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Everything posted by neok182

  1. yea i'd settle for a lean/prone mod. probably require FOSE though. don't really like that thing much. i like my LIVE.
  2. there are easy ways to get out of cover. in gears it isn't as easy because the game is about cover. Mass effect handed it very well though by just moving backwards you left cover. Personally i think fallout would work great with a cover system but i do understand your guys reasoning for not liking it. I was the same way before i played gears and mass effect but since then i love the cover system. would work great if you play fallout in third person as well.
  3. @FRANK/SUMY: go play Gears of War and then you'll understand why we like this. Personally i wish every game had some form of cover system like gears.
  4. @furtim: yes thats true but he was looking for a cover system like Gears of War or Mass Effect where your character literally takes cover behind objects and you can shoot out from around them. example using gears of war: http://media.teamxbox.com/games/ss/1167/1161183626.jpg In Mass Effect you can take cover on any wall and fire out from behind it. in GOW you can take cover on pretty much anything and fire out aiming or blindfire. both are shown in that image. i'll admit i'd LOVE to have this in fallout. it would be great and go with the gears mod i'm working on but i just don't think it's possible.
  5. this would be very hard to do and would probably require a rewrite of the game engine. though would be totally awesome.
  6. very true about the BF2142 weapons being better. i just love the design of the halo guns as well. i just want all your stuff now! lol it looks so good. all your mods with all the DLC thats coming is going to keep me on fallout until bioshock 2 comes out lol And yea the GECK does to things a bit weird but once you get used to it it's easier in some respects. wish i could help you with the export but i haven't done any of that yet. nor the collision files. i would assume that the collision is the same as oblivion though. kinda doubt they changed that.
  7. just wondering if you plan on doing any of the weapons? if you wanted i wouldn't mind modeling the assault rifle and maybe another weapon or two for ya. i suck at texturing but i can get the models done pretty quick. don't mind putting my gears of war mod on hold for a few days lol. really need more guns in this game lol.
  8. yea but it doesn't change the fact that they're still great models and we can't wait for 'em!!! *hint* lol.
  9. wow those pics look great. need any beta testers???????????? lol.
  10. i wouldn't put the weight over 100. anything over that will hurt a lot of people early on in the game. with F3 was like oblivion with carry weight. i had like 600 pounds with nothing on at all..
  11. personally i think he armor weighs a bit to much. 80 pounds is a lot when your max is 250. granted it helps when you have it on but when you take it off you could really be screwed over. i'd say try to keep it closer to the current power armor. @Damaris: USMC is United States Marine Corps. In Halo it was UNSC but since this is bringing it into the fallout universe USMC would be more appropriate than UNSC. personally either way is fine with me but for fallout USMC makes more sense.
  12. this looks great. really hope you guys can finish this. will go perfect with the Gears of war mod i'm working on.
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