In response to post #34909225. #34911540, #34912605, #34914740, #34916115, #34916775, #34923105, #34926225, #34938020, #34938455, #35036235, #35037285, #35074330, #35074855 are all replies on the same post. Are you even serious? Of course they want to make money, do you think they work for free? Of course modders can make dlc-sized mods with the GECK,but that would mean not selling the dlc that they worked on(and believe me, game developing is not easy, these dlc take a lot of time to make, this is not CoD where dlc are 1 skin and 2 maps for 15$) The day you wanna work for free, you can complain about people wanting to get paid for their work.