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About dg1972

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  1. Oh yikes it talks about using Blender to do that. This is where I "nope" out of the idea. Geck seems enough like programming, and it took me a week straight to do #2 on my list above. I didn't even get to the regular/battle voices. 3D modeling is right out for me. I totally appreciate the advice, though. :)
  2. 1. This is all for personal use. 2. I am not a Geck expert. Here is what I've somehow managed to do (it took days): 1. Port a companion/preset mod from NV to F3 for use as a pc preset. 2. Port a voiced npc (which was modded into a companion and her looks were changed) from F3 to NV. Holy hell was that hard. I now use the pc preset in both games. In F3, the companion is about a foot shorter than I am. The original, unmodded npc was as well. Now, in NV, the companion is equal in height. Can someone please take a look at my files and see where the discrepancy lies? Is the pc preset in NV shorter than F3, or is the companion in NV taller in F3? How do I fix this? It's been probably about a year since I have done this, so I forget all the work I've done.
  3. So I'm using a preset for Piper. On the PC, she looks great. On Piper, she looks like she got resolution downsized. Any way for her to use the same one the PC gets?
  4. 1. nevermind. i got so frustrated i put my old video card and old drive back in, loaded it all up, and had the same problem. dunno how i missed it before. 2. how do i delete my own posts?
  5. NPCs only. Not only are there major tone mismatches, but race mismatches. I have a black body with a white head. wth. FOMM Archive invalidation reset using FOMM (nothing else used to mess with archive invalidation, so there is no conflict) bLoadFaceGenHeadEGTFiles=1 in fallout.ini Fallout3.esmAnchorage.esmBrokenSteel.esmPointLookout.esmThePitt.esmZeta.esmLings.esmLingsDLC.esmLingsFinerThings.esmLingsPrettyThings.espLingsPrettyThings-BrokenSteel.espDIM TYPE3 conversions.espDIM TYPE3clothesRETAIL.espLings Finer Things.espPittGalStatsFix.espbittercup_comp.espPrecious F3.esp Packages-------------BittercupDIM Type3 conversionsDimonized Type3 - AIO-4280-1-2Finer ThingsLings Coiffurenarrow shouldersPitt Gal Stata HUD FixPrecious F3Pretty ThingsTesla Cannon Vertibird One Shot FixType V ArmorsVault Girl had this working fine on an XP game. The only difference is an addition of a ported custom PC race, and she looks fine. (Precious)
  6. well I figured that out. I didn't have a lead-in Greeting. DOH!
  7. I got the companion ported, for the most part. It wiped a ton of variables and I got them put back in. Got a new cell set, marker, etc. The npc is now hirable. However, the wheel doesn't work. I read in the NV wiki that if you select "talk" on the wheel, you then get the standard dialog box to choose the settings (as well as fire them). However, talking just zooms in for a second, then back out. Is there something I need to set in the companion script, or somewhere in the dialog to allow this? I don't care about the wheel, just the "talk" option to get the same settings changed in normal dialog. Okay, I found where you HAVE to have the specific topics set. Here is where I get more confused. I looked at Boone. Quest/Boone/Topics does not show any of the Follower topics, but NPC/Boone/Dialog/Topics does. So on my companion, I could not add a new entry in the NPC/xxx/Dialog/Topics area, but I could under Quest/xxx/Topics ??????? (which then does not appear under NPC/xxx/Dialog/Topics) How do I do this?
  8. This is for personal use and not release. voiced NPC in F3. With mod, can become a companion. Looking to port to NV. I'll probably have to do a compare between the port and a regular NV companion, and make adjustments, as far as the wheel goes. What kind of nightmare am I setting myself up for? Any GOTCHAs?
  9. I wish Geck kept an error log. I loaded up a ported NV race in Geck to fix it. During the load, it gave an error about not finding a script for that custom race. Then said something about DEFAULT. Gave an option to suppress further error messages. chose Yes to All. Made my corrections, saved exited. Loaded it back into Geck, no errors. Race works. What happened, and should I be worried?
  10. Welp, I'm a DA. In FO3Edit, I can right click on an esp name, and under Add, it shows everything I was looking for. Anyways, I got number 1 done. Mostly. Got stuck as 16 yr old when I turned 19, but when I exited the vault, I picked my custom race again and it worked. Huh.
  11. I see I wasn't the only one to get a terse response :) I already have FNVEdit. (and FO3Edit). There are two projects I want to do. 1. Port a custom race from NV to F3, while stripping out the companion part of that mod. Hell, I want to strip it out in NV as well. 2. Port a companion from FO3 to NV. I know this will be way trickier, with the companion interface change, "spawn" location, etc. That will be tackled if I am successful with number 1. I may just follow that guide (thank you) and leave out what it says to, then edit anything else with the editors afterward. At least the interface in the editors are somewhat intuitive, while 4 character groups in TESnip are not.
  12. TL;DR: is there a list of what all the groups in TESsnip mean? I'm getting confused. HDTP = hair? PROJ = projectile? WUT? FOR PERSONAL USE, I'm attempting my first NV to FO3 port. I have a mod of a custom race and companion. I use only the custom race in NV. I want to port that to FO3. Yes, I know I'll have to attach a child race to it. I have TESsnip open with the mod, along with another blank. I'm just not sure which groups to copy over. I want to leave the companion portion behind.
  13. can confirm no mod downloads can confirm all broken bookmarks can anyone confirm broken Fallout 4 page?
  14. WHAT IN THE HELL It's just broken now. Home page is the same. Click on Fallout 4, and suddenly I'm back to 1999 on an unfinished Geocities page. Other Fallout games work. Before the broken page happened, I couldn't download any mods via NMM.
  15. Hey, thanks for that! At least I should be able to get that pigtail hair I want :smile: Ling's Pretty Things and the armor replacer both had esm/esp files. So it appears I'm screwed in that department. Maybe after learning how to do the manual hair replacement, I might have a better ability to replace random NPCs' stuff, but not sure Id have the time, as the replacer and Ling's changed A LOT. Im now appreciating how much work goes into large scale modding.
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