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Everything posted by Zavek00

  1. I agree, replacer is a strong term haha. Well only thing now is to hope that someone can make the mod, if someone does by the way, I'll make sure your mentioned in its creation. how about tossing in composite bows to the mix? there really is to few bows in game and the ones that is there feel wrong
  2. yes please they say Eorlund Greyman is the best blacksmith in skyrim.. but that man cant even sharpen a sword...
  3. would like a mod like this too on all humanoids (you included). since i made a break back into good old days of oblivion and i got into a fight. i noticed at the third swing.. this guy hasnt even lost 20% of his health, while in skyrim he would have been dead. they say that the ppl of skyrim are hardy but i really think they are pussies if they die that fast compared to that bandit form 200 years ago,, no wonder the aldmeri kicked their ass and before you say increase difficulty its not that that is the issue. the isue i have is that fights are too short overall on 1 end or the other i can understand that some one dies fast if you stab em in the back while they arent prepared (trauma + chock) but if im going toe to toe with a soldier i expect him to take more then 2 hits WHEN HIS SHIELD IS BLOCKING before dying.
  4. i actually miss this system a lot too i also miss that if you wear armour you arent experienced with also reduces spell effectivnes kinda makes it more obvious why mages dont wear armor instead of heavy... except for the bous to mana regen.
  5. how about http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=6684 comes in several diffrent languages too
  6. shields.. i dont use em either. i mean full heavy witha flesh spell ontop your practically untouchable.only annoyance is ice mages but i have a bow.... sadly i cant get my ck to start at all for some random reason and once it does it just dies when i try to do something kinda annoying
  7. you know the farms need more ppl to mill the wheat or pick potatoes....
  8. *imagines coming home after a long day fighting dragons giants and trolls.. just wanting to sit down and relax in my honeyside house,,, then i hear a loud klang a cat screaming an the houscarl screaming and a lot of bang noises.. i go down in my basement to find the mannequin with glas armour smashed to bits and a furious housecarl cursing and swingin a warhammer after tha cat.... that would make my day XD
  9. bump for auto reequip items after transformation
  10. The reason why redoing the blade armor won't work is because samurai didn't have shields. dont be a pessimist just skip the darn shield and create swordguards or something then to replace it with or use a dai katana and go 2h. you se 1 flaw and therefore you have to rule out a WHOLE suit of armour that is practiaclly finnished, im not saying its perfect but its a giant step in the right direction without having to build it from scratch
  11. yesh i want a kitty in my house.. could it be scripted so it knocks down things from tables and shelfs and wreak havocon the housecarls patience for leaving them with the cat XD
  12. is the radiationmeter from fallout a possible source to inplement this? might ask the devs for that bit though...
  13. im no expert but no dachi is quite long arent they? so they would be clunky to us citizens of tamriel.. i mean we havent recived a fancy akaviri training. but there are mods that add new killanimations third era weaponry carries both europeean middleeastern and asian styled weapons so you should look at that one and for the fact that we players wield these exotic weapons very clunky.. well lets just say that in the light of a lack of akaviri weaponmasters nearly noone knows how to wield them so you wield that no dachi like a greatsword.. even though that impale animation would normaly break the sword... only weapons i miss are nagatinas, blowpipes (ninjastyle assasin) chokunu (think its chinese) but i say YES in the end i LOVE the blades armour and it kinda samuraish i just wish it was in more material levels (max lvl and still wearing it) and perhaps make it a quest to find a ancient akaviri weaponforge (akaviri are very much like samurais) and in there find the ancient tomes of their smithing techniques and then you proceed to have them translated so you can actually understand what in them, and once your done you can smith the samurai/akaviri equipment in all material flavours could simply ask for the mesh http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=7618 and recolour it matching the materials provided, and you would have the armour done and ask for the meshes for the asian weapons meshes from the third era mod http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=3871 (its hidden currently for some reason) if you get that you would be a long way towards your goal
