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About satanslilhelper

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    United Kingdom
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    Neverwinter ... on the Xbox! *gasp*
  • Favourite Game
    Hard to decide, maybe Phantasy Star Online, but that's more for the people than the game. I love all the Final Fantasy games I've played (7 to 12, excluding 11), Borderlands, Morrowind/Oblivion/Skyrim and the Fable series

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  1. Tea, coffee, hot chocolate? Something Stronger? What's your drink of choice?
    1. Show previous comments  21 more
    2. satanslilhelper


      That was fortutious! The hot chocoloate gnome perhaps?
    3. Deleted54170User


      A bold cup of Espresso' is replacing my chocolate flavor testing. Fresh, cool, clear bubbling natural spring water is still my favorite. *What's that little thing there in my cup?" Not to worry! It wont drink much.
    4. BlueDanube


      a cup of hot chocolate full of love plz. :)
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