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Everything posted by Pheelon

  1. btw what is "interesting" is the following: DisplayFloatyMessage(stEvent.oCaster, GetStringByStringId(694329770), FLOATY_MESSAGE, 10040064, 5.0); This displays the Text i set in my Module Talktable for that very id (694329770)--> it seems somehow the 2da's just don't use the custom talk table or we are missing something btw - http://social.bioware.com/forum/1/topic/8/...221788/1#233771 - maybe we get a response if we keep this thread on page 1 for a while?
  2. I am about to prepare a example for that - new specialization with 3-6 abilities (3 differnt ones - maybe 2 ranks each) - will post here again once i fineshed it. New ability example (Sustained Warrior Talent) can be found here: http://social.bioware.com/project/729/ No tutorial though - that requires a bit more time + with the bugged talktable atm it just wouldn't be complete (unless somone figured that out allready)
  3. I've only dabbled with the talk tables, so bear that in mind. But you probably want to follow the same basic idea as anything else you add to Single Player. That is, create a new module that extends single player and add your strings in there to your module. Its really going to depend on what your end goal is. I was hoping I would just be able to drop the TLK into the override directory to test out some strings quickly like you can with the binarized 2DAs, but I *suppose* I could do it the right way... :P Thanks. Always worth it in the end to do things the right way :D i tried that and failed misserably: I kinda ran into a dead end with inserting and creating the talktable entrys to use for a new ability - a "local" talktable of the mod doesn't seem to be doing anything and exporting the complete core talktable breaks the game as the internal ids in the toolkit are wrong. Has anyone got this to work in any way yet?
  4. without manually setting the max-value it is 125 (you can't get more through backpacks)
  5. hmm, well the problem istn't that the object isn't there anymore - it is as it is being saved in the savegame - but what i am trying to do is for example access the wardens keep chest (or the party chest from the example-addon) from another area - and yes it is a problem couse objects appear to be bound to their areas and you can't access another area from your current one (unless its in an arealist with your current one)
  6. Moving a placeable to another area on Leave or simply access an object in another area. Is it possible - so far i haven't been able to move an object from an area in the Leave event - mostly because i can't figure out where i should move it too - well a workaround might be to add a new area move it there and move it again when i enter a new area. Seems to me the only option if i want to have a "global" object and not create a new copy everytime i want to access it. Does anyone know another option that would work?
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