak eye indicator, crosshair and compass to hide but I thought that would be a good compromise for sneaking, while not entirely unable to tell if someone detected or not but the ability to sense. Even if its being made or not, I'm just happy with the game as it is, so it doesn't really matter. Just thought to share this with you people so it might bring you other and new ideas for mods. Have a fine day yelling at dragon's faces and "steal their power".
repeatable random grey aliens encounters
colonel4 replied to colonel4's topic in Fallout 3's Mod Ideas
Cool thanks for the support, and please if you do make mod take your time im not going anywhere. im just glad that it is possible, i will try to lern how to make mods maybe i can pull this off. -
Hi people, i was thinking if it was possible to make several grey aliens wandering the fallout 3 land, and if it is possible too to make them apear at night time. i know there is some mods that deliver it but i just want a few grey aliens that spawn in random places once in a while, not an alien fleet with army of machines, and not the alien from the movie alien( i like that movie ) just the naked bright green skin big eyes and small grey aliens... if it is possible to make it in a simple way please let me know, im not a moder but i can lern. Thanks in advance if anyone is interserted to help.
Hi all, im wondering if someone can make a mod that makes your character slower as you drawing out your two handed sword, hammer or battleaxes... Lets say you taking out your two handed silver sword and your normal walking/running speed is default, i want it to make my character a bit slower by about 20% (but only my character). If this is a too simple request, to make it complicated you can base the speed to be affected by the weight of the two handed. Oh and i dont mean that bows should be included, only the weapons that falls in the category of the two handed skill. Can it be done ? i would do it myself but i have no modding skill whatsoever but im willing to lern. Sorry for my bad english...
Hi guys, i have searched all over the nexus and even google but didnt find the mod i was looking for... its a mod that change the overall sound of the user interface, like pressing tab or closing a menu and receiving a quest and such BUT only interface related. please help me find it, i hope its not removed. Edit: never mind found it.
UNP - Hmm What To Wear by Nightasy and Brokefoot http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/22168//? you can choose what part to wear...
I have graphical problems.. please help !
colonel4 replied to ivans333's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
dude you gotta give some details like what version of the game you running, installed mods, system specs. from what you gave so far all i can say its either a texture file gone corrupt or you just ran out of ram memory, i have never encountered this problem so i might be wrong... -
Hey guys, i was wondering if i can take a preset of existed npc ingame when im creating a new character. to make it easier ( or harder ) im using "Enhanced Character Edit" and for example the npc i want to copy is a modded or a newly custom added follower, how do i get the preset ? or there is another complicated way to get it ( i love complicated things ). im really sorry if there is allready a topic of this, but before i posted i searched google and here on the tutorials and found no lead.
Thanks, i didn't realize that this great masterpiece mod had such an editions
Hi all, I was wondering is there a mod that makes all of skyrim to be snowy like in winterhold ? It would be great with the survival mods to be more hardcore, and i don't think that at some place there will be inactive volcano with 110F (50c) temperature and by some 2 miles there is windhelm with -15c Alaska like temperature. It would be easier if all of skyrim where -15c harsh weather, this is skyrim after all...
That would be sweet, looking foreword for this
What is better, dual weapons or a weapon and a shield?
colonel4 replied to Simniac's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
I like one handed weapon and shield style but every time i equip something else by hotkey the shield is not coming back unless you go to the menu and equip it again, its annoying so i play with no shield lol -
Next setting for the next elder scrolls game
colonel4 replied to FeastingCrow's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
I really hope its going to be set on Valenwood, the home of the short and hunter masters of the wild. Imagine all the magical forests and hidden ruin within it. But i think its going to be set on summerset isle, the home of the giant mages. Weather would be set to the boring clear summer(everyday looks the same, its boring). -
From that list i think its a mod conflict, the heavy mods like skytest and warzone maybe they spawn at the same spot somewhere. And it could be that sound mods. Since you got many mods i never tried i maybe wrong but you have to hunt down mod by mod and test it... Hope you figure it out soon enough. Edit: i use win7 and it uses 619mb just to function for me and yes skyrim tend to crash at the limit of 3gb memory... So as said above me its the textures mods and footprints mod that i used and i know it takes some ram, and the big spawner mods help to build up even more ram that will end up at the limit of 3gb ram and crash...
Hey guys, i installed tons of mods that are leading me to a merchant that is supposed to be inside the cell of qasmoke, but when i teleport there is no sight of any merchant to sell and buy from, i tried detect spells and no clipping but i always end up in some chests that has ONLY vanila items. Am i missing something ? maybe someone know the id of that merchant so i can just place at me and scale him/her to 0.3 skeever size and stomp him/her relentlessly ? I know i can just type help item mod and stuff but thats for one item... from what i heard that merchant sells all the additional mods, so why to hunt down for hours if there is an option for instant all menu ? Please help me pleeeeeaaaase
Hi guys, is there any mod that have werewolf vs vampires wars ? I mean its allways werewolfs/vampires vs humans or vise versa...
