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Everything posted by ninjamaster0420

  1. TL;DR: When mod authors leave permissions unspecified & can't be contacted the mod 'dies' I'd like to change the way permissions are handled by nexus Via a petition & am seeking how & where to start one if it's even allowed. Basically when an older mod's author leaves no method of contact besides the 'messaging' them via their profile on Nexus (which is extremely unlikely to be responded to) and leave permissions unspecified on their mod page it really hurts me. Even if I don't use the mod or never have...that's someone's hard work thrown in the trash considering how often updates to the game itself and UFO4P break mods. This lack of permissions and ability to contact the said author essentially kills the mod, it can't be updated, 'fixed', ported or changed in any way. I'd like to know if Nexus accepts petitions ? I feel it would bennifit the modding community all around if the way permissions were handled was modified. I feel it *should* be allowed to use/modify & port a mods assets (same game only NOT in a different game) UNLESS the author specifically denies permissions, this initself would allow other folks to *continue the work* so to speak and keep hundreds of amazing pieces of work out of the mod graveyard. If this petition idea is allowed or even allowed to be attempted it would be amazing if someone could point me in the right direction to get one started? Come on people .....let's stand together and demand these works of arts: peoples time, energy & love of modding be preserved as long as the games they change still live!!!
  2. Game: Fallout 4 Platform: Xbox 1x Hello, I have a few questions about the mod "immersive gameplay 5 xbox" that no amount of reading descriptions or googling or watching his youtube informational series could answer. I've PM'd the user who ported it asking them & I dont know how to contact the original author, currently the forums are my last hope! -Does this mod have Any type of saving in survival mode? *if not has any1 found any compatible survival save mods? I like the immersion values of campsite But the google doc, "FO4 load order framework " states campsite is incompatible with any mods altering "sanctuary bunker interior cell" which IG5 does. -I have Always used bullet time for my past non vats playthroughs & wondering if this mod is compatible with BT? -Couldnt find any patches for the following mods & felt there needs to be, they may not be required I'm just not sure: +campsite(balance reasons) +backpacks of the commonwealth (these add stats = balance again) -does anyone use ANY backpack or immersive carry weight mods that are compatible and DO NOT require AWKCR? I may edit this with more unanswered questions, thanks peeps!!
  3. Hello, I recently started playing Skyrim again, SE this time & noticed I'd come to a dead stop when bumping into people, or dogs.....even chickens. I'm finding this extremely annoying And unrealistic/ immersion breaking, even worse that chicken must be working out because it will even stop your horse at full gallop/sprint.....Seriously? My request is to implement (better?) collisions/ physics even animations to people/ animals, specifically during contact with the player. Basic concepts: -While mounted on something like a horse (or large mount) you should be able to 'knock down' or 'stumble ( with toggle-able aggression) humanoids -possible 'trampling' larger targets as an offensive option, possibly a perk/level being required -while mounted ability to 'trample' smaller animals like wolves, dogs ect..and that chicken? he's now ready to go into a pot-pie! - on foot people should be moved a visible step or two, if you're moving fast enough/ sprinting it may 'stumble' them or knock them down ( toggle-able aggression) -on foot smaller animals like chickens and cats ect.. they should just be moved from your path while your walking and or stepped on/ kicked while moving faster than a walk. Thanks for reading ***Disclaimer: I neither support or suggest participating in virtual animal abuse***
  4. Hello was wondering if anyone out there used all of these mods together & if they 'play nice' together: AI Overhaul https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/21654 AFT https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/6656 RDO https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/1187 My followers: (some i have used in oldrim with TONS of other mods -indicated with a * - and some I plan on trying out new in this playthrough) *Danariel stormbow Hel unleashed Luna M'rissi's Tails of Troubles SE *Mirai- girl w/ the dragon heart Nemain Neridia *Recorder Rosa Round-Bottom *Sophia the erotic adventures of Misty Skye Tocatta Vivace Yashira Along with MANY mod followers, some of them, specifically Sophia's page states to Not use AI management/ overhaul mods as it will 'mess her all up' BUT I've read (probably other places) that if you place any mod follower BELOW AI overhauls & follower management their own files should overwrite anything that can hurt them. True/ false? thoughts please & if it helps any I use AS-LAL & Ussep now & eventually I plan on adding Frost & Campfires.
