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About Direwolf141

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  1. Thanks for the help guys. I've heard horror stories about D2D, but heard nothing about Steam. I would go to a locally owned shop if one existed around here that actually carried PC games, but they are all console only. Just glad to hear that things like FOSE work unto the Steam version, doubt the mod manager does though.
  2. As I'm sure many of you know, the Game of the Year edition of Fallout 3 is 50% off on Steam. Since I never bought any of the DLC for Fallout 3 this would actually be a cheaper alternative to buying all the DLC individually. My original copy of Fallout 3 was a retail copy which I bought because I love modding my games, I didn't buy the DLC because I was hoping for something along the Knights of the Nine pack for Oblivion to come out. I was wondering if there are any issues relating to the Steam specific version of Fallout 3 Game of the Year edition. I'd hate to buy it only to find out that mod-ability is restricted due to it being a Steam game. Could anyone help me out here? Thanks!
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