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About candymanXXL

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    Witcher III

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  1. Oh....one thing I have forgotten, which is the highest and which the lowest priority? Thank you for your help!
  2. Thank you, I'll try it! In SKE it is ordered by alphabet. Can I rename entries in "ConstructibleObjects" ?? or I have to do it in a different category? (WITHOUT CTD) lol
  3. Is there to change the icon order in the menus is a simple solution with FO4 Edit ??? Example: I want the NEW clean textures (chairs, sofas, beds, etc.) have at the end of the menu and the original FO4 dirty sofas, beds, etc. on top of the menu, as I often need this than with the new and clean textures. I want to change NO menu structure, but ONLY the order because I many scroll gets on my nerves. Thank you!
  4. Give you absolutely right. Added to this is that many of the modders to inquiries or problems no answer. There are also abbreviations used where you do not often know what they are for.
  5. Thanks for your reply, but unfortunately tells me enough.
  6. Hi, i have 2 questions. 1. How to change the daily routine of the settlers? Me it sucks much that evening all standing around like idiots and after 1 hour or more to pursue their leisure. 2. How can I increase the attacks on the settlements? It is annoying when you are traveling to a settlement because it is attacked, then the attack is over. 5 stupid ghouls was the attack. Please do not say that goes with the CK. As far as I know. It is about how and where to find the correct entries? Maybe there are already mods, no idea. So far I have found nothing. Perhaps it is also because it is not my English especially. many thanks
  7. NO! SSEx never installed. The funny thing is, I can, for example, build a floor, but if I want to delete it, then CTD. The same is with things that already exist. I go to a tap and press "R" delete, then CTD. :ohmy:
  8. I'm not a beginner and I have already solved many problems but this is new. I can build what I want and also delete them. Am I doing this on Spectacle Island, then there is a CTD. But that's just since yesterday so, before that there were no problems. Best of all, I did not install any new mods in the meantime. When I load a saved game from 2 days ago, then everything works on Spectacle Island back to normal. The settlement is occupied by 21 settlers. What can that be? I have a lot of disabled construction mods but it does not change. Thank you!
  9. it is possible to change the name of "Father" ??? Ich denke nicht I do not know what BETHESDA was thinking, but it's very stupid, call as a mother to his son "Father". This label's ridiculous! Dumber is not possible! From this point, the game was finally done for me! :down: I think that it does not work! It is in the speech and thus you can not change it! It annoys me that it is something moronic and no one cares! Bethesda has sold us the last scrap at a high price. The game is no joy and has even less sense. without Nexus Community would the game a ZERO!
  10. I do not know how to explain it properly because my English is bad. I have created a Citymod and use outdoors "TorchPermanantOn" with "Torch Light Outdoors" When I'm in the game (Night) at a point where the wall torches light and I turn my character, then the soil is dark and then light again, once it is as if the torch is switched off and on. I use an ENB mod, COT and ELFX. COT.esm EnhancedLightsandFX.esp AOS_ELFX Patch.esp ClimatesOfTamriel-Dawnguard-Patch.esp ExpandedSnowSystems-CoT.esp prod80_CoT_patch_FogEdition.esp CoT_SnowPatch_NoAurora.esp Supreme Storms - Cot Version.esp prod80_SupremeStorms_CoT_patch.esp CoT_SnowPatch_ESS.esp realrainCoT.esp ELFX - Dawnguard.esp ELFXEnhancer.esp Does anyone know of what can be? Is this a mod problem-or an false ini setting. I hope you understand what I have written. thanks
  11. In response to post #9030501. #9030907, #9031358, #9033330, #9033413, #9033613, #9033675, #9033804, #9033956, #9034024, #9034162 are all replies on the same post. @printerkop the nexus sites are getting slower and slower in the last month and the prices go up? Usually it's the other way around ........ This is the reason why I have not renewed my premium account. Especially the response I got from the "Moderator".
  12. Hi, has anyone an idea what is causing the problem? The screenshot make on the same place, only the right is rotated 180 degrees. thanks http://i829.photobucket.com/albums/zz213/ChevinResearch/ScreenShot55_zpsd3734804.jpg my system LoadOrder!
  13. Thank you ....! has done himself. It is up to the mod "Realistic Light" along with ENB Mod both uninstalled and now the error is gone.
  14. In appendix 1 pictures are representing the problem. Knows that one of you or knows what that is? The strip-turn with the mouse movement. Thanks
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