  5. Hello I didn't notice a Oldrim> SSE mod conversion thread anywhere so I made one, apologies if I missed it somewhere. I have x4 clothing/ armor mods I'd <3 to see ported and 1 animation mod that are as follows: 1. Amazing world of Bikini Armor: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/83383 but for UNP, there's a CBBE one already & Most of the armors Iike are all for UNP. this mod may cover most of these other mods But it feels like it would be 20x more work...?.... 2. Dark Lilith Sexy Armor: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/13067?tab=description again for UNP. 3. Falmer Bikini Armor: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/72028 Also for UNP. 4. Lady of Death set: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/13761/ for UNP. and the animation: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/15674/?tab=description I use skyui and ussep if it matters
  6. ****EDIT**** So I just closed & re opened Vortex a couple of times and the last time a notification told me hardlink deployment was enabled and Vortex had to re discover skyrim....all of which is confusing to me but the issue has been resolved! Thank you for your time. I can't find a folder named 'mod staging' anywhere, do you happen to know the default location so i can check for it? & my Actual Skyrim SE mods are currently located here: C:\Users\ninja0420\AppData\Roaming\Vortex\downloads\skyrimse
  7. Hi, I recently moved my steam from program files x86 to C:\Steam and my games all launched fine. Using Vortex I'm now getting the message 'No Deployment Method Available' And a notification stating i have missing masters. Following gamer poet's 'how to safely move steam library' video, near the end he says then to change file paths to the new/ correct location within my mod manager (Vortex). My issue is I don't know where to point the mod staging folder path ( looks like this now: {USERDATA}\{GAME}\mods ) and the Downloads folder path ( looks like this now: {USERDATA}\downloads ) Can anyone tell me with the info provided how to direct the new paths?
  8. I know it's a Lot to do but Many people love Horizon and maybe someone likes making patches. Here are some of the larger & more popular quest mods I'd love to have a patch for: Beyond the Borders, Fusion City Rising, Outcasts & Remnants, South of the Sea, Tales from the Commonwealth & Xander's Aid.
  9. I don't quite get how renaming folders will find the issue -if I rename meshes folder and I Don't CTD anymore would that mean my issue is inside the meshes folder? ie: whichever one I rename and Stop getting CTD's, that's where the problem child is? -but I can follow directions xD Could I rename meshes something like "FO4Meshes" or does the <Meshes> part need to be different? Thanks, this does seem like a LOT less tinkering to find/fix issues, if I can get this 'trick' down I'll use it from now on!
  10. Hi, my modded game Reliably CTDs Every 1-3 minutes Only since I went inside of Corvega assembly plant. With 40-ish hours in I've been to many places in the general middle of the map & all over downtown boston, never an issue until i went inside Corvega. My load order is LOOTed minus the Horizon mods being together and its patches after it, for some reason LOOT wants to scatter them all over and not place patches after it. I also have another mod profile with a Lot more mods and Don't ctd inside Corvega or anywhere else so far. Does anyone have any ides I can try Before I start disabling mods or whatever it is I'm supposed to do to track down what the cause is?... I'm not sure on that part.
  11. maybe this has been updated as I Think I read it in an old post but I read that method didn't show your save In game, you had to go out to main menu to see that type of saved game....I'll try it out and see for myself, Thanks guys!!!
  12. I've done a bit of googling and there doesn't seem to be a mod or console trick to allow for naming of saves In-game so you can see the named saves In-game also. What I'm trying to do: say I have many mods installed but my game is stable, I add a few mods but need to play for some extended time to see if they're functioning correctly or compatible and I want to name a save something like this for my horrible memory's sake, "three new mods added 4/18" or even if I couldn't have the numbers i'd like to be able to name as many saves (because of branching possibilities, the butterfly effect & global warming) or maybe I want to do a play through where it's me vs every living thing in game and I want to call it "try killing everything" so I know that's my Everyone-is-hostile-towards-me save. please let me know if there's a way to do this, weather by console or .ini (?) or a mod would be great also.
  13. You need to make sure your Auto updates in steam is checked to "Only update when I Launch this game" (I think that's the message box) then ur game stays stable with all your mods until You decide to update your FO4.exe/F4SE ect....also I made a post on this forums how to rollback fallout.exe to 1.10.75 From 1.10.82 but that was the last version that was stable with 120+ mods for myself. Also I don't think you need to archive inval. if you do this this is Gopher's short video, the steps are easy and simple, I hope this helps you sir!
  14. Hi, first off not taking any credit here, just briefly outlining the steps I followed from a Long video guide that worked for me. If you're a little pc/modding dense like myself simple, written instructions are easier than a long winded YouTube video that isn't very well organized. 1. Open steam console, if you don't know how, this worked for me. On your desktop press windows button+r (opens Run command) paste *Only* this next line & hit enter steam://open/console 2. Steam should open, may take a minute. On the top right side after your name will be 'console' click that if steam didn't open on it. at the very bottom in the Tiny bar paste *Only* this next line & hit enter (this is the fallout4.exe 1.10.75 download, you should see a red message telling you it started) download_depot 377160 377162 4586121274247765068 3. When that's done (it's only 48mb, shouldn't take long) navigate to it, for me it was in \Steam\steamapps\content\app_377160\depot_377162 there you'll see fallout4.exe & you can double check the version by right clicking it, Properties>Details. Copy the Fallout4.exe 4. Navigate to you fallout4 game directory is, mine is \Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4 and paste, when asked click 'Copy & Replace' now close all your windows/programs and open NMM as Administrator (I hear to always run NMM as Admin & I do) try re launching F4SE, mine was fixed. 5. Done Hope this is useful for others as it was for myself.
