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Everything posted by AethosDKaari

  1. I think we're lookin more for not jsut the iris color, the sclera (outer white part of the eye) to be black as well. I was asking for that at least :)
  2. I agree. (Would like to know if its been done already) :)
  3. What I'm proposing, features for your character in the creation screen, like... a missing jaw and like tendons hanging there, another the jaws still there but the skins been totally decomposed where from the top of the mouth and up is still hanging on there looking normal, eyes gone and theres like a gap revealing the shape of the skull where the eyes go. I hate to reference another game but World of Warcraft Undead (Forsaken) characters. Maybe some skeleton like hands, elbows exposed, etc... http://images.buycostumes.com/mgen/merchandiser/34175.jpg http://thumbs2.modthesims.info/img/2/9/0/6/0/1/MTS2_stevekills.com_708040_undead.png I'm just a "necromancer" kinda player, would like some dark consequences for my playstyle :P Please and Thank you
  4. Maybe a mini-game of quarters with Oghren :P
  5. I guess I did forget the helm lol um.... Head: Eternal Flame's Gaze +10% Fire Resist +2% Critical strike chance +10 Physical Resist
  6. Ultimately the same armor design as the Warden Commander Armor as in the Soldiers Peak DLC. The difference in my mind would be the gold trim around the majority of the armor be there but with small but visible flames lining the trim. As well as the crest on the chest be slightly flaming. Stats to where its not OP but still a valuable piece of armor... It would be classified as Massive Armor btw :) Chest: Embrace of the Phoenix Aura of Fire +25% Fire Resist +3 Stam regen in combat +3 to all stats Hands: Phoenix Talons +5% Fire Resist +5% Melee Crit Chance +15% Melee/Backstab Damage Feet: Boots of the Flame Walker +20% Fire Resist +2 to all stats +2 Stam regen in combat (Or) +20% Fire resist +Chance to dodge melee +Chance to avoid missle attacks Let me know if this is possible :) Please and Thank you Aethos D'Kaari
  7. Pretty self explanitory thread. Been wanting a warrior with a staff. Not so much in the sense of a monk, maybe it is I guess, but, I just wanna smack an ogre in the head with it XD Whether the model be a normal bo staff, or double iron bound, anything will work. But I dont think the current models will look right doing it. Like the curvey branch look some staves have, and the twin dragon thing on the top. Please and thank you :)
  8. Those who played TES: Oblivion (Great game btw) Rememebr the good old Goblin Totem Staffs that were mostly for show unless ya got mods to make em more powerful or set the goblins to follow you as long as you had the correct staff equipped, but back to my suggestion. http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/oblivion...nTotemStaff.jpg Thats the staff in question but, I wanna know if its possible to get a Darkspawn head on there. Be pretty cool with its grinning face there. Maybe it giggle too lol Stats in mind: Base Damage is spirit Weakens nearby humanoids (or Darkspawn) 15% (or +) Spirit Damage +# to Mana Regen +# Spellpower (or Magic) ------ And any more if the modder wishes to make it a god item. Like +15% (or +) Cold, Lightning, etc... Well thats something I'd like to see :thanks: Aethos
  9. Wonder if its possible for a choice in the character creation screen, for the Desire Demons fire hair. Not so much the cone shaped head she has, but the actual fire itself. And ability to change its color of flame would be nice. http://juliasherred.com/19_desire_demon.jpg Horns... I dunno, maybe an optional choice. Like Fire hair 1 (no horns) Fire hair 2 (with horns)
  10. A more fashionable substitute to the turban like helmets for mages and/or warriors who want to wear shades lol
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