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  1. Oh just thought of something the house in the Shivering Isles should have a bed that a giant Cheese wheel. We all know how Sheogorath loves his cheese.
  2. In the lore each Daedric Prince has their own realm. During the game you can perform tasks for any or all of said Daedric Princes. So why just a measly weapon? Okay sure the Daedric Artifacts aren't measly but why not more tempting offer? What I have in mind is when you gain approval of a Daedric Prince you get a spell that sends you and your followers to a location in that Daedric part of Oblivion. There you have a nice home to enjoy and travel too anytime. Of course these homes are decorated and twisted as the Daedra themselves. Sanguine player home would be something like a Strip Club or Tavern. Plenty of drinks, drunks, and debauchery. Sheogorath would mirror the Shivering Isles with half twisted and demented the other half more sane but full of tricks. I personally imagine a maid cleaning a blood stain on the floor. When asks she panics and kills herself, just to appear again the next day cleaning up the blood stain from her earlier suicide. Or a room with twisted perspectives. Molag Bal would be an BDSM dungeon with plenty ways of torturing NPCs. All respawn given their souls are bound to the Princes realm. Hircine is a Hunters dream realm lots of outdoors and animals to hunt. By now you got the idea each prince has a domain in Oblivion so why not grant you the placer a small piece, all the better to bind your soul to them.
  3. I primary an archer so getting up close and personal kill moves are very rare. I'm a stealthy archer type shoot from the shadows. Thinking of using bound weapons as well for a) unlimited ammo and b) bow that doesn't use wood. I also have the Bosmer armor pack just love the look of it. I use http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/8543/? to get rid of the human remains. Imperious races of skyrim gives the bosmer the cannibal option. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/61218/? It's an interesting challenge playing a Green Pact following Bosmer. I'm enjoying the Roleplay.
  4. Thanks Journeyman. I know the Green Pact was for the Valenwood. The idea and culture would still be habit even if he could do something like take some petals of a flower, he wouldn't. It be something he sees as wrong even if technically he can. People can eat bugs, only a part of the population of the world does for example. So a Green Pact raised Bosmer wouldn't be breaking the oaths just because he's out of the Valenwood. That website just what I needed now I know what would count. I use Realistic needs so have access to drinking water, Hunterborn for more use of the bodies of wild game. Also have a cremation mod that turns humanoid bodies into ash. Clean Up your corpses I tried, but it don't play well with Hunterborn. So he might not be eating those bandits he's not leaving them behind either. The use of Namira's ring I didn't think about thanks for that tip!
  5. Still you can't practice alchemy and keep to the Green Pact. There are recipes for potions that tell you the ingredients, so if you read those recipes you know what are in the potions.
  6. Alright we all know that food has some boosts. However Roleplaying a Green Pact following Bosmer is difficult to keep to. Rules of the Green Pact Only meat-based products can be consumed. Only meat-based products can be consumed.Prohibits the use of wood or other vegetable derivatives as building materials.Forbidden to harm trees and plant life for their own betterment.Forbidden to smoke anything of a vegetable nature. A lot of the cooking items require plants. Potions often have plants and fungus ingredients. Keeping to the Green Pact a wood elf shouldn't be taking flowers and vegetables for these recipes. He or she be using more of the game. Bone Marrow, brain and other organs, to make potions and more beneficial food items. So is there a mod out there that provides a greenpact following Bosmer the benefits of potions and food items without breaking this religious code?
  7. Brokunn's Conjure Rideable Ethereal Horse Spell http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/9534/? Is a fine mod and I use it often. Good mount for my stealthy assassin. When not in use it's not there to give me away! However it hasn't been updated since 2012. Mods came up with some fine things like water walking, and even flying. Would be good for the Ethereal horse to be able to run across water and not sink. Or even upgrade the spell so the horse can fly. There are other features that could enhance the idea as well. Instead of a stone you get the spell book from why not a vender? Or you find the spell on some quest. Armor variations say a summonable Daedric Mount. Well you get the idea, good mod and I love it. Just wish it had a bit more now we are in the 2015 and heading for 16.
  8. There also Random Alternate Start by Syclonix and Alternate Start - Live Another Life by Arthmoor Both provide new starts location.
