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Everything posted by rbrophy2

  1. How could you get bored man it's a great game and before you say my opinion well i dont think i need to say the rest no offense to any and all readers rbrophy2 aims to please and that is what we do
  2. Nice writing in the rp section man
  3. "Almost there" said Scar as he walked into the gas station and collapsed on the makeshift bed Scar was bleeding furiously the bandages had turned solid red " gotta go back"struggled to get up "ah there we go" At The Front Of Town "Danny should be in the bar knowing him" "Almost there" Scar saw two guards just as they saw him "There! the murderer get him!" shouted the two guards Scar stood still reaching for his blade just as they reached him Scar did its job in one swipe two throats were slit, two lives ended, two family's crying, but Scar didn't think about that. They don't matter Scar is what matters that is how it is and has always been
  4. Archdemon- Dragon Age Origins ME!- Real Life Big Boss- Metal Gear Solid John Henry Eden- Fallout 3 Yu Yevon- Final Fantasy X Sin- Final Fantasy X know hes not a bad guy but Auron from Final Fantasy X
  5. I had a dream similar to that years back good dream actually makes you think
  6. "Well here I am again" said to himself Scar "Knee deep in $h!t" Scar looked around the super mutants waited for a sign of movement then Scar ran the mini guns started heating up Scar was at the door he thought he would get away but then one bullet, two bullets, thousands of bullets entered his back he fell outside next to the door laughing as he threw a grenade in the door BOOM! chunks of guts and blood blew out the door. "Well this isnt good" he said taking bandages out of his pack "Just like the old days aint it" he pulled some buffout out of his pack "This should get me back to town" he said getting up and walking in the direction he came
  7. defacing art man what happenend to the world :no:
  8. got one on monday, tuesday, wedensday, thursday, friday but i win
  9. Id go back and kill my own grandfather so the world would end paradoxes!!
  10. apperently it is cause i win GO INTERNET EXPLORER
  11. ban you i got a math exam on monday
  12. i said i wont give kudos man read fine print and i win
  13. why hate me i win and if you dont post i wont give you any kudos
  14. OZZY is the best and eveyone knows it
  15. welcome to the nexus :(
  16. ban monster for not realizing i banned everything/everyone for all reasons and ban the u.s. government for stealing my money i know there watching this they see all
  17. Ban *enter name here* for *enter random funny reason here* because *enter something that has nothing to do with the subject here*
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