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  1. :) no I have looked at him, he's just not exactly what I mean. :)
  2. Ok I know I am not the only one who has requested something like this, but I thought that I would put this up anyway because I have been waiting SOOOOO long and I know that I am not the only one! I would LOVE whomever would create a male companion, handsome (not such a bad request seeing as how almost every girl companion mod is drop dead gorgeous, my question is why are most of the male companions old and rather hairy? I know their nords and all that but do we really believe that all nord women looked like cover girls? If you think about it they were probably almost as hairy as the men! ;D ) who has his own personality and life before he met the dragonborn, who has adventures of his own for me to follow along. Maybe his story ties into the main quest of skyrim like Julan did for morrowind (http://lovkullen.net/Emma/Kateri.htm) anyone who has played this mod I am sure knows how AMAZING it is! I never play morrowind without him! Maybe a classic relationship where we fight and kind of hate each other at first but then as we go through all of the quests together we slowly start to learn to like each other and then slowly fall in love. Kind of like the Dairanath Avari mod for oblivion (http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/35893), although this mod had a little too much adult content for my liking, but as a whole I loved it! Then the wonderful thing is we already have marriage in the game so that shouldn't be too difficult to integrate into the story line like it was in the other games :) And there are also children! I mean come on, this game has sooooo much more in it then any of the other games when it comes to this type of mod and yet as I have been looking through the mod lists for all three games skyrim has nothing compared to the other two games. I am DYING waiting for the brave person who will finally make this long awaited companion! I think that this mod idea is just a must have uber popular modification just up for grabs for anyone who feels up to the challenge! I have talked to sooooo many people just waiting for someone to create this mod that I think you would be surprised! Just think about Vilja and how fast she became popular, now we just need to add her male counterpart! There have been so many instances in game where I thought if I were making a male companion mod I would add something here. Like the moments where you get hit on by an npc, insert male companion unsheathing his weapon and grumbling about killing the insignificant rat and any other man/woman who looks your characters way :wub: . Or how freakin awesome would it be if he could shout! Maybe because he trained up on high hrothgar but disagreed with the greybeards on their policies or the way they lived. Or he thought that he was the dragonborn of legend and he left the greybeards to challenge you, and you have to prove to him that you can beat him in battle! :dance: It would be awesome if he could teach you an all new shout that only he knows, like a forgotten shout that only his people carried down in legend. The possibilities are soooooo great! Why? Because no one has done a mod like this yet! I have to say now though, if one of you magnificent modders out there does take up the challenge and you create such a companion he will forever be the number one mod I use and will always use, and I don't think I will be the only one who feels this way! If you do decide to try, but feel like you need more ideas I wouldn't mind giving other ideas that I have had concerning story and such ;) Anyway I just thought that I would put this out there again, because I seriously look every day to see if something will magically appear. I have my quintessential male companion for morrowind and oblivion and now I just need one for skyrim! Pretty please!? :)
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