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Everything posted by KefkeWren
I liked this mod a lot at first, but it's lost my endorsement. Forced jailing is a cardinal sin for any mod, but for a thief-themed mod in particular, it's just inexcusable. So far, I've found two different encounters where you can just get automatically thrown in jail without the option to resist arrest. Never mind that committing any other crime that doesn't earn you a death warrant always gives you the chance to pay a fine, or run and try to get your bounty cleared by the Guild. Some modders just "know better". The one in Ald'rhun is bad enough. Your only options are to rat Constance out, or get auto-jailed. You can't run away, nor talk your way out of it. Worse still, the jail option is a complete trap. You stick up for Constance and say you don't believe she stole anything instead of immediately taking her accuser's side? Well that makes you an accomplice and you're automatically sent to prison. There is nothing to convey that this will happen, you're just punished for sticking up for your friend. Oh, and if you say that you'll check Constance's bag, then try to make a break for it (or the NPCs wander package takes it too far away), you just get auto-jailed anyway. It's complete bull. However, that's still better than the one I got in Balmora. At least the Ald'rhun encounter gives you the chance to save yourself by being a narc. In Balmora, she just hands you a bunch of stolen goods right in time for a guard to accost you. Then you get to click through a nice scene of your character being a complete moron and "comically" tripping over their words until they get...you guessed it...auto-jailed. Which really breaks the immersion on my high Intelligence, high Personality, Speechcraft build. Plus the fact that it's a serious dick move that takes control away from the player. I don't tolerate auto-jail traps in any mod, but in a mod that is made to appeal to thief builds, it's particularly unforgivable.
Alright, so...serious question. I understand that Fallout 4 is not mod-friendly "out the box". Presumably, the folks at Bethesda would rather that everyone use their mod service. So, you have to change the ini files. Without that, it'll just ignore the mods you try to put in locally, right? Except, why do I the end user have to look up a tutorial, manually locate the files, and then manually search for the relevant lines to copy in the changes? The method is the same as when it first came out, right? So why haven't we automated this? Why can't someone just click a button and have the ini patched for them? Yeah, a lot of people have already done it manually by now, but new people and fresh installs are still things that exist. It would be a pretty nice convenience feature to have. So, again, serious question...is there any reason why this step couldn't be/hasn't been automated by now?
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Thank you, but I actually understand load order a little better than you do, I think. Particularly in worldspaces, the "rule of one" doesn't always apply. For instance, I have seem multiple mods both try to re-add the cut adventurer NPC on the road out of Goodsprings, with the result of getting two of them right on top of each-other until one of the redundant mods was removed. Also, when it comes to changing game mechanics, not all mods do the same thing the same way - hence my concern that having multiple mods overriding vanilla behaviour, one might take precedence regardless of load order, depending on the methods used. Specifically, if only one mod is directly overwriting the Vanilla content, or worse still neither mod doing the same thing is, things can get screwy. So, no, I did not need a tutorial on how load order works. I have been tweaking load order to get the right mods to take priority since my Morrowind days. I would have thought that asking a question specifically about load order precedence, and whether it applied regarding specific scripted tweaks, indicated I was already familiar with the concept. What I wanted was practical information on how specific mods interact, and what patches are available. On the other hand, it may be a moot point, since I've done a little digging and found that, while NVEC does contain a number of mods both that I have, and that I'm interested in, it also makes a number of changes I'm not comfortable with, and uses outdated versions of a few mods - in particular New Vegas bounties, which - without voiced lines - would pretty much be a non-starter for me. tl;dr - Thank you for trying to help, but that's not quite the information I needed.
