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Everything posted by Zavek00

  1. the only fan profile i have is fans at 100% at all temps, i made it just for this issue and it turns out i dont need the profile at all anymore
  2. no its only fallout 4 it heats up like this with. ivi done a wirecheck and reattached all cables and checked for dust. no dust but the card apparantly got too little power as it can now cool itself more properly. it still peaks at 86 C with a sub 50 fps running with furmark it never hits higher temp then 69 so there is something wrong with how the card handles fallout its the MSI 970 twin Fozr EDIT: Issue found, its the fking Godrays turning them off and all issues solved card runs smoothly at 72 fps at 72-78 C. turning off the FPS lock gave me 110 stable fps with same temp (but broken gamephysics)
  3. EDIT: problem solved Godrays causes the massive heatspike for no graphical improvement been playing around with fallout 4 a number of days and had 0 issues with heat. i ran it with ENBs and it went up to 75 C max without performance drops but since last night it suddenly started to hit 95+c it still runs for a short while but the fps drops 42 as the card downclocks but the heat issue persists and ultimatly crashes the entire machine. i have a few mods have tried to disable/uninstall all of them but no go heat always spikes up to 95+ seconds after loading a game or starting a new game the fans on te 970 are all spinning at 100% but they just cannot keep up with the heat generated. MSI 970 GTX 16 GB corsair DDR4 i7 5820k 3.5 ghz X99 sli plus mobo
  4. @Starfis well then you can tell them elves and orcs and such dont exist in real life either and thus should be removed for *realism* and why stop there remove all the magic too and the dragons. but seriusly i meant it could be a temporary thing so that there is a release for both genders at the same time while the troubblesome issues are worked out. also it would in the end yield an *optional* appearance for those that want it later when its all done. and if ppl can't understand the meaning of ''temporary solution'' and ''Optional'' which they sadly RARELY do then let them whine and just slap an ignore on them, or be sadistic like me and laugh at them. (Temporary solution = not always going to be this. Optional = you can choose) also while im here i do remember reading that they wouldnt be able to use boots ala Morrowind, why not footwraps as i saw someone suggesting earlier. i mean skyrim is a mighty cold place *cough Frostfall cough*, but i can see how that can be factored in as a RP thing and to the modders dont worry about what ppl think or want you to do too much, they havent exactly paid you anything and thus you have no obligation to them, if they dislike your choices they can make their own mod or look elsewhere. if something is in the works and its going to be free ppl will throw themselves at you and scream DO THIS DO THIS in desperate hopes you will listen to them and them only, and im sorry if im coming out a bit bitter. as far as im concenred Bethesda should be paying this mod crew for restoring beastraces to what they should and/or could be, keep up the good work! im waiting for it to reach full compatability with vanilla content (even if its just for 1 gender or race) and again im so thankfull that there is a group doing something i can't.
  5. just 1 question or possible missed point of view. i read that *female version is causing issues and thus wont be released.... Argonians call each other for eggbrothers/sister hence i reason mammary glands dont fullfill any purpose other then *LOOK IM A GIRL* so why not make them asexual in appearence and thus cutting down on the work out for their race ingame? well why not have female and male argonian share skeleton/animation/armor? i am definatly not an expert on bipedal lizards but arent the male and female moving/standing in the same fashion? (are there even bipedal reptiles?, if not look at birds on how they are using their legs if your aiming for that level of primal) ive always wonderd why there has been a strive in the gaming world to make CLEAR diffrences that noone can misstake on if someone is male or female and if ppl want it so bad to be able to tell if its a male or female they could have diffrent facial structures going or even skin/scale patterns. P.S just for lols but i think ic applies verywell in the modding world too just change the word animating to modding
  6. i thought fishing involved diving in and swimming after the fi... oh right your not argonians are you XD, would be a fun minigame though
  7. now that i have your attention im going to ask and see if there is anyhelp of getting tutorials about crafting/improving items. i have made a clone armour as a test thing and imported it it works splendid and i can get to it with the console but, i dont feel im done learning this basic part untill i get the item into the stage its craftable and upgradable id also like to try tossing it into the game so its more alive then a *just me* armour. i want npcs to wear it sell it in stores and such if anyone knows a tutorial about how to do this id appriciate it currently its nothing special its at steel strength and use the mesh/textues of Bandediron/iron might go for meshes once i finish my schooling set, and im gonna add in a sword/bow to it aswell now so i learn about modding these to be balanced ( hate OP gear) the time is late at my place now and i do hope when i wake up there is someone who has these tutorials (ive checked for them here and on google to no avail)
  8. id say its due to your GFX rendering isnt keeping up with all new *objects* and thus drop your fps to cope a little better, i run a highend machine and if i turn around fast i get this too, its not annoying since it keeps me aware im still in this world and not in there.. :tongue: suggestions to solve the issue is to lower texutre packs but you dont want that now do you
  9. try flagging your EXE as LAA solves tonnes of crashissues wish i could link you the tool i used to do that with but the page is down
  10. isnt it easier to just flag the EXE as LAA there are tools for that, it solved all my issues just make a backup for your EXE file before you reflag it cant understand why moast game devs dont have LAA active per default since it is the moast common source of crashes nowdays it seems (for me atleast)
  11. welcome to the wonderful world of PC gaming, when the official ppl cant get things right there is usually some third party that can get it right and deserve a reward which they sadly rarely get
  12. im booking my ticket there now they better have some khajiit ladies in there :)