  15. Thank you bbiller, for your valuable time and consideration!
  16. Hello, Yes I'm sure this has been asked before many times but I can't find an answer surprisingly, I have auto updates turned off (unchecked the whole box in Steam) but somehow my fallout updated while i was asleep with my pc off unless it ninja'd in while I was afk this morning. I do know how to rollback to 1.10.75 which was stable for me but my question is this: F4SE states it is updated to FO4 client 1.10.82 all the info I've found is directed at ONLY rolling back, Can I update my F4SE to current ver. that supports 1.10.82 since it's out already and if yes that will allow me to play with my mods that were all working yesterday (before 1.10.82)? OR do I Just rollback? also do people usually just roll back b/c they're waiting for F4SE to update? or is there some other reason? THANK YOU ANYONE for info provided!!
  17. Hi, I always check compatibility for myself but sometimes I either can't figure out what 1 mod changes so I can't make an educated guess on my own OR common sense tells me to ask before installing. This case it's both issues & I'm wondering if anyone knows if Arbitration and Darker Nights go together and or with better companions-no conflicts, meaning both arbitration And darker nights mess with stealth detections, will those conflict and can i get around that? and if they go together will they work with better companions' stealth fixes? Also will Vivid fallout all-in-one go ok with 'a little bit of green' - not sure if they add/change the same things If anyone has any input that would rock!!
  18. during batch build, when you're making sure all the boxes are checked I noticed this time Both 'CBBE Body Physics' And 'CherrysCBBEBodyPhysics' are checked every time...could that be causing an issue?
  19. I only have three files in my SliderPresets folder, they are: CBBE.xml, Cherrys CBBE Body Preset.xml And SexySportyBooty.xml I don't see anything about 'simlink', under type they're listed as XML docs', also I don't even know if this is relavent but since i don't know anything about simlinks i checked properties on each of those files as well and nothing anywhere says simlink. Thanks again for the assistance, so far I'm just avoiding using any of EasyGirl's shoes Period, this seems to avoid the issue altogether even tho this is a sub par solution I'll keep learning.
  20. 1- all the outfits I'm trying to use are CBBE compatible 2- Trying to use these x3: EasyGirl's, Pampas set & Equipable high heels & bikini by bumex, which has cherry's physics if I didn't mis-read, and I'm using cherry's patches for EasyGirl And Pampas & AFAIK they're all matching versions 3-I Will try to refresh...maybe it's that simple of a fix...tho i doubt it as Some of the pieces from EasyGirl's work and specifically shoes seem to not work.. losing body preset And physics while wearing said shoes 4- I use 'SexySportyBooty' preset included with equipable chain bikini and I did save, I get the preset in game on everything Except 2 shoes from easygirls ( havent tested All shoes yet tho) 5- I used batch build but next time I'll have to check for these specific 2 pieces to see if they're listed or not I can't even find written/ typed out instructions for the things i want to do in my original post, heck at this point I don't even need to reduce the boobs/ butt...I can sacrifice that no biggie but I Really want my 3 mods' clothes to have physics and all of them to have the body preset. Thanks for all the help so far, I will continue to try to fix this and/or learn to do it correctly in the meantime. I have screenshots of my issues but I don't think i can upload SS's with nudity anywhere but the original mods page IF it has nudity/adult tags.
  21. Hi, having issues getting physics to apply to All of my clothes (works for Some of the Pampas set but not all). Also while wearing some clothes, the body isn't my selected preset but for others it is Even when 'batch building' (Some of the Pampas set is fitted to that body preset but not all, as with physics) Is there an In-Depth Bodyslide-Outfit studio tutorial in a 'For Dummies' type format? I have watched (youtube) like 10+ today alone and none cover all of what I'm trying to do ( I do know how to use outfit studio to 'push' & 'pull' the body/clothes textures individually & move parts of the texture(s) around ) What I'm trying to do -but don't even know which mod author to ask because I don't know which process I'm getting wrong- is this: batch build All my clothes to have physics from Cherry Hotalings physics ( OR just cbbe physics if they don't suck in comparison ) While using the body preset 'SexySportyBooty' but I'd also like to be able to use the sliders to scale down the boobs and butt just a little And have that body save for all my clothes mods AND retain the physics on all of the clothes/armors. I'm speaking of x3 clothes/armor mods: Pampas set, HN66s EasyGirl Outfits and Equippable Bikini High Heels Stockings and Gloves - ChainBikini. I need like each step explained so a slow person might understand =P if that's not too much to ask of Anyone who's knowledgeable, Or maybe someone has a link to a tutorial like that that I haven't found yet.
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