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About Lyrinthia

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    Skullgirls and Skyrim

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  1. I've done that, but the head texture doesn't line up, and the skin colors are slightly off
  2. http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/9853/? or at least something similar? There is a serious lack of even a single android/robot texture mod for Skyrim
  3. I'm wiling to get rid of it any way i can
  4. If i understand you right, you want to take off the hover info and the dimming when you are in enb-menu? Yes please
  5. Hello, I'm having trouble with my ENB. it works fine but when I hover over an option in the in-game enbseries options menu, the screen dims and it shows info about the option on the top of the screen. Would anyone happen to know how to turn this off? Example attached
  6. Hello, I'm having trouble with my ENB as well. it works fine but when I hover over an option in the in-game enbseries options menu, the screen dims and it shows info about the option on the top of the screen. Would you happen to know how to turn that off?
  7. If anyone knows of a good set of replacers for the entire Dark brotherhood, could they let me know? If there isn't any known, would someone consider making one?
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