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About DeathlessAphroditeOriginal

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  1. I've been struggling with this too, I can't seem to fix it. I've tried removing the spells listed in my log, it didn't help. I don't know what to do, maybe a picture of my character with the effect around him will enlighten some of you. By the way, I've found a save where this wasn't happening yet and I haven't added or removed any mod since then, except for autosave manager which has nothing to do with magic effects... Really, I haven't done that much, probably killed a dragon, finished a part of that quest where you have to find pieces of Mehrune's razor, stole a bunch of stuff. My equipment is the same, too. I will revert to that save if need be, but I'd rather not if possible. EDIT: Got it. Frost Atronach. Somehow I had missed it in the first page. Still, I wonder how in Oblivion this effect got stuck on my character... Anyway, thanks for the incredibly useful thread, steve40.
  2. I remove computer viruses (among a zillion other things) in my line of work. I have encountered ransomware viruses like this one many times. You can use combofix to remove it. The Kaspersky boot disk also has a command line feature useful to give you access to windows when it's totally locked. After that, you use combofix and malwarebytes anti-malware to clean the machine.
  3. So, is the problem with Civilizations only? I've been using all 3 of them for months and my save game is still around 6.2 Mb. Better safe than sorry, though.
  4. I have googled around, I found something (like tips on using FNVedit) but I wasn't able to find a conclusive answer. I'm trying to find out the BaseID of a character whose FormID starts with FF, this means it's stored in the save file and not in any esm or esp file. So can anybody help me, is there a way? Thanks in advance.
  5. Thanks! I haven't been able to do anything else on the mod because of work, and I'll be quite busy for 7 more days at the least. You go ahead and upload everything, you're doing an excellent job.
  6. You wrote Ez2See in your sig, and I think I like that better! Ez2Read is nice too, though. Good idea with the alpha values, right now I've been using scripts with no alpha, just slightly different colors as was suggested above. These are a couple of examples, I have edited the file extension to distinguish them.
  7. Wives must be the priority! :) I've also managed to find the colors from the actionscript inside the swf/xml by comparing two files differing only in said colors. They're not stored in hex format though: ff0000 becomes 16711680, which is its decimal equivalent. The "new topic" color values are saved under DoInitAction SpriteId="53", old topic under 54. This allows us to edit the swf directly with SWiX, although it is not as time saving as I thought.
  8. Thanks! I have opened the original dialoguemenu.swf with SWiX and the one from the repository, I think I've found the erroneous multiline property. Working on it. Ok, found it. I'd say it's much easier to use SWiX for our goals, I've not tried yet but I think colors can be changed directly inside the SWF file, right?
  9. I noticed a small glitch: if you use the .fla file from the repository for compiling, you get it no matter what. See how the word Gray-Mane gets cut (below), whereas vanilla (above) simply starts a new paragraph. http://www.deathless.it/ScreenShot38.jpg
  10. I have updated the script so that text is colored red for new topics and there's a very slight variation in color when the topic is selected. Same for gold color. It works flawlessly.
  11. Thanks, we mostly "discovered" what you were pointing at in the first post (actually Steve40 did most of the work), we've been compiling some files already. But your second post was incredibly helpful, I had no idea the global alpha setting could be overridden like this. Kudos!
  12. Sorry about the archive, I removed it and the link. I got the font from here: http://www.fontpalace.com/font-details/FuturaStd-Condensed/ It's a legitimate free font website, I think. Not sure though, in doubt I'll remove the link and keep the font :). Glad you're helping, by the way!
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