  13. so what you said basicly... empire not just needs but MUST have skyrim... and if they raze those towers and bring an end to the mundus.. what weight does the dragonborn carry? i mean you fight the bringer of endtimes but the aldmeri are capable of doing the same? and by the looks of things are VERY much more potent to do so then alduin.... so my conclusion from what i just read is, Blades are wrong they twist you with falsefacts, greybeards are kinda right but wrong to due to time and history dont age well, and alduin just maybe when he drifted in time saw what happens if he dont bring the dragons back and stop the aldmeri, but in same process give him the chance to enforce the dragonoverlord society again..... and we missunderstand everything now cause its was what 4000 years ago? history can easily be warped turned and twisted during this time, what if the world was in harmony and the mortals began to desire power and thus started a rebelion against the dragons (refering to the victors are the writers of history) and used massive propaganda to get ppl to their cause and through this propaganda forever twisting the picture of how dragons were, i mean i know of atleast 2 honorableones or did i just twist everything in my head by my belief dragons may be cruel but they are a nescessary evil? i doubt alduin wanna die... and i do belive he knows what the aldmeri is doing, but what if he actually is trying to save the world and we f*** up everything? good thing im unemployed cause now i got a lot to think about i dont even think i could prepare a bowl of cereals without setting it on fire.
  14. what cards are you running since im using a Radeon and i have no jittering mouse and yes this game is a consoleport it stinks so far away that whales are suffocating and jump on japanese whaling ships and beg for a quick death the engine began as a PC, then it tasted console, and console is like skooma it addicts you but its so s***. in fallout3 iirc first run with this old engine on consoles it was bearable New vegas it got worse now skyrim, it really feels as if im running an old PS1 game on an emulator with the controlls, why cant we assign the Fkeys to the varius hands? we got 12 of them thats 6 quick keys per hand ffs! so honestly to the bethesda trolls that prolly lurk here GET US A FKING CONTROLL AND UI THAT IS PC OPTIMIZED, to rely on player content to fix these things on pc just makes you look LAZY but back on topic how much are you running in the background?, do you have heat issues?(laptop issue). when was the last time you cleaned the inside of your computer and how fragmented is your harddrive? how much are you reading/writing to your hardrive at the sametimes as you play skyrim? i wouldnt be suprised if a basic maintinence of the pc would bring up its performance and possible solve the mouselag though i feel that the mouselag is caused due to the game is not using 1 input device(controller) for controlling but 2 on PC(mouse/key), anyone running PC witha Xbox/ps3 controller that could tell us if the cursor lags ingame with those inputs?
  15. hi im wondering if anyone of the ppl that creates these beutiful armours that we all have and drool about has thought about us poor argonians and khajit imean its really uncomfortable to shove the tail down the pantlegs in all honesty is there anyone out there conciving about creating a mod so that argonians and Khajit can wear the kickass armour without the tail sticking out through a metal plate.... there are a few armour ive found to look really good on the beast races but they are so low and outdates so fast. :wallbash: it is a humble plea that this comes to pass, as i got no idea if it eve is possible to make armour that detects your a kitty instead of a nord and goes to a mesh where the tail can be were it should without making it look outright stupid hell if it is possible to do that id dare ask for some armour for our fluffy and fantastic tails you all are so jealous about :tongue:
  16. you are the Dragonborn you are powerful power corrupts, abselute power corrupts abselutly but hey you are the only one in the entire world that can truly slay dragons, your bound to crack and in turn crack some other ppls skulls open... you cant expect someone be a ultimate paragon all the way through the pressure of being the dragonborn, you not commander shepard i went along as a good guy first but then... every damn horse i bought was murderd.. so i started to steal them then they got murderd too all the time cause they think they are orcs and charge off at the enemy quite annoying then when i sneak to kill that deer for some food and leather and i got the perfect shot aligned, my bloody companion goes HELLO cause they cant sneak for s*** annoys me a lot not to mention they are awesome of standing in the way of my arrows/spells slashes/smashes so i end up killing them quite a lot, which is also annoying then one day in whiterun i was minding my own buisness going to sell my stuff and this little girl comes up *HEY im not afraid of you!*.... i still hear those words at night followed by the screams of the citizens of whiterun as i impaled her with my sword, now im sitting here in the sanctuary of the darkbrotherhood, this jesterlooking guy thinks i got potential the rest thinks im insane and want to cash in to the 40 contracts for my head. atleast sheogorath is my friend *giggles* STRAWBERRYTARTS ON A HORKER!. *i drifted away a bit there Cough* so how much justification do you need to be *evil* i just call it anger management XD
  17. spellbreaker... rings enchants atrnoachstone but really spellbreaker how fun is it to be immune, it wil be boring quite quick when you can walk up to a group of mages throwing all they have at you and you dont get hurt.. might as well use godmode... so try the spellbreakershield, breton, alteration perks the elemental protection, perk in blocking tree and a atronachstone your not 100% unles you keep your shield up but that atleast gives you some challenge,
  18. just to make something remotly i hope we get to go to AKAVIR, so many refrences but soo little thats actually real info i would LOVE to go there and find out the origins of the blades and wtf they are up to and more to the point *y u no visit* even though i know there is lots of bad blood between the inhabitants of akavir and cyrodiil think of it, tiger khajit snowdemons, snakemen... i also se how we can get there some old nautical maps that esbern digs up ask lonelygale if he can make the trip if you get him a ship, or the pirate ship at the solitude docks Dang now you got my hopes up now im gonna be depressed everytime i play skyrim and look at the pirate ship and talk to lonelygale...