  9. If I had the knowledge and skill to do it. I would, maybe I mess around with the creation kit. To make something like a pocket of Oblivion well... I'm not foolish enough to think I can do it. A simple one would be a hunting lodge in a grove Heck I think someone did something along those lines already Hunting Grounds by Kewin568. You blow a horn and it teleports you to Hircine's Hunting Ground. Just need a place to live and bingo. Heck for the style just have it as a campground tent and all. Sanguine seems to have a hundred thousand pleasure pockets. A simple player home there could be a Bar/Tavern or even a strip joint. Evergloam for Nocturnal would be harder, again perhaps a cabin in the Crow's Woods? Those are just examples of ideas the oblivion realm could hold for an interesting player home.
  10. Well the mod The Gray Cowl of nocturnal seems to have it's own textures. Very beautiful work by MannyGT. Some of the Daedric Realms I don't think would need all that much. Then again I'm not a Modder I tried and it's just confusing for me. Maybe if I had someone explain things, but that's another topic. It really is up to how much or little the Modder can do. I just noticed that of all the ideas there don't seem to be any Daedric inspired places.
  11. Here you are the Dragonborn going around Skyrim with a Daedric weapon of choice. Your a champion and your reward is a weapon... why not make it sweeter. Each of the Deadra Princes have their own realms in Oblivion so why can't the champion visit. This can be done via a spell or with use of a magical artifact like Familiar Face's Portal Stone. When used you teleport to a player house in your chosen Daedric Realm. Sheogorath's realm of the Shivering Isles this house could be very beautiful and stunning work of art on one side, the other near chaotic I'm thinking of steps going off in random directions maybe doorways furniture on walls or ceiling. I real fun house! Azura's realm of Moonshadow It is a giant garden full of roses, a city of silver, and breathtaking vistas brimming with waterfalls, flowers, and majestic trees where the wind and rain carry heady perfumes, and the colors blur. The goddess herself resides in a palace of roses. The realm holds such beauty that it makes mortals half blind. Boethiah's realm the plane has been renamed many times by Boethiah for unknown reasons and is described as a country of labyrinthine policies and betrayals. It is known to be full of many maze gardens and twisted towers Well by now you get the idea from the Elderscrolls Wiki there are 11 realms of the Daedric Princes that we mere mortals know about. This could be a fun contest to have see who can create a little piece of Oblivian for our use. ​Are you up to the challenge?
  12. What I mean is this. I have frostfall, Hunterborn, realistic needs and diseases on top of Immersive Hud. Think to yourself and other such immersive mods yes very immersive game play here. The only reason I don't have the 3D paper map mod for my game maps is because of Falskaar and Wyrmstooth's map would be inconsistent. Playing a woodsman, wood elf, or any character that can look at the sky and guess by the angle of the sun, moons, stars what time it was... looking at a clock was non immersive. So I want a power that would tell the time not with numbers like 12:43, but with "Looks to be nearly an hour past noon". When inside a building or dungeon "No way to tell what time it is, but feels like I been up all night." As well as other time related first person comments. Come to think of it an addon to the 3D paper map mod for Falskaar and Wyrmstooth (maybe elsweyr) or other such massive new locations would be good too. Well back to freezing to death in skyrim Major mod user lousy mod maker Silverwolf.
  13. Thanks it been so long sense I read the whole description I forgot about the download link. I have to say again I LOVE this mod. Thanks so much for putting the work into it (guessing you are the same LP on steam LP1). If not... well thanks for the tip about the download. Still be an interesting mod to do some kind of Odd Jobs for stores and vendors. I think up some ideas maybe make another post.
  14. Alright due to the new Steam Workshop pay for mod system I am removing any Mod from steam. However I don't know where I can get Become a Bard from other than the workshop. I love going around Role Playing a bard singing for my supper/bed for the night. With all the other immersion mods I have it a real treat. However to my personal protest I am now divided. Remove one of my favorite mods or just keep that one. I figure if enough people stop using the steam workshop for mods they might get the idea it was a bad idea. So can anyone point me to where I can get it without the workshop or can one of you bright Modders out there get LP to post here or get his/her okay to post. Heck make one that does similar functions maybe have odd jobs instead of just bards. Maybe do a simple quest for the Innkeeper for a nights stay. Run to some place and get X amount of supplies. "Yeah we are running low of venison. How about you go hunt down a deer or two and you can have the room for a night."
  15. In response to post #24595984. #24596844, #24635709, #24636139 are all replies on the same post. I signed as well. Donations are well and good, this is just going to do more damage. To easy to steal ideas, mods, and resources and post here. Way to many Mods, Resources and other modding sites to monitor them all.
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