I started out my modded New Vegas career using MMUE(+) for all my bugfix needs and a bit of extra content. It seemed a good fit, because it covered a lot of ground, and didn't add a lot of features, leaving me free to shape my experience with other mods. A couple characters and some browsing later, though, and I find myself dangerously close to what tends to be considered the mod ceiling for New Vegas, with around 140-odd ESPs. In looking for ways to cut my load order down, and avoid the infamous Gamebryo bugs that show up with a higher plugin count, I re-examined NVEC. The first time around, I skipped it - partly because it has a definite flavour to the game, and partly because I simply couldn't be arsed with the extra steps needed to use their More Perks merge at the time...something I have since gone back and done anyway. On this second examination, I find myself much less critical of their choices for inclusion, as I count a fair number of mods I am currently using. At a quick count, it should drop about a baker's dozen mods from my load order, before any required patching and not counting MMUE(+). On the other hand, I do have some concerns, which is the reason for this post... Can I overwrite changes to companion limits, TAG skills, and the like by loading other mods that adjust these after? - Specifically will menu based settings from Project Nevada take priority, and will CCO's charisma-based followers override the unlimited followers included with NVEC.Is NVEC fully redundant with MMUE(+)? If not, is there a compatibility patch to keep them stepping on each-other's toes?Would it be necessary to remove my mods and rebuild from scratch using NVEC as a base? I'm not opposed to doing this, but it is a time consuming process to be sure.
This one is really a "no experience necessary" type of mod. Player lines are capped at - I believe - 100 characters, but otherwise it would be reasonably trivial to edit, other than scope. My advice would be to pick a section of the game to do some dialogue for yourself, as a proof of concept and style guide. Then figure out a way to divide the different parts of the game up (probably by quest or faction) and recruit some people to each tackle a small part.
Gopher's "Advance Recon Thermal Nightvision" offers some additional vision modes that I think do a good job of filling the role of some of F4's head options (though be warned, from what others have told me you'll have to choose between ARTN and Flashlight NVSE, if you were hoping to use that one - Flashlight NVSE has headlamps for P.A. too). http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/38328/? Also, though I'd expect it to be on your short list of mods anyway, Project Nevada has some vision enhancement options for Power Armour. Not as robust as ARTN's, but what it lacks in fancy tactical computers, it makes up for in being compatible with most things, and generally cool as hell. In theory, the available version of PPA is compatible, but some settings on one or the other may still need to be tweaked to make them play nice and not step on one-another's toes. Been playing light armour characters lately, so I haven't really tested recently. For an alternative tactical computer, you could pick up the "Tactics Link" perk from Power Armor Perks; http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/46142/? You might also consider the infamous JSawyer mod, which has extensive fixes and rebalancing to power armour, including fundamentally changing how Power Armour Training works. It is no longer required, but instead makes Power Armour better...meaning that when you know how to use it, it carries its own weight, making it effectively weightless. Or if you want to tweak the armour without all the other baggage JSawyer carries along, consider Power Armour Overhaul the "light version" of all that. Still rebalances stats, still makes PAs weightless when worn, but effects no other aspects of the game: http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/59399/? Not sure if any of that is quite what you're looking for, but hopefully it helps!
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Eesh. I see what you mean about the audio filter. It sounds fine in its normal context, so I never noticed, but that really is...crackly. The "Oh, the irony" is good, though. That has me questioning how important it would really be for him to finish the line. I think that "Yeah, I see the irony. Respect where due, you won. If killing's what you came for, do what you gotta do." would probably be possible to patch together, if I remember his lines right, and sound better.
It's true I could, and I've considered doing just that. As I said, though, I wouldn't want to cut corners. I'm personally really big on immersion, and if the line didn't sound passably like a response to the situation, it just wouldn't feel right, you know? So, really, it ends up being a matter of work to reward. It just doesn't make much sense for me to take all the time to learn lip sync and audio splicing just to insert one sentence into the game. If I had some bigger concept, like altering a lot of quests, or turning a character into a companion the way others have done, then absolutely. I would learn the skills to do it, if I had a project worth doing it for. For just adding one solitary line of dialogue, though? It's a lot of work just to be able to have a snappy comeback in a situation that doesn't even come up every playthrough - I'd probably even take the time to merge it into another mod rather than use one of my ESPs on it. To me, it just made more sense to put the idea out there, so if someone who already has the skills wants to do it (or work it into something they were planning anyway) they can, and if not, no big deal, since it was a trivial idea anyway.
I'm just glad to know what's going on. Up to now, I had no idea where the issue lay, if anything would be done (or even could be done), or even on whose end the problem was. This announcement is a relief. Even if things get worse before they get better, at least now I know that they will. So, thank you for keeping us all in the loop!
