So, I'm trying to install half a bazillion mods and have been trying to read up on every comment and fix thread out there to un#%$^ my mods, so fall out will load and they'll work. I'm having zero luck. Tried using the FO3 Edit thing, but even after following the instructions of the separate read me download for it, I cannot seem to make that thing work. My current load order in FOMM is: Fallout3.esm Sharing and Caring Companions.esm Lings.esm Nos" Cosmetic Resource.esm Hairday.esm Lings Finer Things.esm Amywong.esm RRCompanion Vault.esm Nos' RR Companions.esm RR5More Males.esm RR5More Females.esm RRGuards.esm RR Vault 1 Alternate Guards.esm Herculine's RR Scouts.esm EnhanceChildren.esm Alicia's Cute Shop.esm Cross ModData.esm Animy_prostitution.esm Seducing Women.esm ArefuExpandedByAzar.esm Republic of Dave Expansion Mod.esm MegatonContracts-Linged.esp ShadySands.esp Hair_add_npc.esp FrenchMaid.esp RRWastelandPosters.esp RR_Refurbished.esp Lings Pretty Things.esp LucyWestCompanion.esp JHBCloverPlus.esp bittercup_comp.esp Freebooter_armor.esp bzArmour.esp bzBodySuits.esp YearlingsGlasses.esp Persona_and_Secret.esp Draz conversions.esp BetterCustomWeaponRepair.esp Pure_Lust.esp Wasteland_Seductress.esp t3Belts_Boots.esp LingsFinerThings.esp Overhead3PCamera.esp SchoolUniforms.esp The Prisoners.esp AzarGypsyOutfits.esp AzarGypsyOutfits_Malika.esp StripClub.esp Owned!.esp NoKarmaCheckToBuyClover.esp AmyWong.esp AmyWong-Load Order Fix.esp Mysteriouswoman_topless.esp Mart's Mutant Mod - Project Beauty.esp Gloria Armor.esp FalsSexyT3Conversions.esp APReanimated.esp Animy_prostitution.esp Bikini_Armor_Type3.esp BodyJewelery.esp BunnySuit.esp T3AliceClothes.esp MegatonMaid.esp Sexy_Nurse_Type3.esp Tchos Vault 101 Sealed Wing.esp RaiderGirls_vanilla_adult.esp Seducing Women_-_override.esp AliciasCuteShop Door Override.esp Childhood Beginning.esp Arefu Expanded by Azae-Radio.esp Republic of Dave Expansion Mod.esp I'm sure that the load order is jacked all sorts of up. I checked each of these mods to see if there were conflicts in the descriptions with other mods and they all seem to be compatible. Any help that anyone can give in helping me to fix the mods order would be greatly appreciated. I'm running FO3 on Windows 7 patched to the latest 1.7 All Mods were loaded using FOMM Also have run dimonized type 3 body replacer. Malika and Amy tend to show up as pink diamonds with exclamation points. I managed to fix them both, but with Malika all the other NPCs had Azars default texture which looked something like a bad boob job mixed in with leperosy. And before anyone says anything about the type of mods I have, I know I'm a degenerate, thanks for noticing. Thanks again.