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Everything posted by thelawfull

  1. Is it possible to make a script that runs a console command in skyrim?, All I need to run everytime is tll.
  2. Yes there is capes and cloak mods for skyrim but here is the problem There nice but some people like to see something better on there charecter like armor or anything atleast under there hipline Would show off the sword sheathe much more, At the very least adding a bit more style. So far google doesnt have many demonstrations of this from what ive tried to find, Closest thing ive found to it is the attack on titan cloak and the game blade warrior for androids female Andra charecter. the closest demonstration is blade warrior so i will show you a you tube video go to 0.57 in the video
  3. I am announcing that i will no longer be updating or adding new mods of any nature unless people tell me they truly wish it, my list has grown to far stretched and my mind has been all over the place with too much thought, I apologize for this matter but i do believe that continuing my work on oblivions sea underwater and emphasizing on that would be the most beneficial for all around. if you have any concerns or questions please write me on here or my ocean mod if it contains about it. I appreciate all the support throughout these couple months. My ocean mod can be found here http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/46299/? Sincerely. -Thelawfull
  4. is there a way to do this scriptwise on player?, I tried fortify sneak but it doesnt make picking pockets 100% successful.
  5. maybe you could help me with this one and i could give you credit?, Im a very new scripter and dont know what im doing really.
  6. so stength adept spell, actor value codes are in OBSE command documentation If ( Player.GetActorValueC 30 ) && ( Player.HasSpell SomeAdeptSpellID == 0 ) Player.AddSpell SomeAdeptSpellID MessageBoxEX "through training you have learned %n!", SomeAdeptSpellID EndIf
  7. the spells wont have a school requirement, But a skill one and yes having it after is what I am looking for thankyou. :smile: theres only about 7 or 8 spells but i want them unlocked when you meet a certain sneak requirement endurance requirement stuff like that.
  8. have a great idea but no knowledge of scripting, Maybe somebody could help?.
  9. or this one https://soundcloud.com/milchinskiy3/eluveitie-a-rose-for-epona :)
  10. https://soundcloud.com/metalengineering/a-rose-for-epona-instrumental probably the best :)
  11. I have made a mod that uncaps all creatures and npcs, It took me about .8 of a day to make but i did it to only morrowind.esp as the master file, Now i want to make the knights of the nine and all that uncapped so it blends with what ive already done. how do you set a master file?
  12. yeah the problem i was having is i was trying to sell something that didnt have a value xP
  13. I need to alter the npcs in the game of year addition through the cs that i have so people can use it, But if I merge the dlcs together into one esp, Am I basically handing out the dlcs for free to people who have the vanilla game?
  14. Someone should make an underwater civilization mod, Its actually easier then it sounds but time consuming so I give these ideas to someone that would be patient enough to make one of the most perhaps needed mod there ever is! So heres my idea theres two ways you can take a crack at this one 1st way is to bring the water level down even further then it is normally, To do this in the construction set click on the render window and press h, The easiest way to find good points to lower the water level is to go where the clams are and start there when you have made a wide enough space you then can start adding underwater houses and argonian villagers then you can start making roads under the water by keep bringing the water level down and lead to underwater forts where you fight argonian bandits 2nd way is a little easier then the 1st way I believe go to where the clams are and make a door, This door leads to underwater dungeons where argonian bandits are, You could even make an underwater door that leads to argonian merchants The problem is that bethsda made underwater combat and the means to live underwater, But hardly anything to adventure, People have tried fixing this but the problem is they only added exploration, We need adventure underwater! I have decided that i do have time for this project and will undergo it.
  15. I figured it out, But thankyou for responding to this post. :)
  16. I want to add something to rindirs items to sell and keep it there until someone buys it in the cs but cant find a way to do this.
  17. Anyone know of any that isnt for public use?. Nevermind found some at the free music archive
  18. Hey glowplug there going crazy for the mod lol, I wondered if you wouldnt mind making a falcon for the morning times opposit of the time the owl shows up and i will implement it never mind i added bluejays :)
  19. Okay I will credit you both. :) I have put the owls in pretty neat areas around the citys in oblivion I will now post it and credit you and Drahenne in the description aswell as the credit box thank you for all the help :).
  20. So I downloaded combat redefined and saw that there are no hit animations, But sadly these only change the miss animations of the sword but it got me thinking, If we cant make the npcs have a dodge animation why cant we atleast change the attack animations of all weaponry?, At the very least change the animations to show an attack that could likely be easily interpreted as a miss even with the npc standing still "Ex halberds would do swipes instead of stabs" that way we could interpret as the main charecter being tense from not having experience with the weapon hes going to kill someone with. I think a good way to do this if we can is to only have the animations of when your attacking while walking sideways "left right".
  21. figured out why my construction set wasnt saving the owls it didnt have admin right doh! lol. could you also tell me the owl appear time? and when they leave?.
  22. Ok I will, i will implement this into the mod I am making Do I credit you?.
  23. I would prefer the snow owl, But any is ok. barred owls would look good your right.
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