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About martinthemage

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    United Kingdom

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  1. I need to find out whether families have joint conjugal or segregated conjugal roles. Obviously you will need to be living in a 2 parent household, otherwise you won't be able to answer the questions. 1: Who does most of the cooking, or is it equal? 2: Who looks after the children, or is it equal? 3: Who does most of the housework, or is it equal? 4: Who is the main breadwinner in your household, or is it equal? 5: Do [you and your parner]/[your parents] have joint or seperate leisure activies? Thanks for your time, and don't worry If more than 10 people have answered, your contribution is still welcome :smile:
  2. I like chiptune and electronica :happy:
  3. Hey Omeletter, have a nice day :D EDIT: Ops, it seems I am a bit late.
  4. I would... Shoot one portal in my cousin's house in Australia and one in my house so I could go there instantly. Run around shooting portals everywhere. Confuse my cat. Create an endless water-slide. Use a portal as a television (place 1 in a football stadium and one on the wall). What would you do?
  5. I have to wait for Christmas for Skyrim, so I don't know who Ciero is :(
  6. I find baths more relaxing. Showers are loud and you can't relax, you have to keep moving around and washing.
  7. Dicecaster, CommanderCrazy, somerandomsheepthathops! I haven't thrown a snowball at you for a long time. *throws a big snowball that splits into smaller snowballs that hits all 3 of you at the same time*
  8. Yes and No. We should have 3D, first person platform games. 2D third person is old now.
  9. Dicecaster just got slapped with a http://www.chaaps.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/12/hands.jpg What else?
  10. I remember voting in this same poll years ago (I haven't been on the forums since then) and it's still at the top of the lounge!
  11. Every Window user's nightmare :teehee: My other PC just refused to boot, blue screen every time even in safe mode so I had to back everything up in ubuntu and restore D: Was that really the scariest event of your life? How long have you been living?
  12. *paints the snow white* *knocks krimzin unconcious because I've never done that before*
  13. Ban Netwit2008 for abusing the color green :O
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