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About Elgar82

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  1. In response to post #31642040. I agree.
  2. In response to post #29202184. The answer is in the FAQ :
  3. In response to post #29127034. As explained in the FAQ. ;)
  4. In response to post #29012569. From the FAQ :
  5. In response to post #28955749. I doubt it is related to Windows 10. I have Windows 10 and everything seems fine. Your issue is probably elsewhere.
  6. In response to post #28903649. It's the contrary for me. Much faster than with 0.56.1. Even packs of textures with a lot of loosing files install faster. I'm using Windows 10 Pro, maybe it's related.
  7. In response to post #28901419. Dude, seriously, the alpha has been here since January and was tested by thousands of users : http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/61952
  8. In response to post #28792709. #28793584 is also a reply to the same post. I agree. I don't have any need of a profiling system, and I prefer the old-fashioned way. IMHO this profiling feature should be an option in NMM, not the core feature.
  9. In response to post #28556534. You don't own your Minecraft copy either. https://account.mojang.com/documents/minecraft_eula
  10. In response to post #28556219. "Make people more selective about using the endorsed button" ?!? Are you serious ? Endorsements are incredibly and shamefully low. Even very popular mods have endorsements ratios of 5 or 6%.
  11. Thank you for your answers, much appreciated. :smile: Yes, it clears it up a little bit, and I understand your valid points. Nevertheless, with all due respect it seems to me that you forget one important thing : the context. We are talking here about Skyrim, not an old game like KOTOR, or DRMs like SecuROM with limited product activations. NexusMods hosts mods for a lot of games, including very old games, where this tolerating-cracked-games policy may be understandable. But Skyrim is a modern game, with a non-intrusive DRM (you just have to authenticate your game one time and after that you can play with Steam offline forever), unlimited product activations on an unlimited number of computers. The developer is even still active - there is currently a patch in beta. So in the specific case of Skyrim I can't see how it would be "not illegal" (it's against Bethesda's EULA) and how it could "serve extremely useful purposes". It was my two cents, of course, I'm not saying I'm right and you're wrong. And ultimately it's up to moderators to apply the rules, of course.
  12. Hi jim_uk, I understand that, but in that case that would mean bypass Steam, and according to this thread that would lead equally to a ban : http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/831372-non-steam-copy-of-a-steam-exclusive-game/
  13. Hello, I'm very confused now. Some days ago I reported someone (I was not alone judging by comments) who asked for help in a mod comments section. This person said : "I don't know whats happening but whenever i install this mod or any mods it doesn't work. Is it because i have a cracked skyrim" I have been an hardcore gamer for more than 25 years and as far as I am concerned "cracked" in a gamer's mouth always means "pirated". Just type "cracked" + a game's name in Google if you have a doubt. I love Nexus, not only because of the awesome amount of mods it offers, but also for its strict policy about pirates, by always banning them. That's why I reported this guy. Now the very confusing part : the guy is not banned, his comment is still there in the first page of comments of this very very popular mod, and I get this answer by a mod : "crack != piracy - Z". Another poster received this reply : "Please refrain from throwing out accusations (crack != piracy). - Z" So "crack != piracy" ? :blink: Well, it's new for me... Even in the TOS we can read this (note the "cracked" word) : I don't want to argue with moderators, I don't want to be a "forum vigilante" and I apologize if I appear so. But I really don't understand this new official stance.
  14. Thank you, I love these changes ! Especially the tracking author feature. Nexus is really a great site. Keep up your excellent work.
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