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About ArannorTreeStrider

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  1. Not a problem! I also refer to this page for much more detailed information about Bosmer lore. http://www.teso-rp.com/forum/m/9324623/viewthread/14169109-bosmer-lore-online If not already you could also try Heart Breaker - A Killmove Mod. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/32598/? There's also Ingredients of Tamriel http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/15442/? I still wish that there would be some more mods for Bosmer players.
  2. I play as a Green Pact following Bosmer. It is not very hard to do if you know what you can consume and can not consume. On the subject of alchemy, yes you can make potions and poisons! There are plenty of ingredients around that is not plant based. Salt and any fungus is completely allowed as well as any ingredients from insects, animals and creatures. Stay away from and do not use any potions that you find or can buy, you don't know what they were made with. Here is a webpage that gives a list of Green Pact friendly ingredients according to the potion you wish to brew. http://tamrielvault.com/profiles/blogs/green-pact-alchemy As for food, use this as your primary source for healing (if you are not using restoration). Go for the higher based items like steamed mudcrab legs, those have 12 points of health. Don't waste your time with anything that provides less than 10 points of health. Drinks, unless if you have Hearthfire to buy milk, stay away from them. For additional healing get Namira's ring, you are bound to cannibalistic survival after all. Bows, Bosmer in Valenwood have no problem using imported wood to build homes and use to make weapons with. If you don't feel right about smithing bows and arrows then I suggest to use what you find or level up your smithing and craft dragon bone weapons, if you have dawnguard. You could look for a mod that allows you to buy firewood from vendors, or use a weapons mod like Ghosu's Horker weapons pack. Also don't buy a home or build one if you have Hearthfire, but instead use the Alchemist's Shack for a home. The end table next to the bed will never respawn and is safe to use for storage.
  3. You know, you could always download the mod and then use console codes to obtain them and avoid doing the quests! Just saying.
  4. How about this> http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/32458/? or this> http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/19291/?
  5. It's been awhile, checking for any updates!
  6. Just kill Belethor and Ysolda will take over his buisness, no need for a mod.
  7. Easy there killer, just giving them the benefit of the doubt. Some people are just not as knowledgeable with computers as you or me. Besides most "legitimate requests" never get made anyways so it's not like their wasteful thread is really killing the flow of "legitimate" mods getting made.
  8. I know what you mean, but at the same time I don't blame them! The character in the trailer is some what of a rogue/assassin and his wardrobe resembles dwemer traits. The armor mod is titled Breton Knight. Some one unfamiliar with the nexus search engine may have difficulty in finding it.
  9. It's already been done> http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/59544/?
  10. Think it would be a great addition to have Ra's al Ghul's sword in Skyrim. All I could really find was one picture for reference. http://dctvuniverse.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/sword.png EDIT: Here is a video that the image above is from. It is towards the end of the video. https://youtu.be/ZKE36sL6jKc
  11. Could some one make it possible to have the Dragon Priest Dagger made into a standalone 1H and 2H swords?
  12. I don't blame you for holding out. I will patiently await this mod for when you do decide to upload it.
  13. Anything with John Cleese would be AWESOME! This needs to be in Skyrim!!!!
  14. Maybe some sort of effect that would dim down the lighting and blur everything (like it does when learning words of power from a word wall), as well as mixing this effect with a detect life power, keeping both active at once. Been watching Daredevil on Netflix have we?
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