  14. i would pay a lot of money to have the other areas of tamriel merged into skyrim espec Blackmarsh, but i do want a coop possibility, like neverwinternights have a charactervault where you store you character on a friends server and fire it up when the two or four of you play... the again.. id like to see that continent thats only hinted about in lore that the empire failed so badly in invading, where the akaviri came from id also love to take the fight to the aldmeri after the civilwar line in skyrim to break free the empire from the frail elves and follow in talos footsteps to reforge the empire
  15. Malwarebytes blocked that link for being possibly malicious. wheter you see the ads or not nexus dont get any money unless you click those ads. that how it usually works i tired it with a spam site i made and i had 300 ppl that i played eveonline with click on the banners once a day... i made 500 dollars that month XD EDIT no one here using Noscript it litteraly denies EVERYTHING you even have to allow nexus, i dont find it to be a hassle some might but i prefer having something that asks me what i want to se and set it up so if a new banner thingy comes i wont see even if its 10 seconds old
  16. about 200 years ago outside the imperial city... there was an orc running the stables... she had a good idea what horses were good for, if i remember correctly her stew was marvelous it even rivaled the gourmet's potage le magnific :P EDIT, just got a mod idea to have an inventory on the horse so its acutally usefull cause.. yas i run faster then horses too and for longer durations
  17. agreed no matter what software you **buy** or where you always agree to an EULA or terms of service before it allows you to install it. i cant understand the HUGE hatred there is for steam they are pioneers in software library handling hell i even dare say the best in the field origin is still in freaking beta and has been for what 7 years with 0 improvements broken p2p for game updates or installs and it crashes about every 50 mins for me and it never ever remebers my password despite i tick it to, sure the agreements you make can feel very step but, why the F would you go break them anyways, its *your* steam account its your licenses if your acc is hacked give em a ring, if your cd key aint working give them a ring if a game aint working post it on their forums mail them about it and they almoast always fix it, if not some other players have workarounds, they eve give us old timers some good ole fashioned games to be played like Xcom with a preconfigured dosbox so it actually runs and if you ABSELUTLY dont want to put money into steams hands then dont buy anything from them you can still own a licsense for a game which runs through steam with a copy from a RL store near half of my games on steam are aquired this way hell nearly none of them have had their dvd ever leaving the case just the manual when i flip it for the key so i can add it on steam (yes i know it makes them own the key but as long as i have the paper copy it is MY key no matter their agreement cause i can dispute it in court, lawyers these days are doing everything they can to make you belive YOU cant while you still can). and if you dont like how the situation is then its not steam your target is its the lack of a unified cyberlaws, im no expert but i reckon steam houses in USA so therefore all their services fall under their law if your not a US citizen chances that theyd even bother have someone reading a motion you send is slim so what can you do, well here is a creative thought start a massive cyberunion make the internetppls unite and through that have the power to actually set up cyberlaws that are global and make the changes on how cyberware may be distributed and handled. or perhapsyour yet a another one of those who dont like it but instead of doing something about it you sit on your ass and go DOWN WITH THIS, Nothing happens if no one puts effort for it to happenand i dont see ppl that are content with how things work to do anything about something they feel is working as it should so its up to you i still cant seem to find a single point in these arguments to be valid why would steam go * hahaha they bought a copy of this no imma reject him muhahaha trollface* cause that would be lets see if you can guess it.. but i doubt it IT NOT GOOD FOR THEIR BUISNESS, and Arkay knows these times need to have some pillars in the economic world that stand strong Valve is one of them P.S ther is no intentions of hostility from my part, i merely am sick and tired of ppl whining about things they feel they cant change at the flick of a finger, a wise man once said ''The world is not built for you, its for all of us, and everyone can do something to cause change as long as they have the fire to do so'' ponder this and then look at how we came to this.