  19. it wont the new jarl will pick it up where you left it. when choosing sides it always happens to be windyclothes over the skirtmen. just natural preference, i mean i met tullius in solitude and the first thing i hear is *damn nords* and to lie to balgruf about the stormcloaks (even though the intel is correct but he dont know) then i meet ulfric. i hear his speech about WHY he fights and galmor filling in that the stormcloaks is the their family now, i cant help it but it inspires me. also about nords being racists... half true, there is this highelf in the market of windhelm that makes a valid point, i mean there is a freaking war going on the dunmer could atleast try to do the best of what they can from the situation they are in, they should be happy they are allowed inside (though im positive she is a thalmor spy). about the argonians the nords might hold a grudge against them for leaving the empire so i kinda understand that emotions are in the way for their sake, Khajit No one lets them into their city...... they are always outside the citywalls The empire is old and like all empires they fall, usually due to lazyness i mean the legion is going with the *we have been around for centuries we cannot fail we always win* attitude and like the roman empire it began as a small city and grew and grew and grew and grew and aged at the same time, with this age come neglect, neglect over large areas brings insurgence when the roman empire got invaded in the end they cracked, west rome east rome. i view cyrdiil as westrome. its broken ransaked the leaders do what they can to look after themselves, while eastrome (skyrim) was still rich it still has power. but the diffrence is that west(old empire) wont let go. so you can choose in my eyes to either postpone the fall of the empire, or hasten it and give chance for a new empire to grow from the ashes of old and argonians as usual adapts overcomes and kick ass, hell deadra lords shut their own gates they opened in blackmarsh due to argonians conquerd them and invaded the oblivion plane... (read this somewhere in lore GO ARGONIANS) can we please get the ability to eat ppl i mean we got claws and sharpteeth) what makes me a little sad though is id like it to be more openended Potema is being brought back, she is by all rights Bloodheir to the throne of the empire and according to everyone a bloody powerful foe that would crush the aldmeri with the corpses of their own army, i want to side with Her i just dont know why.. it feel more natural for me even more so then the stormcloaks.
  20. ill let you in on the nords secret... its the mead
  21. at the point of magic gone wrong... i remember a little converstation between a mage a barkeep in winterhold ending with * this is why people have problems with your college* so with that effect and some crazy alterationists with a dab of sheogorath whipped into it pretty much allraces are lorefriendly if you give them a backstory Hell i wonder why is there no Halftrolls on top i do wonder if the entire world is found i mean we know of a few set islands and continets to the east of cyrodil iirc i find it hard to belive noone has explored to the west and found something there. things only become as lorefriendly as you make it, we're here to mod our game you get the mods that YOU feel is possible for this world. i gt to vote on 1 option but i want them all P.S did i mention i want halftrolls?
  22. would like a tradesystem like this aswell. they had it in the fallout games why not port it from them? its kinda sad that i look to sell something and i have to begin the transaction with buying loads of crap so they can afford my junk and even then there is no guarantee they even get that much closer to having the coin for the item im selling and ive bought all intersting things he got already. Bump for barter table
  23. been gone for a few days and i see that this thread has progressed i wish i could do something to help with all of this but steam more or less said FU to me when looking for support with the CK im watching this thread with eagerness hoping that it becomes a reality, and those armours from morrowind they actually looked quite good even thought not exactly samurai. also i noticed that no one has brought up their bows i hope you dont forget them :)
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