This ought to be simple, but I doubt I have the skill at editing audio. So, really I'm just asking for someone who's better than me at splicing clips of existing dialogue together. Of course, since the rest is so simple, whoever does that wouldn't need my help to finish. I just want to make a small change to Benny's dialogue at the Fort. When he's tied up and on his knees, you can choose to tell him "Say your prayers." to let him know you're going to kill him. This gets you called a fink and not much else, but to me it seems like a missed opportunity. I'd like to turn this dialogue into a speech check, make the default lines the fail result with the success option being to repeat the line he uses in the game's intro, "From where you're kneeling, must look like an eighteen karat run of bad luck..." Aside from some experience, I'd like for this to trigger new dialogue. That's the part I can't do myself. I'd like something along the lines of "Guess the game really was rigged from the start." ...like I said, not complicated, but making the voice and lip sync work right - mostly getting the audio to sound natural - isn't something I trust myself to accomplish, and if I were to see this done, I'd want it done right.
DarNified UI: No Fonts/Ini?
KefkeWren replied to KefkeWren's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Mod Troubleshooting
Actually, I believe I was editing the "_default" file, and not the other, because I only saw one. Either way, as I said, it worked the first few times I launched the game, then it stopped working, then went back to reading my changes again. So, I'm guessing that what must have happened is that it doesn't always copy over, just usually, and I just happened to get a period where it wasn't while I was testing. -
Today I started switching from PipWareUI to DarNified UI, for compatibility with some other UI mods I want to use. Things were going smoothly, until I tried messing with a mod that added alternate fonts. After changing the Ini settings a few times, trying to customize the optional fonts to my liking, I was noticing that I just couldn't make any changes I liked. It was not until after I removed the extra font pack that I realized that Fallout had apparently stopped reading the Ini altogether, and was just going based off of the last settings it remembered - at which point it was still using the fonts I had uninstalled, so that going into the game now, all the text is invisible. How do I get it to read the Ini again, and go back to the default DarN fonts (which I have already set it back to)? EDIT - For reasons unknown to me, after going to the store and coming back, the issue has resolved itself?
Bipolar North Gate Securitrons
KefkeWren replied to KefkeWren's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Mod Troubleshooting
After slogging through all of my mods, and not just the ones that made any sense, I have finally found the one that caused the issue. Literally the last one I had left to try - Stanton's Mine. I have no idea why it makes the Securitrons forget they've given you clearance, but it does. So for anyone else out there who runs into this problem...yeah, there you go. -
Please help me become Solid Snake
KefkeWren replied to AdolphDankler's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Mod Troubleshooting
Alright, this is a very dumb question, but explain what you mean by "load up the game". Is your .esp file not appearing when you go to Data Files? Or when you tick it to be loaded, does nothing appear in game? Or are you trying to do something else, like patch the Snake content directly into the core files (in the unlikely event this is so, don't ever do that). -
Alright, after giving myself a headache trying to figure this out on my own, I'm open to any advice that isn't "make a bashed patch". Whenever I try to go on the strip, even though I pass the credit check, the Securitrons still go ballistic the moment I try to go up to the gate. I've tried talking to the greeter again. I've tried leaving and coming back first, in case they were for some reason still in murder mode from the scripted squatter that rushes the gate. I've even tried pulling mods (this is why I don't want to hear about bashed patches - I would first need to be able to locate the problem mod, to keep it from just adding the harmful change to the patch, and I have been unsuccessful at doing that). No matter what I try, they still try to shoot me in the back. The trigger that makes them turn hostile is just not getting turned off. I can slip past them and make it onto the Strip, but that just delays the problem, as they will still be hostile when I come back. Please, tell me what I can do here? (NMM modlist attached.)
It says file not found. Yeah, I was looking for this as well. All the changes mentioned here - mixed upgrades (legit version of the free zapper glitch FTW), switching who gives what (Seriously, why would the Followers give you a gun?), and fixing up the endings...these are all things I'd want. Very disappointing that the file is gone.
Request for Nuka Cola Plant restoration
KefkeWren replied to legobrick100's topic in Fallout 3's Discussion
I second this request. Actually, I found this thread because I was searching to see if anyone had already made it. -
Frankly, this program is far too tempermental to be of any use. Even when properly installed, with a system that meets the requirements, the software crashes as often as runs. I can't chose not to endorse this program, as I downloaded off a different site. However, I wouldn't recommend this program to my worst enemy. Unless some serious bugfixes are going to get done, and done WITHOUT upping the system requirements AGAIN, this "mod" is useless.