not sure if to many mods causing quest bugs or game file is bugged
colonel4 replied to Advikis's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
150 mods is way not too much, im running skyrim smoothly with 253 activated esm's and esp's and i dont use any unofficial patch and everything is working without errors. I have 174 pex files in my script folder and i dont have any lag whatsoever. The only thing i can think of like most of us you installed new mods and uninstalled some or updated existing mods, this in rare cases destroys the SAVED game files. What you will have to do is takes a long road: make a list of the current installed mods, uninstall them all and start a new game as vanilla skyrim, reach the point the error occur and save and install the mods one by one and test it for abit to see what is making errors, everytime you get a problem try to reload a save before even getting the quest. Try to avoid mod updates, make a text log for a history of installed mods to hunt down any conflicts and try not to uninstall mods if you want to keep playing the current character and if you uninstall pex files in the script folder you must start a new game, thats how skyrim works. I dont use nexus manager, i install mods manually and i have steam but i bought the game on its release date with the box of dvd's so i can avoid auto updates for mods... -
hmm if you not alt tab the game remains with sounds? looks like a sound driver is outdate or codecs not working properly, before you check this, run a simple test: BEFORE starting skyrim, find the speaker icon on the right down screen and right click it then open volume mixer and click on your device icon, then go to the advanced tab and select at the default format 24 bit, 44100 Hz and press apply and ok, close the volume mixer menu and start skyrim and check if it solved. For the subtitles there are two ways to enable them: simply in the gameplay at the options menu of the game it is located down so you have to scroll down and you will see an unchecked subtitle. The second way is in the SkyrimPref.ini in documents then my games and tehn skyrim, search for the line "bDialogueSubtitles" its under the "[interface]" set it to 1 and save changes. Also check if the file itself is read-only, if it is UNCHECK IT, it can sometimes messup the game if its read-only.
Have you by chance limited your fps to less than 60? maybe 30? the result will be the game will run smoother and with less stutering laggs with the cost of really long loading screens at 30 fps... But if you set fps to 60 and you get some laggs but shorter loadingtimes you can do several things to reduce laggs: you can alt tab to task maneger after you reached the main title and then set priority to high to skyrim.exe. Youcan also lower the object distance as it takes some graphic ram. And finaly youcan disable self shadowing by editing the skyrim.ini at documents. Sorry for the long read just trying to help, the buttom line i think you limited your fps, hope you figure it out if this isnt the case.
When i reached 254 installed esp's and esm's activated and load order sorted, i started to have a strange error, the game keep reset the world every time i reload or loading a new cell. By resets i mean a vampires attacking and magicaly respawn immidiatly after i go insine an inn and then outside when i killed them and they respawn again like its the first time, or a courier landing me a letter from a friend every time i reload or change cell. Im about to hunt down any recent mod conflict and maybe a whole new install with new original ini's. its the first time the game got messed up as im verry selective and carefull about mods... Please if anyone know or have any idea how to solve this again please help me. Oh and i have only 185 pex files in my scripts folder so i dont think this is making an overloaded commands for the game to handle and my savegame files are no more than 8.61mb...
There is a house mod just for that that lets you lit a fire pit by adding wood chops and there are candles around to be toggle lit. I just forgot how its called but i remember that you have a whole grotto with full of plants and you can hire guards and a house keeper that go off and buy groceries, its looks almost like a fable house as how i can remember. I'm really sorry i cant point i just completely forgot the name, will edit back when I'm home... Edit: well im not home yet but i remember what its called its "silverfish", it just came up in my head now. i hope you find it fitting, im sorry there are no mod to have that feature in whole skyrim i whould enjoy it too
Has anyone noticed the windows in this game is kinda block all the vision from all directions ? How come for years i could play oblivion with the feature that you can see the outside from inside cell or from the outside to the inside, now that skyrim is allmost two years old i came across only one mode that have this feature but its in the wilderness, this feature works best at towns making them alive and sound. Please anyone who can help, this is the only mod that is missing for me in skyrim
Hi there, i need some help finding a long lost mod that features a random werewolf howl in the wild on the nights, i remember it didnt have to spawn creatures to play that sound... searching for this nearly a year now, please any lead will help
How i got the idea: When i first played a TES game it was oblivion, when i got out of the dungeon i was amazed and it was night. The only thing i searched is the stars at the nightly sky that will look like the formation of my chosen birthsign, i was oh well nvm... How i hope it will be: Now we have our skyrim, how about changing the night sky glowing stars to glow a bit less then the increased a bit of glow to notice the current chosen standing stone ?
I really liked Hrormir's ice staff from the elder scrolls iv oblivion, here is a link to exactly what im writing about: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Hrormir's_Icestaff it does frost damage, light and chameleon wich we have in skyrim in a different way, instead of light from oblivion make it produce the mage light spell to a hitted target and for the chameleon make the simply invincible... and the textures and shapes were unique. as for how to obtain it, maybe place it standing stuck on an iced lake or iced river and with a tiny glow like the nirnroot but blue'ish until you pick it... i know its alot but hey just an idea i realy like. Hope to see it someday if it will ever be considered.