  18. besides the is a lot of requests of building your own home/castle/shop, but lets expand the idea, player owned lumbermills? mines? maybe? but hey if you get a farm maybe you can assign all those ppl you beat the s**t out of(brawl) to do farming chores :) so only if its really well done, i mean there are already farming jobs for you... i mean you go to a random farm pick all produce and then go to the farm owner and turn in all crops for septims (salary) but i gues you want to be the guy that get all the produce.. what will you do with 100+ cabbages a week XD Hell have you tried hunting with no crosshair i once shoot a imperial courier in the middle of the tundra when i shot after a deer (hunting accidents happen) but what point is there in having yet a another gold generator churning for you, if you want to do manual labour then go to a mill and saw up some trunk, chop firewood for the inns or even man the milling stones that you can find every now and then. my mind is angling towards gambling dens.. i mean you wipe a few out how about one where you can go in and actually bet on the wolf fights? say they have a rule that you have to wear full cover clothing so that everyone is anons to eachother so what you do in the outside world dont affect the fact your gambling all your illgotten... eeer honorably gained coins away, hell sanguine could own the place i doubt anyone would try to cause a ruckus in a gambling den owned by a deadric prince :tongue:
  19. i wonder if there is any interest in creating a extension on the blades as they are now they seem.. pathetic, they hide in a ruin hoping the Aldmeri wont find them, but i reckon once you rediscoverd skyhaven you should be able to do more with it then sending 3 followers there to get the dragon hunt quests, blessing and that 1 time potion. im thinking more in the terms of equipping them like you do with your houses so that you could for instance buy quarters for them: Blacksmith contains a work area with all you need for smithing (smelter forge grindingstone table rack). Lights so that you can see something in that dark cavern ...... Alchemy station for creating the potions the blades need for their dragon fight Enchanting station, im actually thinking this enchanting station should be speshul and hold some secret akaviri encantments that you cant do anywhere else if possible Courtyard, a garden, a koifish pond (i should go to sleep), some target dummies (i know there already are) anyone else have ideas? but the main thing i actually want, the ability to send more followers there to become blades, just have it set so that only the first 3 you recruit goes on the dragon hunts with you or everyone perhaps or if anyone already have a mod that lets you set a new home for followers please linky linky
  20. h2h through skyrim would be a nice challenge.. now these ppl have been around a long time i find it kinda hard to imagine orcs or nords havent invented iron knuckles to give them that brawl edge yet.... but the vid is kinda repetetive du to the lack of kill animations, then again all weapons have a severe lack of kill animations, (wishes more kill animations to be released) and now i got the sick and twisted idea of making ork that runs around and smashes ppls heads in with a rock.... :devil:
  21. well before those patches the game was more like ok i have killed me first dragon now im the thane of witheruns yeah man, takes 3 steps outside city walls dragon attack..... killing the dragon takes a cart to random city dragon.... running to rorikstead dragon..... standing inside a city being the awesome dovakiin as i am dragon, and now i havent mentioned the bears wolves spiders that random group of draugers that spawned inside riften killing of half the city (thought that was awesome it makes me wish there was a second option on the wolfqueen quest... but this youtube vid pretty much summons it all up on how skyrim felt like now it feel more.. natural imo, since i cant see how the bloody hell 300 dragons can feed of the wildlife and citizens of skyrim wich isnt a very big area, but yes i do feel that there is kinda lack of dragons now but that probably cause im looking for them
  22. im playing sneaky stealthy stab you in the back style too but... i advice you to get hold of the spellbreaker... that shield... has saved my scaly tail soo many times from dragons also id suggest getting a lighting staff to shoot it down from the sky with to go along with the shield, also conjure flame atronach is handy, since it lobs firebolts at it and when its on fire it take even more damage from attacks of all sources and practice your alteration there are perks that gives you magic resist(bretons have an inherrent resist to magic), also potions for that i always end up with atleas 2/3rds of my luggage being potions for nearly any situation,,, if only there were explosive potions that i could lug at the enemy....
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