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  1. doesn't matter, everyone else would, and that's what they tried to prevent.
  2. if memory serves, osama bin laden had to relinquish leadership of al-qaeda to run from american forces, so they've had a new leader for awhile. to most, he was merely a figurehead for anti-american sentiment, not to mention most of the time he only funded terrorist attacks and counterattacks, not plan them. as said above, he was a figurehead of anti-american sentiment. i doubt desecrating the corpse of someone like that would work out in ANY way for america. we're already seen as barbarians around the world, why make it worse by trophying around the corpse of our enemy?
  3. it's not too far out of the realm of possibility that obama's going to ride this PR wave all the way to the next election and actually come through, but considering saddam's death didn't pull us out of iraq, osama's death is not going to pull us out of afghanistan. or any middle eastern country for that matter. his death doesn't stop american hatred in the middle east.
  4. i do think boone's bug is caused by switching between melee and ranged seemingly at random. is that a similar problem for you?
  5. i haven't encountered ED-E bugs, personally. i've heard of people losing his inventory on factional upgrades, but not outright not attacking. i do get that with boone, though.
  6. played a bit of my new file today, i started crashing near the electro-city HQ and the gas station just north of novac, and hadn't crashed at all until then. i kept trying and trying and kept crashing just as i entered that area. went back on an old file, walked around a bit, shot a few ants for a while then crashed again. anyone else having problems in that area? sure you didn't delete more than that? sounds like you deleted something that a plugin needed as a master file.
  7. Fallout New Vegas was patched (as in an update was downloaded via Steam) right when Dead Money (which is, in perhaps more current terminology?...a DLC) came out, so they are two different things. As far as terminology goes (and correct me if I'm wrong anyone), nowadays (and around here, can't say for other gaming forums or areas of the internet), a patch refers to an update to the game itself, dlc is used for big official downloadable additions, and plugins are mods. Back around Morrowind-time, I think plugins and patches were synonyms even in this community but they've been "stabilized" into different identities. i was sort of referring to the patch that predated dead money. prepped the game for it, etc. too much wow on my part, and considering i modded for morrowind, well... :thumbsup: anyway, fresh start seems fine. as i said, these consistent crashes only started within the passed couple of days, the patch that predated dead money did nothing to me before, so i'm lost on whether or not that's the cause. then again, i had none of the bugs everyone complained about on release.
  8. what's "the latest patch" though? the dead money patch, or was there another more recently(which nvse wouldn't work with, so i doubt)? it would certainly explain my sudden crashes whenever i exit most city or interior cells, but those only started within the passed day or so, i hadn't had any CTD's until recently. interestingly, i noticed if i just walk around and do things outside of cities or interiors, i get absolutely no random CTD's. i'll start a completely new file and see if anything changes, but i doubt it.
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